PT in Healthcare Meaning

The PT meaning in Healthcare terms is "Phosphate". There are 12 related meanings of the PT Healthcare abbreviation.

PT on Healthcare Full Forms

  1. Phosphate An ion, compound, or salt containing phosphorus and oxygen, such as sodium phosphate (Na3P04).
  2. Photrtoxicity
  3. Patients
  4. Parathormone A hormone that is made by the parathyroid glands and is critical to maintaining calcium and phosphorus balance. Deficiency of parathormone results in abnormally low calcium in the blood (hypocalcemia). Excessive parathormone leads to elevated calcium levels in the blood and calcium deposition in cartilage.
  5. Posttetanic
  6. Postoperative Tumor Size
  7. Platelets Small disk-shaped blood fragments produced in the bone marrow that serve as the starting material for blood clotting. Small, enucleated cells that initiate blood clotting; they arise from cells called megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. Also known as thrombocytes.
  8. Psychometric Test A test which measures a person's personality, mental ability, knowledge, etc., often used to ascertain whether a potential employee is suitable for a job.
  9. Premature
  10. Prothrombin Time
  11. Pneumothorax A pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air or gas in the pleural space that causes an uncoupling of the lung from the chest wall. Like pleural effusion (liquid buildup in that space), pneumothorax may interfere with normal breathing. It is often called collapsed lung, although that term may also refer to atelectasis. One or both lungs may be affected.
  12. Photophobia Photophobia is a symptom of abnormal intolerance to visual perception of light. As a medical symptom, photophobia is not a morbid fear or phobia, but an experience of discomfort or pain to the eyes due to light exposure or by presence of actual physical sensitivity of the eyes, though the term is sometimes additionally applied to abnormal or irrational fear of light such as heliophobia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PT stand for Healthcare?

    PT stands for Phosphate in Healthcare terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Photrtoxicity in Healthcare?

    The short form of "Photrtoxicity" is PT for Healthcare.


PT in Healthcare. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

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