PTR in Medical Meaning

The PTR meaning in Medical terms is "Phytotherapy Research". There are 18 related meanings of the PTR Medical abbreviation.

PTR on Medical Full Forms

  1. Phytotherapy Research
  2. Patellar Pertaining to the patella (kneecap).
  3. Pan Troglodytes
  4. Proteoglycan Tandem Repeat
  5. Patellar Tendon Reflex
  6. Pressure Transmission Ratios
  7. Intratracheal Pressure
  8. Pressure Transmission Ragio
  9. Put To Rest
  10. Plasma Transfusion Reaction
  11. Peptide Transporter
  12. Prothrombin Ratio
  13. Peptidyl Transferase Ring
  14. Platelet Transfusion Reaction
  15. Prothrombinctime Ratio
  16. Psychotic Trigger Reaction
  17. Patient To Return
  18. Patient Termination Record

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTR stand for Medical?

    PTR stands for Platelet Transfusion Reaction in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Peptidyl Transferase Ring in Medical?

    The short form of "Peptidyl Transferase Ring" is PTR for Medical.


PTR in Medical. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated