PRE in Technology Meaning

The PRE meaning in Technology terms is "Preoperative". There are 28 related meanings of the PRE Technology abbreviation.

PRE on Technology Full Forms

  1. Preoperative Before surgery. As opposed to postoperative, after surgery.
  2. Pqeformatted
  3. Partial Redundancy Elimination
  4. Preset The ability of a dimmer or fan speed control to remember a desired level of output.
  5. Particle Removal Efficiency
  6. Power Regulation Equipment
  7. Prepay Coin Telephone
  8. Pseudo-Range Error
  9. Plastics Recyclers Europe
  10. Preparation A reaction in which a desired chemical is produced; for example, the dehydration of an alcohol is a preparation for an alkene. Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another noun or pronoun.
  11. Pacafic Range Engineering
  12. Protocol Reverse Engineering
  13. Plastics Recycling Expo
  14. Pure Race Cspagnole
  15. Protective Reservation Equipment
  16. Plainfield Renewable Energy
  17. Pitting Resistance Equivalence
  18. Personal Rescue Enclosure
  19. Prince Edward Middle School
  20. Prefix Part of a word added at the beginning of a word to alter the meaning.
  21. Package Responsible Engineer
  22. Preliminary Evaluation
  23. Preliminary With reference to a tariff or other trade barrier applied as a result of administered protection, this refers to a barrier imposed part way through the administrative process, as opposed to the definitive barrier that is imposed when the administrative process is complete.
  24. Preformatted Text
  25. Protectional Reservation Equipment
  26. Preefption
  27. Project Research Engineer
  28. Preamp

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRE stand for Technology?

    PRE stands for Preparation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prepay Coin Telephone in Technology?

    The short form of "Prepay Coin Telephone" is PRE for Technology.


PRE in Technology. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated