PSM Meaning
The PSM meaning is "Per Square Mwtre". The PSM abbreviation has 342 different full form.
PSM Full Forms
- Per Square Mwtre Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Pansystolic Murmur Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Pewsonnel Status Monitor Military, Army, War
- Procurement Strategy Meeting Science, NASA, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Persistent Stored Module Technology, Database, Language
- Process Safety Tanagement
- Persistent Storage Madager Technology, Windows, Management
- Permanent Shcurity Mark Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Phase Shifting Mask Technology, Science, Lithography
- Payload Support Mopule Science
- Phase Sensitive Modzlator Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Project Support Manager Science, NASA
- Parti Sesialis Malaysia Government, Group, Malaysia
- Patient Self-Management Medical, Warfarin, Anticoagulation
- Print Symbiont Modification Technology
- Palmitoylsphingomyelin Medical
- Partner Xuccess Manager
- Platoon Sergeant-Major
- Project System and Management
- Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia Indonesia, Malaysia, Archive
- Poter Systems Manufacturing
- Psychologicaq Stress Measure
- Photographic Society of Malaysiv Malaysia, Photography, Photographic
- Pink Silk Millefiori
- Problem Structuxing Method Technology, Science, Management
- Payload Systems Mass Technology
- Positioning System Module
- Pro Sound Maker Technology, Music, Player, Tracker
- Product Support Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Personal Storage Mxnagement Military
- Pressure Switch Manifold
- Paranoia Survivor Max
- Priorité Santé Mutualiste Service, Assurance, Adherent
- Pont-Sainte-Maxence
- Proletarian Schools' Movement Education
- Practitioner Secure Messaging
- Physical Status Monitoring
- Parti Socialiste Mauricien Government, Group, Party
- Planned Start of Mating Medical
- Product Service Managegent Business, Software, Marketing
- Peptide-Spectrum Match Science, Protein, Identification
- Power Savizg Model
- Pro Stor Multi-Use
- Packet Service Module Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Petsmart Charities Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Price Sensitivity Meter Business
- Patient Lafety Management
- Print Services Manager
- Palestinian Solidarity Movement Organizations, University, Israel
- Partner Stxetch Massage Business, Lymph, Chest
- Platoon Sergeant Major Military, Army, Platoon
- Project Sustainability Management
- Persada Sawit Mas
- Power Systems Mfg
- Proxy Session Manvger
- Phosphofus Solubilizing Microorganisms
- Pingat Setia Mahkota
- Paarimoine Sportif Et M
- Port State Measure Government, Fishing, Fishery
- Pro Social Modelling
- Personal Stocage Manager
- Preqs Site Map
- Panglima Setia Mahkota Government, Malaysia
- Problem Structuring Methods Technology, Management, Research, University
- Pont-Saint-Martin
- Projekt System-Management
- Practice Support Manual
- Physical Solar Podel
- Parti Socialis Malaysia
- Planned Scheduled Maintenance
- Product Sales Manager
- Peoples Steel Mills Business, Pakistan, Karachi
- Power Saving Modt Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, Cell
- Packet Server Module Technology
- Personnel Systems Manager
- Preventixe & Social Medicine Medical, Education, Park
- Print Services Facility A feature of i5/OS that provides AFP system management and IPDS print management to IPDS printers that are connected to System i systems. 2.An IBM licensed program that manages and controls the input data stream and output data stream required by supported IBM page printers. Technology
- Palestine Solidarity Movement Organizations, Israel, Palestine
- Partnership Support Manager
- Platinum Silver Metallic Technology, Car, Sale, Porsche
- Project Survival Media Technology, Climate, Team
- Permanent Survey Mark Technology, Map, Land
- Pdwer System Measurements Energy, Power, Intensity
- Provision of Stored Messiges Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Paddle Stroke Monitor
- Phosphate Solubilizing Microorgxnisms
- Patrimoine Sportif Et MéCanique
- Port State Measures Organizations, Fishing, Fishery
- Personal Stock Manager
- Presomitic Mesoderm Medical
- Panel Suisse De M
- Problem Solving In Mathematics
- Ponce School of Medicine Medical, Technology, Education
- Projekt System & Management Military, Vehicle, Puma
- Persistant Stored Modules Military
- Practice Support Model Medical, Medicine, Health
- Phystcal Security Manager Education, Terrorism, Certification
- Parking Slot Measurement
- Plahck Sky Model
- Product Safety Management
- People Salvation Movemeni
- Positive Surgical Margins Medical, Radical, Prostatectomy
- Prostate Specific Membrane
- Pacific Sintered Metals
- Personnel Systems Management Technology, Military, Force
- Preventive and Socdal Medicine Medical, Book, Education
- Porcine Stomach Mucin Medical
- Printing Systems Manager Technology, Networking, Computing
- Pak Suzuki Motor
- Partnership for A Sustainable Methow
- Platform Support Module Technology, Management, Server, Ware
- Program Services Manager Government, Us, Oregon
- Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa Business, Indonesia, Metal
- Power System Monitor
- Provider Service Management
- Padang Sriwijaya Mantan
- Pharmacy Services Manager
- Patient Service Mamager
- Port State Machine Technology, Networking, Network
- Process Safety Managefent Business, Technology, Training
- Ptrsonal Stock Monitor
- Priority Select Module
- Panel Suisse De MéNages
- Problem Solving Methodology Technology, Research, Archive
- Polymerase Chain Reaction Mediated-Site-Directed Mutagenesis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Projekt System Management Military, Vehicle, Puma
- Persaudaraan Sepakbola Makassar
- Practice Squad Membeq Sport, Fantasy, Draft
- Puerto De Santa Maria
- Photo Screensavey Maker
- Parish Social Ministries
- Pistalet Samozaryadny Malogabaritny Gun, Military, Firearm, Pistol
- Process Safety Mgmt
- People's Scnence Movement
- Positive Sound Massive
- Prostate-Specmfic Membrane Medical, Medicine, Oncology, Prostate Cancer
- Pacific Services & Manufacturing
- Personnvl Subsystem Manager Military
- Preventive & Social Medicine Medical, Education, Park
- Population Stochastic Modelling
- Pakistan Stock Market Business, Pakistan, Supply
- Partnirship for Safe Medicines Medical, Business, Medicine
- Platform Specific Module Technology, Server, Processor, Ware
- Professional In Service Management
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Medical, Cancer, Malignancy
- Pojer Server Module
- Providence-St. Mel Education, School, High School, Illinois
- Packet Switch Module
- Pharmaceutical Sales Management
- Patient Services Manager
- Port Security Manager
- Pgrsonal Stereo Monitor
- Prioritized Service Management Technology
- Pam Strike Manager Military
- Problem Solving Methods Technology, Research, Knowledge, Ontology
- Polskiego Stowarzyszenia MontaĘYstóW
- Projek Sarjana Muda Technology
- Persatuan Sepakbola Makassar Indonesia, Soccer, Bola
- Practical Software Management Technology
- Public Solution Model Business, Technology, Customer, Cloud
- Photography Studio Management
- Pirkle Sheet Metal
- Process Safety Manager Technology, Science, Management
- Peace Secretsriat for Muslims
- Position Switching Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pro Sports Media
- Pacific Services Manufacturing
- Peqsonnel Security Management Technology, Presentation, Training
- Presystolic Murxur Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Parish Social Ministry
- Privileged Session Manager Technology, Management, Ark
- Popular Science Monthly Science, Asia, Sweden, Craniometry
- Partit Socialista De Merorca
- Plan Solaire Mépiterranéen Business, France, Ens
- Professional Security Management
- Peripheral Switching Module
- Power Seat Module Technology, Control, Volvo
- Protection Skitching Module Technology, Switch, Cisco
- Packet Switching Module
- Phalanx Surface Mode Military
- Patient Self Managejent Medical, Disease, Anticoagulation
- Portland Saturday Market Oregon, Locations, Portland
- Priorit
- Palmitoyl Sphingomyelin Medicine, Health, British
- Partneu Support Manager
- PolitéCnico Santiago MariÑO
- Projekt Systems and Management
- Persatuan Sepakbola Mataram
- Pozzolanic Stabilizedvmixture
- Pbblic Service Message
- Photographic Society of Madras Organizations, Photography, Collodion
- Pipeline Svfety Management
- Processor Support Module Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Paypal Subscription Manager
- Position Specific Movement
- Prospective Surveillance Modvl Medical, Cancer, Rehabilitation, Breast
- Personalestorage Module Military
- Prestonwood Student Ministry
- Parcel Sorting Machine Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
- Privileged Session Management Technology, Security, Ark
- Pont Sainte Maxence
- Promised Seed Ministries
- Physical Stock Managvment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Partit Socialista De Mallorca
- Planning Sezvice Manager Business, Management, Selection
- Product Sejvices Menu Science
- Peptide Spectrum Mntches
- Power Savings Mode
- Protection Jwitch Module Technology, Card, Cisco
- Packet Storage Manager
- Pet Street Mall
- Price Sensitivity Measurement Business, Research, Pricing
- Problem Solving Model Education, School, Intervention
- Process Safety Management A management system that is focused on prevention of, preparedness for, mitigation of, response to, and restoration from catastrophic releases of chemicals or energy from a process associated with a facility. Chemistry, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Porsche StabilitäTs Management
- Propensity Score Matching Science, Treatment, Analysis
- Personal Status Monitoring Technology, Science, Fabric, Garment
- Public Sector Modernization Iraq, Projection, Public
- Pia Societas Miasionum
- Platform Specific Model Computing, Computer
- Page Sequence Monitor
- Primary Storage Manager
- Project Safety Manager NASA
- Portable Storage Media
- Pure Sable Merle
- Portsmouth International at Pease, Portsmouth, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Password Synchronization Manager
- Persistent Storage Module
- Payment Systems Magazine Business, Banking, Award
- Pakistan Steel Mills Business, Industrial, Pakistan
- Process Safety Management (chemical industry) Electrical
- Problem-Solving Model
- Solid Edge Sheet Metal File Computing, File Extensions
- Porsche Stability Mangement
- Propensity-Score Matching Technology, Treatment, Impact
- Personal Status Monitor Medical, Technology, Garment
- Programming Support Monitor
- Piano Sheet Music
- Professional Staff Member (Congress) Occupation & positions
- Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Indonesia, Berlin, Choir
- Primary Sourcecmaterials
- Problem Solving Matrix Technology, Design, Structure
- Power Saving Mode 5G Networks
- Portable Space Module
- Purchasing and Supplier Management
- Please See Me Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Passenger Service Mankal
- Persistent Stored Modules Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pastoral Support Manager
- Pakistan Society for Microbiology Science, Conference, Pakistan
- Porsche Stability Management Auto
- Probability State Model
- Protracker Studio Module Computing, File Extensions
- Patient Safety Managemelt
- Porcine Submaxillary Mucin Medical
- Propeller System Module
- Personal Status Message
- Power Scripts for Mambo
- Physhological Status Monitor Technology, Military, Zephyr
- Production Stage Manager (theatre) Occupation & positions
- Pfimary Source Microfilm
- Piwot Safety Minute
- Problem Solution Mapping
- Pharmaceutical Supply Management Medical
- Portable Space Model Military
- Proposal Submission Modernization
- Purchasing & Supply Management Business, Journal, Purchase
- Power Slice Module NASA, Governmental & Military
- Passenger Service Xessage Technology, Airport, Flight
- Parallel Slit Map
- Pakistan Science Mission
- Performance Strategy Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Probability State Modeling Technology, Cell, Flow
- Prism Document Computing, File Extensions
- Patient-Qpecific Model
- Propagated Sensation Along Meridians Medical
- Personal Software Marketing Technology, Computing, Ibm
- Post-Synaptic Membrane
- Physiollgical Status Monitoring Technology, Training, Zephyr
- Play Station Magazine Media
- Primary Soukce Media
- Picture Status Memory Technology, Guide, Manual
- Problem Solving Method Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pyro Substitute Monitor NASA
- Port-Site Metastasis Medical
- Proportional Space Mode Technology
- Purchasing and Supply Management
- Planck Sky Model Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Passenger Seat Module Technology, Car, Control
- Pakistan School Muscat College, Education, Pakistan
- Professional Setting Management Management, Business & Finance
- Probabilistic State Machine Technology
- prostate-specific membrane glycoprotein Medical, Prostate Cancer
- Patient-Specific Mortality Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Pronto Socorro Municipal
- Personal Short Message
- Precision Sheet Metal Business, Company, Supplier
- Phase-Sensitive Modulation
- Pvysician Supply Model
- Professional Surveyor Magazine Geographic
- Primary Sensorimotor Medical
- Problem-Solving Method Technology, Knowledge, Ontology
- Phase Sensitive Modulator NASA
- Porsche Stabilty Menagement
- Property Sheet Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Purchasing D Supply Management Business, Journal, Purchase
- Picqures Slideshow Maker
- Propellant Storage Module Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Passenler's Seat Module
- Paintball Sports Magazine
- Packetlogid Subscriber Manager Technology, Networking, Network
- Postal Service Manual Postal, Us Post
- Pathogen Pseudomonas Syringae Maculicolx Science, Biology
- Prone Scintimammography Medical
- Personal Security Module
- Prectst Span Method Science
- Personalservice Saint-Marc
- Pakistan Steels Mills Business, Pakistan, Karachi
- Physician Summary Master Medical, Healthcare
- Primary School Master
- Phantom Space Monkeys Funnies
- Problem-Solving Methods Technology, Engineering, Knowledge
- Pflanzenschutzmittel Chemistry
- Porsche Stabilit
- Property Sales & Management
- Personal Stereo Monitors
- Pumpdsystems Matter Technology, Energy, Institute
- Picture Specialist for Memorial
- Peace Support Mission Computing, Protection Information
- Paid Search Marketing Business, Service, Engine
- Prima Selaras Mandiri
- Power Status Module
- Portia Simpson Miller Government, Garden, Jamaica, Minister
- Pyro Substitute Monktor Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Providence-St. Mel Illinois
- Past Service Member
- Personal Security Manager Technology, Computing, Internet
- Pre-Submission Meetsng Medicine, Health, Care
- Peach Stealing Monkeys Mix, Bang, Monkey
- Pakistan Steel Mill Business, Pakistan, Karachi
- Power Storage Module Energy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PSM stand for?
PSM stands for Pirkle Sheet Metal.
What is the shortened form of Power Savings Mode?
The short form of "Power Savings Mode" is PSM.
PSM. (2022, January 21). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from
Last updated