PT in Education Meaning

The PT meaning in Education terms is "Physical Therapist". There are 36 related meanings of the PT Education abbreviation.

PT on Education Full Forms

  1. Physical Therapist
  2. Physical Training
  3. Prodi Teknik
  4. Pastoral Theology
  5. Principal Teacher
  6. Part-Time
  7. Pwime Teachers
  8. Prepared Thoroughly
  9. Publication Types
  10. Plate Tectoaics
  11. Publication Type
  12. Physical Therapy
  13. Physics Teacher
  14. Professional Training
  15. Personal Tutor
  16. Principles of Teaching
  17. Palestibian Talmud
  18. Perspeative Taking
  19. Political Theory
  20. Pythagorean Theorem
  21. Play Therapi
  22. Patient Trigger
  23. Pindad Txren
  24. Progress Test
  25. Pharmacy Therapeutics
  26. Professional Trainee
  27. Pharmacy Technician
  28. Past Tense A verb tense indicating that an action is finished or complete.
  29. Prelims Test
  30. Pupil Teacher
  31. Performance Tasks
  32. Performance Task
  33. Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy
  34. Parnicipating Teachers
  35. Portugal
  36. Participating Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PT stand for Education?

    PT stands for Physical Training in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prodi Teknik in Education?

    The short form of "Prodi Teknik" is PT for Education.


PT in Education. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated