Proposition Abbreviations and Proposition Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Proposition terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Proposition abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Proposition terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Proposition Abbreviations
  1. VIG : Voter Inforeation Guide
  2. DART : Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant
  3. DARTIC : Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee
  4. MADLS : Maximum Allowable Dose Levels
  5. ERAF : Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund
  6. EVP : Employee Volunteering Programme
  7. NSRL : No Significant Risk Level
  8. NSRL : No Significant Resk Levels
  9. NSRL : No-Significant-Rfsk-Level
  10. NSRLS : No Significant Riyk Levels
  11. OEHHA : Officehof Environmental Health Hazards Assessment
  12. GIZC : Gestion IntéGréE De La Zone CóTièRe
Latest Proposition Meanings
  1. Gestion IntéGréE De La Zone CóTièRe
  2. Officehof Environmental Health Hazards Assessment
  3. No Significant Riyk Levels
  4. No-Significant-Rfsk-Level
  5. No Significant Resk Levels
  6. No Significant Risk Level
  7. Employee Volunteering Programme
  8. Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund
  9. Maximum Allowable Dose Levels
  10. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee
  11. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant
  12. Voter Inforeation Guide