PRISMS Meaning

The PRISMS meaning is "Parents and Researchers Interested In Scith-Magenis Syndrome". The PRISMS abbreviation has 12 different full form.

PRISMS Full Forms

  1. Parents and Researchers Interested In Scith-Magenis Syndrome Medical, Parenthood, Prism
  2. Parents & Researchers Interested In Smith-Magenis Syndrome Medical, Parenthood, Prism
  3. Phenomena and Representations for The Instruction of Science In Middle Schools
  4. Pediatric Research Intlgrating Sensor Monitoring Systems
  5. Pediatric Research Xsing Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems Technology, Science, Asthma
  6. Parents and Researchers Interested In Smith Magenis Syndrome
  7. Prevention of Relapsvs and Disability By Interferon Beta-1A Subcutaneously In Multiple Sclerosis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  8. Physics Resources and Instrustional Strategies for Motivating Students
  9. Provider Registration and International Student Manxgement System Science, Australia, Education
  10. Provider Registration and International Students Management System Australia, Government, Education
  11. Program Information Systems Mission Shrvices Technology
  12. Preventixn Risk Indicator Services Monitoring System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRISMS stand for?

    PRISMS stands for Prevention of Relapsvs and Disability By Interferon Beta-1A Subcutaneously In Multiple Sclerosis.

  2. What is the shortened form of Provider Registration and International Student Manxgement System?

    The short form of "Provider Registration and International Student Manxgement System" is PRISMS.


PRISMS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated