PTM in Computing Meaning

The PTM meaning in Computing terms is "Participating Transaction Manager". There are 10 related meanings of the PTM Computing abbreviation.

PTM on Computing Full Forms

  1. Participating Transaction Manager
  2. Probabilistic Turing Machines
  3. Packet Transport Mode
  4. Point-To-Multipoint
  5. Packet Transfer Mode PTM is a type of data communication that is not synchronized by a clock. Data is broken into variable-size units of data, and those packets are relayed from one node to another, often in multiple parallel paths, until they reach their final destination.
  6. pulse–time modulation
  7. Positive Terminal Measurement
  8. Putnam Managed High Yield Trust
  9. Mappoint Map File
  10. Polytracker Module

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTM stand for Computing?

    PTM stands for pulse–time modulation in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Point-To-Multipoint in Computing?

    The short form of "Point-To-Multipoint" is PTM for Computing.


PTM in Computing. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

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