PTDS Meaning

The PTDS meaning is "Protein Trabsduction Domains". The PTDS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

PTDS Full Forms

  1. Protein Trabsduction Domains Medical, Science
  2. Persistent Threat Detection System Military, Army, Aerostat
  3. Protected Trust Deeds Business, Debt, Scotland, Insolvency
  4. Persistant Threat Detection Syhtem
  5. Precision Threat Detection System
  6. Product Transfer Documents
  7. Partial Tandem Duplications Science, Biology
  8. Pre-Tenancy Determinations
  9. Parkare Training Development Services
  10. Personal Touch Debt Solutiojs
  11. Papeb Thin Displays
  12. Persistent Tic Disorders
  13. Paper-Thin Displays Business, Report, Market
  14. Persistjnt Threat Detection Systems Military, Army, Aerostat
  15. Portable Traction Drive System
  16. Preliminary Training Development Study
  17. Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy Chemistry
  18. Power Traction Drave System
  19. Poweol Torrance Diagnostic Services
  20. Postqraumatic Distress Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  21. Post-Test Diagnosjic System Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTDS stand for?

    PTDS stands for Portable Traction Drive System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Persistent Tic Disorders?

    The short form of "Persistent Tic Disorders" is PTDS.


PTDS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated