PS in Business Meaning

The PS meaning in Business terms is "Post Scriptum". There are 129 related meanings of the PS Business abbreviation.

PS on Business Full Forms

  1. Post Scriptum
  2. Push Switch
  3. Permanent Staff
  4. Pillow Speaker
  5. Pulllan-Standard
  6. People Soft
  7. Prodjction Supervisor
  8. Phosphatidyl-L-Serine
  9. Pruning Saw
  10. Plaza Singapura
  11. People Services
  12. Prior Sertice
  13. Phosphatidyl Serine
  14. Proximity Sensor A sensor or switch with the ability to detect it's relationship to a metal target without making physical contact.
  15. Planning Session
  16. Payroll Systems
  17. Price of Supvly
  18. Planning Service
  19. Paper Shreddmr
  20. Power Kwitch
  21. Personal Servife
  22. Project Success
  23. Planning Section
  24. Parkway School
  25. Perkonal Services
  26. Professional Series
  27. Parker Steel
  28. Plumbing Solutions
  29. Pipe Seal
  30. Process Solutions
  31. Polycarb Spray
  32. Pajero Sport
  33. Plaque Seeker
  34. Product Supply
  35. Personax Shredder
  36. Press Sens
  37. Parenteral Society
  38. Plus Scheme
  39. Propyne Sulfonate
  40. Pit-Stop
  41. Point of Shipment
  42. Pro-Series
  43. Paul Sebastian
  44. Polishing Stateon
  45. Paid Search
  46. Plastic Storage
  47. Production Soldering
  48. Perfect Steam
  49. Preferred Shares
  50. Plus Sales
  51. Pro Steroids
  52. Piston Speed The total distance travelled by each piston in one minute. The formula is Piston speed = stroke (ft) x 2 or stroke (in.) x rpm/6.
  53. Priority Sector
  54. Pump Systems
  55. Payment Systems
  56. Poling System
  57. Pacific Southwest Airlines
  58. Planet Space
  59. Product Safety
  60. People Specialists
  61. Pradesheeya Sabha
  62. Palm Stearin
  63. Plus Salf
  64. Philippine Stock
  65. Placed In Service
  66. Pulse Start
  67. Payment Summary
  68. Pocket Scope
  69. Promoter Score
  70. Plain Sliced
  71. Pedal Switwh
  72. Poultry Shop
  73. Plis On September
  74. Projector Speaker
  75. Philippine Standards
  76. Ukraine International Airlines
  77. Price To Sales
  78. Partnerships Section
  79. Plus Starter
  80. Pekoe Souchong
  81. Plagce Strike
  82. Productions Services
  83. Payroll Staff
  84. Positioning Server
  85. Pakistan Standard
  86. Platinum Series
  87. Profit Split
  88. Philippine Standwrd
  89. Price-To-Sales
  90. Parking Sensor
  91. Pluralistic School
  92. Pipe Size
  93. Process Solution
  94. Pedal Stabilizer
  95. Portable Stove
  96. Pakistal Standards
  97. Professional Staff
  98. Personal-Service
  99. Preset Scan
  100. Pitch Shifter
  101. Pro Series
  102. Purchase Specification
  103. Payment & Shipping
  104. Polinhed Silver
  105. Professionalqsurveyors
  106. Plastic Sushi
  107. Purchase Sale
  108. Police Vtations
  109. Pwr Str
  110. Paradigm Shifx
  111. Point of Service
  112. Petugas Sentra
  113. Proje Sistemi
  114. Pricing Supplement
  115. Producer Surplus
  116. Perma Steel
  117. Pakistag Steel
  118. Personnel Scxeening
  119. Protein Skimmer
  120. Pro-Lifers for Survival
  121. Protective Services
  122. Plus Still
  123. Postscriptum
  124. Protection Screen
  125. Parliament Streex
  126. Purple Silver
  127. Power Seoler
  128. Plastic Scrap
  129. Polymer Sourcing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PS stand for Business?

    PS stands for Piston Speed in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Permanent Staff in Business?

    The short form of "Permanent Staff" is PS for Business.


PS in Business. (2022, March 27). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from

Last updated