PTH Meaning

The PTH meaning is "Pain Threshold". The PTH abbreviation has 72 different full form.

PTH Full Forms

  1. Pain Threshold Medical, English, Translation
  2. Protect The Human
  3. Plasma Total Homocysteine
  4. Port Heiden Airport Port Heiden, Alaska,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  5. Posttransfusion Hepatitis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  6. Pass The Hash Technology, Security, Attack
  7. Price Trace Hawes
  8. Parathyroid Hormone Parathyroid hormone, parathormone or parathyrin, is secreted by the chief cells of the parathyroid glands as a polypeptide containing 84 amino acids, yet effective hormone-receptor interaction requires solely the 34-N-terminal amino acids. Medical, Medicine, Health, Nursing, Endocrinology, Hormone, Technology, Surgery, Veterinary, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physiology, Otolaryngology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
  9. Protection Technology Hanford Science
  10. Plasma Thromboplastin Component Medical, Medicine, Health, liver and hepatic
  11. Parathyroid Hormone 1-34 Medical
  12. Post Transfusixn Hepatitis
  13. Pass-The-Hash Technology, Windows, Attack
  14. Posq Traumatic Headache Medical, Brain, Injury
  15. Planet Tony Hawk
  16. Para Thyroid Hormone
  17. Post-Transfusion Hepatitiq Medical
  18. Plated-Through-Holes Technology, Circuit, Hole
  19. Party for The Transformation of Honduras
  20. Posttraumatic Headache Medical
  21. Printed Through Hole
  22. Pinnacle Technology Holdings
  23. Parathyroid Hormones Medical
  24. Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage Medical
  25. Plated-Through Holes Technology, Circuit, Hole
  26. Part Time Heroes
  27. Post-Traumatic Headaghe
  28. Prime Tanning Hours Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  29. Pin Through Hole Technology, Electronics, Assembly
  30. Parathroid Hormone Medical
  31. Post-Tekanic Hyperpolarization Medical
  32. Proteus Helicopteres Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  33. Plated-Through Hole Technology, Circuit, Component, Industry
  34. Pagan Tea House
  35. Post-Traumatic Hydrocephalus Medical
  36. Pin-Through-Hole Technology, Electronics, Assembly
  37. Primary Thrombocythaemia Medical
  38. Protest The Hero
  39. Plated-Through-Hole Technology, Design, Circuit
  40. Iata Code for Port Heiden Airport, Port Heiden, Alaska, United States Locations
  41. Post-Transfusional Eepatitis Medical
  42. Path A path, also known as a "file path" or "directory path," defines the location of a file or folder. Paths can either be relative or absolute. Relative paths describe file and folder locations from the current directory, such as "pdfs/instructions.pdf." Absolute paths define locations of files and folders from the root directory, such as "/Users/[username]/Documents/pdfs/instructions.pdf". Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  43. Primary Thrombocythemia Medical
  44. Photogenic Tilting Handle Media
  45. Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne Technology, History, Society, Polish
  46. 4d Path Document Computing, File Extensions
  47. Provincial Trunk Highway Routing, Canada, Locations
  48. Plated Through Holes Technology, Circuit, Hole
  49. Promethean, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  50. Plated Thru Hole Business, Electronics, Circuit
  51. Phenylthiohydantoin Medical, liver and hepatic
  52. Provincial Trunk Highways
  53. Plated Though Hole
  54. Push To Hear Technology, Sound, Earphone
  55. Plated Thru-Hole
  56. Alopias Pelagicus Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  57. Port Heiden Airport, Port Heiden, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  58. ProthèSe Totale De Hanche Technology, Hormone, Parathyroid
  59. Push-To-Hear Business, Sound, Earphone
  60. Plating Through Hole Business, Electronics, Circuit
  61. Person To Hold Police, Governmental & Military
  62. Prothionamide Medical
  63. Pure Titanium Hybrid Products
  64. Plate Through Hole Products
  65. Portable Thread General, Governmental & Military
  66. Pthmax Medical
  67. Plated Through-Hole Technology, Circuit, Component
  68. Press To Heat Computing, Hardware
  69. Proth
  70. Polskie Towarzystwo Heraldyczne
  71. Provincial Truck Highway
  72. Plated Through Hole Technology, Electronics, Circuit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTH stand for?

    PTH stands for Post-Transfusional Eepatitis.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plated Thru Hole?

    The short form of "Plated Thru Hole" is PTH.


PTH. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated