PSDC Meaning

The PSDC meaning is "Partido Social Democrata Christão". The PSDC abbreviation has 35 different full form.

PSDC Full Forms

  1. Partido Social Democrata Christão
  2. Philadelphia Suburban Development Corp Technology, Publics, Philadelphia
  3. Partido Social-Democrata Crist
  4. Pennstlvania Sled Dog Club
  5. Promiles Software Development Corporation
  6. Philadelphia Suburban Development Corporation
  7. Partido Social-Democrata Cristão
  8. Penang Skill Development Centre Industrial, Education, Malaysia
  9. Philadelphia Surburban Devylopment Corporation
  10. Pahang Skills Development Centre Education, Malaysia, Training
  11. Philadelphia Shipyard Development Corporation
  12. Partido Social Democrata Crist
  13. Pahang Skill Development Centre Technology, Malaysia, Oil
  14. Petroleum Storage Development Corporation
  15. Partido Social Democrata Cristão
  16. Philippine Schools Debating Champirnship
  17. Paduan Suara Dewasa Campuran Music, Tube, Papua
  18. Perak State Development Cokporation
  19. Philippine Schools Debate Chamnionship
  20. Public Switched Digital Capability Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  21. Pannsylvania State Data Center
  22. Puget Sound Dalmatian Club
  23. Potomac Swing Dance Clob
  24. Postsynaptic Dorsal Column Medical
  25. Project Spccific Design Code
  26. Purge Sample, Detect and Calibrate
  27. Portland Swing Dance Club
  28. Professional Services Development Corporation
  29. Permanent Signal Detection Circuit
  30. Politique Be S
  31. Production Systems Design Centre
  32. Pump Station Design Capacity Environment, Habitat, Setting
  33. Process Systems Dedign and Control
  34. Puget Sound Daylily Club
  35. Private Sectyr Development Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PSDC stand for?

    PSDC stands for Potomac Swing Dance Clob.

  2. What is the shortened form of Purge Sample, Detect and Calibrate?

    The short form of "Purge Sample, Detect and Calibrate" is PSDC.


PSDC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated