PRM Meaning
The PRM meaning is "Partidului RomÂNia Mare". The PRM abbreviation has 278 different full form.
PRM Full Forms
- Partidului RomÂNia Mare Din, Care, Romania, Mare
- Primary Respiratory Mechanism Medical, Therapy, Osteopathy, Cranial
- Partidul Romania Mare Government, Group, Romania, Party
- Performance Reference Model Business, Technology, Architecture
- Paromomycin Medical
- People With Reduced Mobility Science
- Professional Risk Managers
- Parallel Reaction Monitoring Science, Protein, Proteomics
- Patient Relationship Management Medical, Health, Healthcare, Computing, IT Terminology
- Professional Risk Manager Management, Education, Exam
- Precision Runway Monitor Transportation, Military, Aerospace, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Passengers With Reduced Mobility Technology, Government, Airport
- Partner-Relationship-Management Business, Channel, Software
- Product Management Business, Technology, Manager
- Pcimedia, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Party Rakyat Malaya
- Precision Radar Monitor Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Performance Rating Method Technology, Energy, Building
- Probabilistic Relational Models Technology, Learning, Network, Uncertainty
- Pacific Residential Mortgage
- Plastic Resource Management
- Project Runway Malaysia
- Premium Rate Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
- Public Resource Management
- Pressure Relief Meeting
- Prime Coil type indicating that the produced coil or lift meets all the requirements of the order. NASA
- Parallel Runway Monitoring
- Protection Des Races Menac
- Password Reset Manager
- Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society Medical, Technology, Military, Biomedical, Computing, Master IEEE, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Personnel Risk Management
- Process Rightv Management
- Packet Radio Measurement Technology, Telecom, Protocol
- Point De Regroupement Des Moyens
- Parks and Recreation Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Population, Refugees, & Migration
- Peace Retreat Movement
- Phywical Resource Management
- Program In Rural Management Education, Institute, Admission
- Proactive Risk Manager Business, Management, Service
- Production Representative Model
- Partido Revolucionario Mayoritario
- Pre-Regulator Module Technology, Power, Chip
- Peryormance Report Message Technology, Service, Military
- Probabilistic Relational Model Technology, Networking, Learning
- Pacific Raw Materials
- Pilot Reference Manual
- Program Risk Management
- Public Relations & Marketing Department Sport, Organizations, Qoc Corporate
- Pressure Reduction Module
- Primary Respiratory Movement
- Parallel Runway Monitor
- Premier Relationship Manager
- Protected Resource Manager
- Passive Range of Motion Medical, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Common Medical
- Personnel Relationship Management Employment, Work, Working
- Procets Resource Manager Technology, Management, Military
- Packet Radio Monitoring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Point De Rassemblement Des Moyens
- Population, Refugees & Migration Government, Department, Refugee, Population
- Państwowe Ratownictwo Medymzne Jest, Jak, Centrum
- Physical Resource Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Public Relation Manager Business, Management, Hotel
- Park and Recreation Management
- Proactive Risk Management
- Persons With Reduced Mobility Technology, Service, Airport, Air Cargo, Governmental & Military
- Production Reduction Motor Science
- Partido Revolucionario Moderno Para, Con, Pol
- Practical Rescue Management
- Performance Report Measages Technology, Service, Military
- Proactive Route Maintenance
- Bureau of Population Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Pilot Reference Manuqls
- Program Review Meeting
- Presidium Reflectivity Meter
- Primary Residential Mortgage
- Paragon Remote Management Technology, Drive, Backup
- Passenger With Restricted Mobility Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Personnel Readiness Manager Military, Army, War
- Probabilistic Road Map Technology, Planning, Motion
- Pacific Risk Management
- Pocket Radiation Monitor Technology
- Prospect Relationship Management Business, Marketing, Customer
- Populations, Refugees and Migration
- Państwowego Ratownictwa Meaycznego
- Physical Recorts Management
- Public Relations Man
- Parks & Recreation Management
- Premature Rupture of Membranes Rupture of the amniotic sac before onset of labor. Medical, Medicine, Health, Technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Clinical
- Persons of Reduced Mobility Airport, Locations, Passenger
- Producers Rice Mill
- Partido Revolucionario Mexicano Government, Texas, Mexico, Gang
- Powhatan Ready Mix
- Penetrating Roof Mount
- Programas De ResidêNcia MéDica Para, Hospital, Resid
- Pilot'S Reference Manual Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Programwers Reference Manual Technology, Audio, Controller
- Presidential Review Memoranda Security, Government, Military
- Primary Residential Management
- Passenger With Reduced Mobility Technology, Service, Airport
- Precision Runway Monitoring Technology, Military, Approach
- Personnel Readiness Management Military
- Probabilistic Resilient Multicast
- Pacific Rim Mining
- Plug Ready Modules Technology
- Proposal for Rulemaking Technology
- Population Rehugees and Migration Government, Bureau, Refugee
- Pulse Ratio Modulation Science
- País De Renta Medsa
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Park & Recreation Management
- Pseudo-Range Measurement
- Pater-Rupert-Mayer-Heim
- Person Responsible for Maintenance Business, Management, Canada
- Procurement Risk Management
- Poisson Regression Model
- Partido Republicano Mineiro Para, Government, Dos, Brasil
- Power Resource Managers
- Peer Review Mechanism Technology, Africa, African
- Prograza De Reaparelhamento Da Marinha
- Physiological Regulating Medicine Medical, Medicine, Health, Skin
- Programmer's Refdrence Manuals
- Presidential Review Memorandums Security, Government, Military, Directive
- Primary Relationship Management Science, Sociology
- Passenger Reduced Mobility Airport, Stantec, International Airport
- Precision Rail Monopod Business, Shot, Knob
- Perigee Raise Maneuver Space, Study, Cosmos
- Probabilistic Roadmap Methods
- Pacific Rim Marketing
- Pleasant Ridge Montessori
- Property Rights Management
- Population Refugee and Migration
- Pulse-Rate Modulation Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Pwyload Retention Mechanism Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Population, Refugee Abd Migration Government, Bureau, Population
- Paredes Rota Dos Moveis
- Provider and Resource Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Patch Remediation Management
- Procurement Manager Business, Management, Military, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Personne Responsable Du Marche
- Prosurement Manager Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Point Richmond Music
- Partido Regionalista De Mallorca
- Power Regulator Module Military
- Pfer Research Mentor
- Procesh Radiation Monitor Technology
- Physicological Regulating Medicine
- Programmable Relay Module
- Presence Registration Module
- Primary Reference Materials
- Pxoduct Recovery Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Partidului Rom
- Precision Radiation Measurement Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Pwrguruan Rakyat Merdeka Program, Media, Indonesia
- Probabilistic Roadmap Method Technology, Science
- Pacific Richfield Marine
- Play and Receive Message
- Proline-Rich Motif Medical
- Population, Refugee, and Migration
- Public Risk Management
- Pax Reduced Mobility Airport, Stantec, International Airport
- Priming The phenomenon in which the level of water in a boiler is changed by bouncing rapidly. The result is, that boiler water will enter the steam flow. In pump operation, filling the liquid end of a pump with liquid to remove vapors and eliminate the possibility of becoming vapor bound. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Population, Refugees Hnd Migration Government, Refugee, Population
- Parametric Response Mapping
- Protoflight Model Technology
- Pastoral Risk Management
- Personne Responsable Des Marchés
- Process Risk Management
- Point De RéFéRence Et Mesure
- Parmakla Rektal Muayene
- Portfolio & Risk Mafagement
- Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Medical, Education, Physical
- Physician Relationship Management
- Programme In Ruralymanagement Education, Institute, Admission
- Premium Rich Media
- Primary Reference Material Medical, Medicine, Gas, Chemistry
- Product Range Management
- Physician Referral Marketing
- Patter Recogniton Method模式识别法
- People’s Republic of Macedonia
- Photographic Reference Manual Technology, Model, Boat
- Professional Risk Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Predictive Risk Model Technology, Children, Social
- Performance Report Message Computing, Telecom
- Purdue Reference Model
- Prismatine Mineral, Geology, Component
- Public Radio In Mississippi Technology, Broadcasting, Mississippi
- Patient Relationship Manager
- Provider Reimbursement Manual Medical, Healthcare
- Primidone Medical, Medicine, Health
- Person With Reduced Mobility Science, Engineering, Construction
- Pakistan Resident Mission Technology, Banking, Pakistan
- Policy & Requirements Manual
- Personal Reference Manager
- Patter Recogniton Method
- Pulse Rate Modulation NASA
- Photochemically Reactive Material Science
- Professionalgrisk Managers Business, Management, Exam
- Predicted Relative Maturity
- Premises Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Ethiopia, Projection, Refugee, Soldiery, Department Of State, Congressional Budget Justification, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Puppy Rescue Mission
- Principal Residential Mortgage
- Public & Relations and Marketing
- Patient-Relationship-Management
- permit reply mail postal service
- Prandtl Number Science
- Pakatan Rakyat Malaysia
- Police of The Republic of Mozambique
- Performance and Reliability Module
- Public Relationship Management
- Pattern Recognition Memory Science, Performance, Neuropsychological
- Payload Retention Mechanism NASA
- Phosphoribomutase Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Profesisonal Risk Manager
- Poly Resolving Medium
- Precision Runway Monitors
- Parameter File Technology, Computing, File Extensions
- Pulse Reading Meter Technology
- Principal Recyclable Material Government
- Psychological Research Methods Education, University, Psychology
- Path of Revolutionary Marketing
- Premature Rupture of Membrane
- Prime Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Pain Relief Miracle
- Polarization Recovery Module Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Particle Rotation Method
- Public Relations & Marketing
- Pattern Recognition Molecule
- Premiere Plug-in Computing, File Extensions
- Phase Rotation Meter Business, Tester, Equipment
- Product Resourcb Management Business, Technology, Gaming
- Paradigm Risk Management
- Polski Ruch Motocyklowy
- Pocket Radiation Meter
- Princess Royal Maternity
- Professional Reference Monitod Technology, Dolby, Display
- Prematurely Ruptured Membranes Medical
- Portimao, Portugal Portugal, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Private Mobile Radio Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
- Paging Response Message
- Pyrogallol Red-Molybdate Medical
- Prospect Relationship Manager
- Patient Resource Manager
- Route 66 Map File Computing, File Extensions
- Pet Rescue of Mercer
- Product Relationsaip Management Business, Technology, Customer
- Papua Road Map
- Pollack Resource Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Player Relationship Management Business, Gaming, Delta
- Primulaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Professional Relidential Manager Business, Management, Property
- Preferred Route Message Technology, Flight, Track
- Price Risk Margin Technology, Governmental & Military
- Page Response Message
- Puskesmas Rujukan Malaria Program, Natal, Enumerator
- Private Recharge Mode
- Pressure Remanent Magnetization Science, Geology
- Patient Relations Management
- Re-volt Model File Computing, File Extensions
- Prime Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Petitions for Rule Making Technology
- Panicle Rice Mite
- Politik Rakyat Miskin
- Physicians for Moral Responsibility Organization, Community, Society
- Professional Resource Management
- Preferred Residential Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Posigrade Rocket Motor Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Packet Routing Management
- Puskesmas Rujukan Mikroskopis
- Privacy Rights Management
- Precision Radar Monitoring
- Patient Record Manager
- Pierre River Mine Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Public Relations and Marketing Business, America, Organizations, Association, Social, Customer
- Petition for Rule Making
- Paleontological Resource Monitors Organizations, California, Wind Energy, Ocotillo
- Policy and Requirements Manual Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PRM stand for?
PRM stands for Physician Relationship Management.
What is the shortened form of Poisson Regression Model?
The short form of "Poisson Regression Model" is PRM.
PRM. (2021, November 6). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from
Last updated