PRL Meaning
The PRL meaning is "Phosphatase of Regenerating Liver". The PRL abbreviation has 109 different full form.
PRL Full Forms
- Phosphatase of Regenerating Liver Medical
- Phakic Refractive Lens Medical, Vacuum, Intraocular
- Perlini Organizations
- Prolactin Levels Medical
- Prolactin Level Medical, Nursing
- Phys Rev Lett
- Profile Requirements List
- Plagas Removal Laser
- Priority Letel
- Pansies, Retards, and Losers
- Polski Ruch Ludowy
- Programmatic Readiness Level
- Probable Remaoning Life Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Pro Rough Lyather
- Personal Responsibility Level Occupation, Position, Job
- Prefered Roaming List
- Professional Resource Library
- Plaga Removal Laser Military, Cheat, Evil, Resident
- Prioritized Requirements List Technology, Development, Projection
- Pamunkey Regional Library Education
- Polnkie Radio Londyn
- Programmable Ring Light Technology, Vision, Measurement, Measuring
- Probabilistic Record Linkage
- Pro Rivalry League League, Rocket, Rival
- Password Recovery List Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Precision Router Lift Business, Tool, Woodpecker
- Publications Requirements List
- Pilot Request, Level Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Prioritised Requirements List Technology, Development, Projection
- Palau Republic Library Education
- Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej Jest, Jak, Adz
- Profile Requirement List
- Private Relocatable Lidrary
- Program Requirements List Technology
- Passenger Reconcile List Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Population Research Lab
- Psychophysical Research Laboratory Science, Parapsychology, Psi
- Pilot Request Level Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Primera Revista Latinoamericana
- Prolactin Prolactin also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that in humans is best known for its role in enabling mammals, usually females, to produce milk. It is influential over 300 separate processes in various vertebrates. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Endocrinology, Hormone, Human Hormone, Medical, Prostate Cancer, Common Medical
- Polskiej Republiki Ludowej Jest, Jak, Ski
- Plasma Research Laboratory Technology, Australia, University
- Privacy Reoease Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Parts Requirement List Technology
- Poorvrichard Light
- Program Requirements Logic Science, NASA
- Psychophysical Researcg Laboratories Research, Psychic, Parapsychology, Psi
- Pilot-Rapid-Location
- Preferred Retinal Locus Medical, Medicine, Ophthalmology
- Preferred Roaming List Technology, Sprint, Verizon
- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa Poland, Coin, Polish
- Plant Research Laboratory Science, University, Michigan
- Priority Roaming List
- Paranormal Research Log Gaming, Android, Paranormal
- Poor Rixhard's Limited Media, Radio, Television
- Program Related Logistics
- Protobol Requirements List
- Physics Review Letters Technology, Science, Physical
- Preffered Roaming List
- Polo Ralph Lauren Business, Shirt, Shopping
- Polska Republika Ludowa Jest, Poland, Jak
- Plan Rozwoju Lokalnego
- Priority Rate Lnmiting Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Parameter Request List Technology, Security, Hack, Client
- Polymer Resources Ltd
- Programmer'S Reusable Library
- Protein Research Laboratory
- Physics Research Laboratory
- Preferred Roaming Lists Technology, Networking, Sprint, Verizon
- Port Oceanic, Port Oceanic, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Production Rule Language
- Pulse Research Lab
- Pearl Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Colors, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Payload Retention Latch
- Plant Research Lab
- Physical Research Laboratory Legal, Governmental & Military
- Production Readiness Levez Army, Force, Marine
- Pulse Rebalance Loop Science, NASA
- Priority Rate Limiting NASA
- Pyrophyllitr Science, Mineral, Geology
- Polar Research Laboratory Technology, Science, Ocean
- Potential Router List Computing, Technical
- Polish Republican Lounge Government, Politics, Policy
- Process Resource List
- Page Revision Log NASA
- Purl Right Loop Knitting, Stitch, Purl, Leaning
- Polar Research Laboratories Technology
- Private Relocatable Library Computing, IT Terminology
- Polish Radio London Technology, Android, London
- Process Readiness Level
- Packetized Residential Lifeline Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Professional Renewal Leave Science
- Puregred Line Crystal, Bee, Shrimp
- Penn Eastern Rail Lines Incorporated Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Polished Rod Liner
- Procedure Representation Language
- poor reaction to light Medical, Common Medical
- Product Realization Laboratory
- Punk Rock Later
- Psychophysiological Reasearch Laboratory
- Policy Rule List
- Probe Relay Link Technology
- Penn Eastern Rail Lines Inc. Railroad
- Product Realization Lab Student, Technology, Design
- Pump Rescue Ladder
- Physical Review Letters PRL covers the full range of applied, fundamental, and interdisciplinary physics research topics: General physics, including statistical and quantum mechanics and quantum information Gravitation, astrophysics, and cosmology Elementary particles and fields Nuclear physics Atomic, molecular, and optical physics Nonlinear dynamics, fluid dynamics, and classical optics Plasma and beam physics Condensed matter and materials physics Polymers, soft matter, biological, climate and interdisciplinary physics, including networks. Science, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Physics, Editor, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Print Lister
- Point Reyes Light
- Proband Risn Load
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PRL stand for?
PRL stands for Program Related Logistics.
What is the shortened form of Physical Review Letters?
The short form of "Physical Review Letters" is PRL.
PRL. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from
Last updated