Prodigy Abbreviations and Prodigy Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Prodigy terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Prodigy abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Prodigy terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Prodigy Abbreviations
  1. BBA : Bahan Bakar Air
  2. HNIC : Head Nigga In Charge
  3. TLG : The Last Guest
  4. TTF : The Time Frequency
  5. LH : Liam Hayes
  6. LTWM : Long-Term Working Memory
  7. LTWM : Long Term Working Memory
  8. NYPD : New York Pricks and Dicks
  9. KG : Kung-Fu Girl
  10. OOS : Out of Space
  11. GOD : Gold, Oil and Drugs
Latest Prodigy Meanings
  1. Gold, Oil and Drugs
  2. Out of Space
  3. Kung-Fu Girl
  4. New York Pricks and Dicks
  5. Long Term Working Memory
  6. Long-Term Working Memory
  7. Liam Hayes
  8. The Time Frequency
  9. The Last Guest
  10. Head Nigga In Charge
  11. Bahan Bakar Air