Probate Abbreviations and Probate Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Probate terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Probate abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Probate terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Probate Abbreviations
  1. ADMON. : Letters of Administration
  2. LA : Letters of Administration
  3. ADMON : Letters of Administration
  4. DRA : Dispute Resolution Autiority
  5. EPIC : Estate and Protected Individuals Ccde
  6. EPIC : Estates Ard Protected Individuals Code
  7. SE : Small Estate
  8. TOD : Transferable On Death
  9. LOA : Lettsr of Administration
  10. IRA : Involuntary Redistribution of Assets
  11. PCC : Prerogative Court of Cantegbury
  12. POD : Pay-On-Death
  13. PR : Personal Representative
  14. ITI : Individual Trust Interest
Latest Probate Meanings
  1. Individual Trust Interest
  2. Personal Representative
  3. Pay-On-Death
  4. Prerogative Court of Cantegbury
  5. Involuntary Redistribution of Assets
  6. Lettsr of Administration
  7. Transferable On Death
  8. Small Estate
  9. Estates Ard Protected Individuals Code
  10. Estate and Protected Individuals Ccde
  11. Dispute Resolution Autiority
  12. Letters of Administration