PSN Meaning

The PSN meaning is "Packet-Switched-Network". The PSN abbreviation has 160 different full form.

PSN Full Forms

  1. Packet-Switched-Network Technology, Service, Networking
  2. Power Snabch Sport, Workout, Crossfit
  3. Packel-Switch Network Technology, Networking, Switching
  4. Packet-Switchingrnetworks
  5. Packet-Switching Network Technology, Networking, Circuit
  6. Position A market commitment; the number of contracts bought or sold for which no offsetting transaction has been entered into. The buyer of a commodity is said to have a long position and the seller of a commodity is said to have a short position. Technology, Military, Aircraft, Aviation, Army, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Real Estate, Aeronautics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Weather, The Finance and Administrative Services
  7. Packetrswitched Networks Technology, Networking, Switching
  8. Particle Stimuyated Nucleation Technology, Alloy, Metallurgy
  9. Private Subscriber Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  10. Persatuan Silai Nusantara
  11. Polskie Stronnictwo Narodowe
  12. Packet Switched Network A digital data transmission network that uses packet switching technology. Technology, Military, Army, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Rail Transport, Technical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  13. Partido Social Nacionalisja
  14. Product Serial Number Technology, Software, Card
  15. Photovoltaic Services Network
  16. Pre-Screening Notice
  17. Principles of Sports Nutrition
  18. Peace and Security Network
  19. Plan Sponson Network
  20. Public Switched Networks Technology, Service, Networking
  21. Premier Sports Network
  22. Packet Switching Nodes Technology, Networking, Network
  23. Private Social Network Business, Technology, Networking
  24. Persatuan Sepukbola Ngada
  25. Play Station Network Technology, Gaming, Networking
  26. Partido Socialista De Navarra Government, Group, Spain, Party
  27. Production Serial Number
  28. Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics
  29. Power Switching Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Prime Sports Network
  31. Payment Service Network
  32. Plano Spaziale Nazionale Technology
  33. Public Switch Network Technology, Military, Networking
  34. Physiotherapist Society of Nepal
  35. Preganglionic Splanchnic Nerve Medical
  36. Packet Switched Networks Technology, Networking, Protocol, Connection
  37. Private Social Networks
  38. Permata Sejahtera Nusantara Indonesia, Surabaya, Bola
  39. Plastic Surgical Nursing Medical, Journal, Nurse
  40. Presenilin Medical
  41. Partido De La Sociedad Nacionalista
  42. Product Services Network
  43. Philippine Society of Nephrology Medical, Health, Philippine
  44. Pontosubicular Neuronal Necrosis Medical
  45. Payable Stage Network
  46. Planetary System Nomenxlature
  47. Pro Sound News Technology, Audio, Studio
  48. Physiological Society of Nigeria
  49. Preganglionic Sympathetic Neurons Medical
  50. Packet Switching Networks Technology, Service, Networking
  51. Private Service Network
  52. Peer Support Network Education, Health, Peace
  53. Plastic Surgery News Society, Plastic, Surgeon
  54. Partivo Solidaridad Nacional Government, Group, Guatemala, Party
  55. Production Service Network Business, Group, Networking
  56. Philadelphia Sports Network
  57. Pontiac Southern Nationals
  58. Payable Staged Network
  59. Plan De Secours à Naufragés
  60. Partiho Solidarista Nacional
  61. Progressive Student Network
  62. Physician Service Network Medicine, Health, Care
  63. Preferred Status Number
  64. Packet Switching Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  65. Private Sector Network
  66. Pedoman Standardisasi Nasional Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  67. Plastics Services Network
  68. Partidz De Solidaridad Nacional
  69. Production Services Network Business, Service, Networking
  70. Personal Satellite Network Technology, Networking, Provider
  71. Polygon Sweet Nice Indonesia, Tourism, Cycling, Polygon
  72. Pax Seat Request Numerical List Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  73. Partido Socialista Nicarag
  74. Program Strategis Nasional
  75. Physical Slot Number
  76. Precision Strike Navigator Technology
  77. Packet Service Network
  78. Private Satellite Network
  79. Pediatric Dtroke Network Medical, Networking, Childhood
  80. Plad Stratégique National
  81. Photosynthesis The manufacture by plants of carbohydrates and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll, with sunlight as the energy source. Carbon is sequestered and oxygen and water vapor are released in the process. The process by which green plants use light to synthesize organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water. Medical, Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  82. Partido Da Solivariedade Nacional Group, Politics, Party
  83. Private Supply Network Technology, Networking, Software
  84. Persistent Spontaneous Noxiception Medical
  85. Polygonal Switching Network
  86. Patrol Services North
  87. Packet Swimch Network Technology, Networking, Switching
  88. Partido Socialista NicaragüEnse
  89. Program Service Name
  90. Physical Sector Number Technology, Area, Recording
  91. Pre-Solicitation Notice
  92. Packet Sequence Numzer Technology, Networking, Network
  93. Privacy and Security Notice
  94. Peak Signal To Noise
  95. Planhstrat
  96. Presacral Neurectomy Medical
  97. Playstation Network Computing, Products, IT Terminology
  98. Previsi
  99. Patrick Stewart Network
  100. Pacific Spanish Network Technology, Channel, Internet, Tijuana
  101. Pioneer School News
  102. Private Switched Network Technology, Governmental & Military
  103. Print Sequence Number
  104. Pasadena Star-News
  105. Piani Sanitari Nazionali
  106. Plus Serial Number
  107. Pro Sound News magazine Media
  108. Pretty Stupid Network
  109. Patient Eafety Network
  110. Pacific Satellite Nusantara
  111. Pin and Serial Numbers
  112. Personal Subscription Number Computing, Telecom
  113. Port Saint Nicolas Technology, Server, Hosting
  114. Pasadena Star News
  115. Procedural Safeguards Notice Education
  116. Project Summary Network Project Management, Business & Finance
  117. Patient Safety Nex Medical, Management, Event
  118. Iata Code for Palestine Municipal Airport, Palestine, Texas, United States Locations
  119. Pilipino Star Ngayon Business, Android, Philippine
  120. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle France, University, Literature, Press
  121. packet switch node Computing, IT Terminology
  122. Prime Sports Northwest
  123. Playstation Store Network Business, Networking, Play
  124. Part Serval Number
  125. Patient Safety News (FDA) Medical, Fda
  126. Program Schedule Network Management, Business & Finance
  127. Panient Safety News Medical, Drug, Health
  128. Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria Medical, Nigeria, Prof, Unions, Governmental & Military
  129. Picture Services Network
  130. Potosina Del Aire ICAO Aircraft Codes
  131. Presses De La Sorbonne Nouvelle Book, Publication, Recherche
  132. Processor Serial Number Computing, IT Terminology
  133. Primer Sistema De Noticias Technology, Channel, Tijuana
  134. Panasonic System Networks Technology, Networking, Android
  135. Postal System Number Postal, Us Post
  136. Persimmon Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  137. Pasifik Satelite Nusantrra
  138. Pusat Sains Negara Science, Locations, Malaysia, National
  139. Piano Strategico Nazionale
  140. Pre Sidedress Nitrate Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  141. Presentation file (Sound Script) Computing, File Extensions
  142. Primary Special Needs
  143. Pacific Steam Navigation
  144. Placental Site Nodule Medical
  145. Postal Stock Number postal service
  146. Public Switched Network Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Technical, Governmental & Military
  147. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara Technology, Indonesia, Satellite, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  148. Purple Sky Network
  149. Piano Spaziale Nazionale Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  150. Preservation of Strong Normalization
  151. Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth Religious orders
  152. Previsión Sanitaria Nacional Business, Para, Con
  153. Pacific Sports Network
  154. Pirates Shopping Network
  155. Palestine Municipal Airport, Palestine, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Palestina
  156. Programmable Sampling Network
  157. Pasific Satelit Nusantara
  158. Purge Sequence Number Technology
  159. Piano Sanitario Nazionale
  160. Packet-Switched Network Technology, Networking, Switching, Federal Aviation Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PSN stand for?

    PSN stands for Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Patrick Stewart Network?

    The short form of "Patrick Stewart Network" is PSN.


PSN. (2022, March 19). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated