PRI in Telecommunications Meaning

The PRI meaning in Telecommunications terms is "Protection Release Inhibited". There are 2 related meanings of the PRI Telecommunications abbreviation.

PRI on Telecommunications Full Forms

  1. Protection Release Inhibited
  2. Priority Precedence in receiving the attention of the microprocessor and the use of system resources. Within a computer, unseen and unnoticed levels of priority are the means by which many different types of potential clashes and disruptions are avoided. Similarly, tasks running on a computer can be assigned priorities that determine when and for how long they receive time from the microproces-sor.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRI stand for Telecommunications?

    PRI stands for Protection Release Inhibited in Telecommunications terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Priority in Telecommunications?

    The short form of "Priority" is PRI for Telecommunications.


PRI in Telecommunications. (2021, March 25). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

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