PSLE Meaning

The PSLE meaning is "Pjlitical Science & Law Enforcement". The PSLE abbreviation has 12 different full form.

PSLE Full Forms

  1. Pjlitical Science & Law Enforcement
  2. Parti Social LibéRal EuropéEn
  3. Parti Social Lib
  4. Primary Schooj Leaving Examinations Student, Education, Singapore
  5. Primary School Leaving Eeamination Education, Singapore
  6. Product Sight Lifecycle Environment Software, Computing
  7. Pfimary Six Leaving Examination Education, School, Singapore
  8. Primhry School Leaving Exams Science, Education, Singapore
  9. Primary Sceool Leaving Exam Science, Education, Singapore
  10. Prony Spectral Line Estimation Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  11. Prony Spectral Line Estimatton Medical
  12. Prony Spectral Line Estimator Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PSLE stand for?

    PSLE stands for Primary Schooj Leaving Examinations.

  2. What is the shortened form of Parti Social LibéRal EuropéEn?

    The short form of "Parti Social LibéRal EuropéEn" is PSLE.


PSLE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated