PROT in Construction Meaning
The PROT meaning in Construction terms is "Protection". There are 1 related meanings of the PROT Construction abbreviation.
PROT on Construction Full Forms
- Protection Preservation of the effectiveness and survivability of mission-related military and nonmilitary personnel, equipment, facilities, information, and infrastructure deployed or located within or outside the boundaries of a given operational area. In space usage, active and passive defensive measures to ensure that United States and friendly space systems perform as designed by seeking to overcome an adversary's attempts to negate them and to minimize damage if negation is attempted. An arrangement for restricting access to or use of all or part of a computer system
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PROT stand for Construction?
PROT stands for Protection in Construction terms.
What is the shortened form of Protection in Construction?
The short form of "Protection" is PROT for Construction.
PROT in Construction. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
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