PS&E Meaning

The PS&E meaning is "Plans, Specifications, and Estimate". The PS&E abbreviation has 18 different full form.

PS&E Full Forms

  1. Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Technology, Design, Planning
  2. Plans, Specifications and Estimate Business, Design, Projection
  3. Plans, Specs and Estimate Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  4. Plan, Specification and Estimate Technology, Planning, Projection, Engineering
  5. Plans, Specs, and Estimates Organizations, Building, Construction, San Diego
  6. Plans, Specification and Estimate Technology, Planning, Projection, Engineering
  7. Plans, Specification and Estimates
  8. Plans, Specification, and Estimate Technology, Design, Engineering
  9. Plans, Specifications, & Estimates
  10. Polymer Science and Engineering Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  11. Plans, Specifications & Estimate Technology, Planning, Projection
  12. Plans, Specifications & Estimates Technology, Design, Planning, Projection
  13. Performance Standards and Evaluation Business
  14. Palace Sports & Entertainment Detroit, Piston, Palace
  15. Plan Specifications & Engineering
  16. Plan Specification and Estimate Transportation, Government
  17. Plans Specifications & Estimate
  18. Palace Sports and Entertainment Business, Detroit, Piston

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PS&E stand for?

    PS&E stands for Plans, Specifications, & Estimates.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate?

    The short form of "Plans, Specifications, and Estimate" is PS&E.


PS&E. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated