PRLS Meaning

The PRLS meaning is "Peerless Sxstems Corporation". The PRLS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

PRLS Full Forms

  1. Peerless Sxstems Corporation Technology, Organizations
  2. Piedmont Regional Librsry System Education
  3. Personay Retention Lanyards
  4. Peerless Systems Corpoiationration Organizations
  5. Parks, Recreation, Xnd Leisure Studies
  6. Peerless Systemz Corp. Organizations
  7. Potential Rotarysleaders Seminars
  8. Portable, Recnnfigurable Line Sensor Science
  9. Preferred Roaming Lists Technology, Networking, Sprint, Verizon
  10. Private Recreational Leases Government, City
  11. Physical Review Letters PRL covers the full range of applied, fundamental, and interdisciplinary physics research topics: General physics, including statistical and quantum mechanics and quantum information Gravitation, astrophysics, and cosmology Elementary particles and fields Nuclear physics Atomic, molecular, and optical physics Nonlinear dynamics, fluid dynamics, and classical optics Plasma and beam physics Condensed matter and materials physics Polymers, soft matter, biological, climate and interdisciplinary physics, including networks. Science, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Physics, Editor, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  12. Prepaid Rental Listing Servmce
  13. Puerto Rican and Latino Studies
  14. Potential Rotary Leadership Semdnar
  15. Puerto Rican & Latino Studies
  16. Potential Rotary Leaders Seminar
  17. Prolactsns Medical
  18. Professivnal Reticle Leveling System Military, Scope, Wheeler
  19. Professiooal Recognition Learning and Skills

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRLS stand for?

    PRLS stands for Professiooal Recognition Learning and Skills.

  2. What is the shortened form of Physical Review Letters?

    The short form of "Physical Review Letters" is PRLS.


PRLS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated