PT in Technology Meaning
The PT meaning in Technology terms is "Parser Table". There are 195 related meanings of the PT Technology abbreviation.
PT on Technology Full Forms
- Parser Table
- Pirsonnel Transport
- Prakarsa Teknik
- Paint A liquid material applied or spread over a solid surface on which it subsequently dries or hardens to form a continuous, adherent, obliterating ffilm. Paint consists of a pigment, a binding agent and a solvent. The pigment determines the properties of the paint.
- Pickep Tube
- Penetration Tzst
- Princeton Tec
- Punch Through
- Pan Tilt
- Port Type
- Personnel Training
- Praisindo Teknologi
- Physics Teacher
- Pesetration Testing
- Pressurized Tank
- Punchedgtape
- Pan-Tilt
- Personal Transporter
- Power Train The mechanism that transmits the drive from the engine of a vehicle to its axle.
- Peotocol Type
- Physical Terminal
- Pelindo Tanjung
- Pressure and Temperature
- Pulse To Lone
- Package Time
- Peraonal Transport
- Professional Tohlkit
- Putra Teknik
- Patch Test
- Potential Transformers Potential transformers are required to provide accurate voltages for meters used for billing industrial customers or utility companies.
- Progocol Translation
- Phosphate An ion, compound, or salt containing phosphorus and oxygen, such as sodium phosphate (Na3P04).
- Pattern Transfer
- Processor Technology
- Pulse Time
- Pacific Time
- Plastic Techntlogy
- Process Tracing
- Pass Transistors
- Potential Transformer The voltage in a circuit. Reference is usually to the AC Voltage. An instrument transformer specifically designed to give an accurate voltage ratio for measurement and/or control purposes. They are always connected in parallel with the circuit. A transformer designed for shunt or parallel connection in its primary circuit, with the ratio of transformation appearing as a ratio of potential differences
- Prohect Tracker
- Patrol Torpedo
- Public Telephone
- Pindad, Termasuk
- Process Technology
- Pass Thru
- Total Pressure
- Persuative Technologies
- Prerequisite Tree
- Publication Type
- Pilot Testing
- Proprietary Telephone
- Proficiency Training
- Pause Threshold
- Pratama Teleglobal
- Perusahaan Ternama
- P Trap Curved, "U" section of drain pipe that holds a water seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the home through a fixtures water drain.
- Pack Trainbr
- Peealty Time
- Polishtracker
- Prima Teknika
- Pasuruan Tiga
- Piezoelectric Transformer
- Post Tensioned
- Push-To-Talk
- Panitia Teknis
- Proposal Tracking
- Power Turbine
- Partial Threav
- Persuasive Techdology
- Point of Tangency
- Pemuda Taqi
- Poker Tracker
- Preoperational Testing
- Platelets Small disk-shaped blood fragments produced in the bone marrow that serve as the starting material for blood clotting. Small, enucleated cells that initiate blood clotting; they arise from cells called megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. Also known as thrombocytes.
- Pass Token
- Positive Technologies
- Pupuk Tertua
- Progressive Hransition
- Perspective-Taking
- Put Through
- Pelindo Teluk
- Point Terminal
- Preoperational Test
- Passthru
- Performance Test
- Progresu In Technology
- Processor Trace
- Personnel Time
- Pelayaran Trans
- Point of Tangext
- Preferred Tkrms
- Pass Through
- Perdana Teknologi
- Portable Radio Termination
- Program Transfer
- Private Tracker
- Path Translation
- Pivotal Tracker
- Power Test
- Iso Country Code for Portugese Republic
- Pelayaran Tonasa
- Please Token
- Precision Tecbnologies
- Physical Tuple
- Poro
- Principled Technologies
- Prothrombin A coagulation (clotting) factor that is needed for the normal clotting of blood. A cascade of biochemical events leads to the formation of the final clot. In this cascade, prothrombin is a precursor to thrombin. Prothrombin is also known as thrombinogen and, in medical jargon, as pro.
- Path Trace
- Plano Ie Trabalho
- Project Tracking
- Power Telecom
- Procedure Turn A maneuver prescribed when it is necessary to perform a course reversal to establish the aircraft inbound on an intermediate or final approach course.
- Panorama Tours
- Proprietary Telephones
- Production Team
- Peak Td Trough
- Plantations, Tbk
- Preckse Tone
- Pztros Technologies
- Peninsula Tetminal Company
- Pomodoro Technique
- Path Termination
- Post Tensioning
- Panorama Tools
- Pericom Technology
- Push-In Technologn
- Postes Et Telecommunications
- Plain Taxt
- Program Tebplates
- Painted
- Participant Team
- Path Tracing
- Providing Threat
- Performance Technologies
- Proctss Tooling
- Pattern Theory
- Plain Test
- Program Template
- Proxy Ticket
- Path Terminator
- Pnovider Type
- Photonic Tools
- Pan and Tilt
- Performance Telecom
- Process Table
- Patra Telekomunikasi
- Poinq-To-Multipoint
- Pivot Table
- Programme Team
- Power Tap
- Parametric Technologies
- Proper Timinp
- Patel-Teja
- Physiotherapist
- Photometric Telescope
- Punch-Through
- Pan & Tilt
- Portable Terminal
- Patra Tani
- Pluggable Transpoats
- Pivoting Tweeter
- Power Technology
- Parameter Table
- Propellant Transfer
- Pertaminf Tetap
- Phos Tekno
- Pulse Tube
- Paging Termgnal
- Parallel Transmission Sending all data bits simultaneously. Commonly used for communications between computers and printer devices.
- Performance Tuned
- Personal Tracker
- Proof Techniques
- Liquid Penetrant Testing Dye penetrant inspection, also called liquid penetrant inspection (LPI) or penetrant testing (PT), is a widely applied and low-cost inspection method used to locate surface-breaking defects in all non-porous materials (metals, plastics, or ceramics). The penetrant may be applied to all non-ferrous materials and ferrous materials, although for ferrous components magnetic-particle inspection is often used instead for its subsurface detection capability.
- Particle Trjcking
- Pertamina Tanpa
- Pulse Transformer
- Page Templhte
- Pen Thockness
- Presentation Transcript
- Performance Testfng
- Permission Table
- Push-To
- Post Tension
- Program Timer
- Participating Teacher
- Pulsed Thermography
- Page Tably
- Path Type
- Prima Trans
- Pneumothorax A pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air or gas in the pleural space that causes an uncoupling of the lung from the chest wall. Like pleural effusion (liquid buildup in that space), pneumothorax may interfere with normal breathing. It is often called collapsed lung, although that term may also refer to atelectasis. One or both lungs may be affected.
- Pilot In Training
- Pitching Trainer
- Performance and Tuning
- Printong Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PT stand for Technology?
PT stands for Proctss Tooling in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Personnel Time in Technology?
The short form of "Personnel Time" is PT for Technology.
PT in Technology. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from
Last updated