PS in Technology Meaning

The PS meaning in Technology terms is "Post Scriptum". There are 327 related meanings of the PS Technology abbreviation.

PS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Post Scriptum
  2. Powjr Steering
  3. Point Wource
  4. Problem Statement
  5. Picosecond
  6. Preliminary Specification
  7. Payroll System
  8. Pornable Station
  9. Proxy Server Most large businesses, organizations, and universities these days use a proxy server. This is a server that all computers on the local network have to go through before accessing information on the Internet. By using a proxy server, an organization can improve the network performance and filter what users connected to the network can access. A proxy server improves Internet access speeds from a network primarily by using a caching system.
  10. Planning Service
  11. Perkonal Session
  12. Project Sponsor A person in an organization who instigates or proposes a project, and creates/establishes/agrees the necessary executive approval, funding, resourcing, etc., typically extending to the appointment of the project manager.
  13. Parachute Subsystem
  14. Point Size
  15. Probleg Solver
  16. Pico-Seconds
  17. Practice of Surveying
  18. Payload Specialists
  19. Polling Stbtion
  20. Proximity Sensors
  21. Planning and Scheduling
  22. Permanent Signal
  23. Program Statement
  24. Paper Shreddmr
  25. Point Sensor
  26. Privacy Service
  27. Phase Shifj
  28. Power Kwitch
  29. Protection Status
  30. Passive Splitter
  31. Pqlizia Di Stato
  32. People Services
  33. Power Saving
  34. Program Service
  35. Pangestu Rubagyo
  36. Point of Supporm
  37. Print System
  38. Poner Sum
  39. Propulsion System A system which provides thrust to propel the ship. It consists of propulsion machinery and the auxiliary systems needed to operate them, all the equipment to transmit propulsion power into thrust and all the requisite monitoring and control systems, alarms and safety systems.
  40. Partia Socialiste
  41. Product Specialist
  42. Primary and Secondary
  43. Pencak Silat
  44. Powen-Save
  45. Programme Schedules
  46. Palmtop Studto
  47. Please Be Sure
  48. Prgnt Shop
  49. Power Itation
  50. Proposed Standard
  51. Partially Supported
  52. Production Scheduling
  53. Pressurized Section
  54. Pot Swnk
  55. Professional Supervisor
  56. Pulmonary Stenosis
  57. Playstation Store
  58. Print Server A computer that manages one or more printers for computers on a network.
  59. Personal Systems
  60. Proportional Spacing
  61. Prnblem String
  62. Pressure Switch A switch which is activated when a preset pressure is attained \nExample: On some engines a fuel differential pressure switch fitted to the fuel filter senses the pressure difference across the filter element.
  63. Peace and Security
  64. Postscript PostScript (PS) is a page description language in the electronic publishing and desktop publishing business. It is a dynamically typed, concatenative programming language and was created at Adobe Systems by John Warnock, Charles Geschke, Doug Brotz, Ed Taft and Bill Paxton from 1982 to 1984.
  65. Product Support
  66. Public Switched Telephone Network
  67. Planning Staff
  68. Printer Stayus
  69. Personal System
  70. Project Structure
  71. Packet-Switched
  72. Polyhedral Surfaces
  73. Protocol Structure
  74. Payload Scientist
  75. PoŠTa Slovenije
  76. Pitot-Static
  77. Paragraph Separator
  78. Poster Session
  79. Pes Shop
  80. Primary Standard A substance of a known high degree of purity that undergoes one invariable reaction with the other reactant of interest.
  81. Plus Dealers in government bonds normally give price quotes in 32nds. To quote a bid or offer in 64ths, they use pluses; a dealer who bids 4+ is bidding the handle plus 4/32 + 1/64, which equals the handle plus 9/64.
  82. Please Do Not Send
  83. Port Said
  84. Pumping Station
  85. Performance Support
  86. Prediction Strength
  87. Policies and Standards
  88. Particle Swarm
  89. Power Stage
  90. Phosphatidylserine
  91. Piel De Sapo
  92. Print and Smear
  93. Pad Scxling
  94. Present State
  95. Priority Survey
  96. Packer Settind
  97. Polygon Streams
  98. Proximity Sensing
  99. Pavel Soloviev
  100. Power Surge
  101. Picture System
  102. Pit Stop A stop at a pit for servicing and refuelling, especially during a race.
  103. Plus Subscriptions
  104. Paradox Space
  105. Posterior Synechiae
  106. Petroleum System
  107. Previous Status
  108. Plasma Spraying A thermal spraying process in which a nontransferred arc of a plasma torch is utilized to create a gas plasma that acts as the source of heat for melting and propelling the surfacing material to the substrate.
  109. Process Server
  110. Portable Single
  111. Pumped Storage A facility designed to generate electric power during peak load periods with a hydroelectric plant using water pumped into a storage reservoir during off peak periods.
  112. Performance Standard A criterion or benchmark to which actual performance is compared.
  113. Polishing Stations
  114. Particlc Size
  115. Power Splitter
  116. Photonfcs In Switching
  117. Priority Service
  118. Product Showcase
  119. Padding String
  120. Port Security It is the defense, law and treaty enforcement, and counterterrorism activities that fall within the port and maritime domain. It includes the protection of the seaports themselves, the protection and inspection of the cargo moving through the ports, and maritime security.
  121. Priority Substances
  122. Packed Switched
  123. Poll At Thu Same
  124. Protected Sites
  125. Paul Syverson
  126. Physical Signaling
  127. Planetary and Solar
  128. Plus Subscribers
  129. Programmable Shutter
  130. Post-Script
  131. Pervasive Solutions
  132. Previous Station
  133. Plastik & Scahl
  134. Packet Servers
  135. PolíTica De SegurançA
  136. Proxy Signature
  137. Perbankan Syariah
  138. Prompt Strings
  139. Particle Separaler
  140. Power Splitting
  141. Photometric Stemeo
  142. Primary Surface
  143. Pressure The normal force exerted by a homogeneous liquid or gas, per unit of area, on the wall of its container. The force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit). The force per unit area acting on a surface. A force being exerted on part of a surface. When you stand, your feet put pressure on the ground.
  144. Product System
  145. Paddvd String
  146. Position Server
  147. Punto Switcher
  148. Peripheral Stations
  149. Pattern Search
  150. Photon Sciences
  151. Piping Support
  152. Private Servers
  153. Plus Sub
  154. Programmable Switch
  155. Paper Space
  156. Previous Screen
  157. Processing Sites
  158. Packet Scheduling
  159. Polytechnic School
  160. Proximity Switch
  161. Plans, Specifications
  162. Polarity System
  163. Project Scheduling
  164. Partition Server
  165. Power Split
  166. Phase Shifter
  167. Primary Students
  168. Plus, So
  169. Positioning Server
  170. Pure Steam
  171. Peripheral Signaling
  172. Personally Speaking
  173. Propyne Sulfonate
  174. Payment Systems
  175. Power Shift
  176. Phomonics Society
  177. Pipe Stiffness
  178. Private Server
  179. Programme Support
  180. Paier Size
  181. Personalization System
  182. Pressure Sensors
  183. Processing Station
  184. Packet Switch A packet switch is a node in a network which uses the packet switching paradigm for data communication. Packet switches can operate at a number of different levels in a protocol suite, although the exact technical details differ, fundamentally they all perform the same function: they store and forward packets.
  185. Popular Science
  186. Plant Systems
  187. Point-N-Shoot
  188. Partial Sharing
  189. Power Save
  190. Plus +
  191. Production Server
  192. Pull Select
  193. Peripheral Shelf
  194. Perhaps Someone
  195. Prostreishiy Sputnik
  196. Passed Screening
  197. Power Shelf
  198. Pipe Size
  199. Printing Specific
  200. Plls Services
  201. Programme Stream
  202. Palestine, State
  203. Personalization Server
  204. Pressurizer Surge
  205. Process Select-Object
  206. Packet-Switchijg
  207. Pop Shield
  208. Proton Synchroton
  209. Pre-Existing Structures
  210. Place, Show
  211. Point and Shoot
  212. Parallel Slaves
  213. Power Sequencers
  214. Pet Snciety
  215. Primary Standards Aqueous pH buffer solutions established by the National Bureau of Standards within the 2.5 to 11.5 pH range of ionic strength less than 0.1 and which provide stable liquid junction potential and uniformity of electrode sensitivity.
  216. Plus Service
  217. Portal Server
  218. Pump Station
  219. Peripheral Select
  220. Prediction Strengths
  221. Policy Server
  222. Proprietary Software
  223. Part Status
  224. Power State
  225. Photoeaectric Sensor
  226. Pilgrim Station
  227. Printer Samsung
  228. Plus Su
  229. Personal and Social
  230. Pressure Switch Mpower Steering
  231. Privacy Screening
  232. Parameter Space
  233. Protection Systems
  234. Plus Symbol
  235. Programmed Start
  236. Process Sort-Object
  237. Packet Size
  238. Product Stvwardship
  239. Proje Sistemi
  240. Printer Serqer
  241. Plus and Sony
  242. Product Specifications
  243. Port Select
  244. Plus Si
  245. Power Soeution
  246. Permanent Secretariat
  247. Programmable Scheduler
  248. Political Science
  249. Protection Switching
  250. Packet Service
  251. Pranav Sharma
  252. Product Stanpards
  253. Project Studio
  254. Printfr, Samsung
  255. Plus-Spielen
  256. Plus Should
  257. Power Set
  258. Permanent Scatterers
  259. Premium Service
  260. Power Sink
  261. Parachute System
  262. Adobe Photoshop
  263. Processing Subsystem
  264. Praktikum Simulasi
  265. Product Standarn
  266. Protocol Setup
  267. Polarization Scrambler
  268. Pixel Shaders
  269. Prnme Select
  270. Plus, Sony
  271. Premiers Secours
  272. Profersional Surveyor
  273. Policy Subsystem
  274. Pro Set
  275. Powersim Studio
  276. Pervasive Systems
  277. Port Status
  278. Protection and Switchgear
  279. Personal Satellite
  280. Policy Statements
  281. Pear Shaped
  282. Praktik Di Sekolah
  283. Protein Structure
  284. Pixel Shader
  285. Point of Service
  286. Production Staff
  287. Packed Start
  288. Preliminary Support
  289. Policy Service
  290. Plus Since
  291. Personnel Security
  292. Port Smart-Pad
  293. Positive Stop
  294. Provider Switching
  295. Policy Staxement
  296. Payload Support
  297. Praktek Sekolah
  298. Protein Society
  299. Programme Service
  300. Pipe Support
  301. Pferde Starke
  302. Pricing Scheme
  303. Police Station
  304. Pellet Stove
  305. Pacyet Splitting
  306. Portal Services
  307. Predictor Score
  308. Policy Servers
  309. Photoelectric Smnke
  310. Port Sensitive
  311. Portable-Charger-Sony
  312. Power Spectrum
  313. Parametric Gtereo
  314. Polar Stfreographic
  315. Payload Specialist
  316. Protective Service
  317. Programmed Symbols
  318. Pioneer and Sony
  319. Plasma Science
  320. Process Specification
  321. Packet Spitting
  322. Professional Standards Professional Standards is a phrase mostly used in businesses to refer to the effective management of processes, systems, and records. However, it is imperative to note that there is a distinction between this phrase and codes of conduct, which direct professional morals and responsibilities.
  323. Profile Server
  324. Paleontological Socitty
  325. Port Selector
  326. Polyphonic Synthesizer
  327. Powel Source

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PS stand for Technology?

    PS stands for Plus Su in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Piping Support in Technology?

    The short form of "Piping Support" is PS for Technology.


PS in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from

Last updated