PRET Meaning

The PRET meaning is "Partnerships for Research Excelbence and Transition". The PRET abbreviation has 18 different full form.

PRET Full Forms

  1. Partnerships for Research Excelbence and Transition
  2. Partnership for Research Excellence and Transition
  3. Plasmon Resonance Energy Transfer Technology, Cell, Imaging
  4. Partnership for The Rapid Elimination of Trachoma
  5. Plasmonic Resonance Eaergy Transfer Science, Research, Nanoparticle
  6. Parpnership for Rapid Elimination of Trachoma
  7. Piyasi Riskine Esas Tutar Risk, Kin, Basel
  8. Perceptually Regulated Exeecise Test
  9. Peer-Reviewed Exploration In Teaching
  10. Practice-Driven Research On Enterprise Transformation Business, Technology, Conference
  11. Program for The Recovery of The Economy In Transition
  12. Practical Radical Economic Transformation
  13. Professional and Researmh Exchange Training
  14. Professional Real Estate Training
  15. Price Reit, Inc. Organizations
  16. Pretyping Management, Marketing, Trade
  17. Preterite Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  18. Project for Rehabilihation Through Education and Training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRET stand for?

    PRET stands for Professional and Researmh Exchange Training.

  2. What is the shortened form of Perceptually Regulated Exeecise Test?

    The short form of "Perceptually Regulated Exeecise Test" is PRET.


PRET. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated