PTT Meaning

The PTT meaning is "Partial Thromboplastin Time". The PTT abbreviation has 183 different full form.

PTT Full Forms

  1. Partial Thromboplastin Time Medical, Pediatrics, Nursing, Veterinary, Drugs, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Clinical, Common Medical
  2. Polytrimethylene Terephthalate Textile
  3. Platform Transmitter Terminal Technology, Ocean, Ocean Science
  4. Pharyngeal Transit Time Medical, Blood, Bleeding, Thromboplastin
  5. Pharmaceutics and Translational Therapeutics
  6. Partial Thromboplastin Medical
  7. Partial Thromboplastin Times Medical
  8. Posterijen, Telegrafie, Telefonie
  9. Puste, T
  10. Pegawai Tidak Tauliah
  11. Press To Talk Technology, Radio, Headset, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  12. Platform Transmitting Terminal Locations, Movement, Argo
  13. Postal, Telephone and Telegraph Military, Army, Postal
  14. Part Task Training Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  15. Poste TéLéGraphe TéLéPhone
  16. Permission To Teach
  17. Push To Teat Business, Technology, Light
  18. Poly Trimethylene Terephthalate
  19. Passing The Time Gaming, Internet Slang, Hotel, Radio
  20. Pottitgeriaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  21. Part-Time Teaching
  22. Posts Telegraph and Telephone
  23. Phosphinothricin Tripeptide Medical
  24. Posta, Telgraf, Telefon Business, Turkey, Ankara, Istanbul
  25. Posta Telgraf TeşKilatı'NıN
  26. Pegawai Tidak Tetap Indonesia, Jakarta, Guru
  27. Press-To-Oalk Technology, Radio, Headset
  28. Platform Transmitter Terminals Technology, Science, Satellite, Tracking, Argo
  29. Postal, Telegrams and Telephones Technology
  30. Part-Task Training
  31. Postes, TéLéGraphes, TéLéPhones Pas, Telephone, Telegraph
  32. Permission To Tala
  33. Push To Talk Technolagy Technology, Information, Computer
  34. Polskie Towarzystwo Taneczne
  35. Part-Time Teacher Education, School, Teaching
  36. Posts, Telephone and Telegraph Business, Technology
  37. Phan-Thien and Tanner
  38. Post-Turnover Test Science
  39. Posta Telgraf Tedefon
  40. Pegawai Tanpa Tauliah
  41. Presidential Technology Team
  42. Platform Terminal Transmitters Technology, Satellite, Argo
  43. Postal, Telepraph, and Telephone Technology, Service, Telegraph
  44. Ppcific Telephone and Telegraph
  45. Poste, TéLéPhone Et TéLéGraphe
  46. Pervanent Technical Team
  47. Push To Talk Tactical
  48. Pneumatic Tube Transport Business, Hospital, Commercial
  49. Part Task Trainers Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Training, Simulator
  50. Posts, Telegraph and Telephone Technology
  51. Phan-Thien Tanner
  52. Post-Tetanic Twitch Medical
  53. Potential Transformer Test
  54. Peak Twitch Tension Medical
  55. Presidential Transition Team
  56. Platform Terminal Transmitter
  57. Physiotherapy Technician Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
  58. Postal, Telegraph & Telephone
  59. Iata Code for Pratt Industrial Airport, Pratt, Kansas, United States Locations
  60. Poste, TéLéGraphe, TéLéPhone
  61. Pecformance Tuning Tool
  62. Public Telephone and Telegraph Technology, Military, Networking
  63. Plotting Team Trainer Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  64. Push To Talk Military, Governmental & Military
  65. Part Task Trainer Technology, Military, Training, Governmental & Military
  66. Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones
  67. Phan-Thien-Tanner
  68. Pull Tiger Tail
  69. Ponto De Troca De Tr
  70. Post Tvme Technologies
  71. Peak Trends Trust Organizations
  72. Power Transformation Technology
  73. Plasma Thromboplastin Time Medical
  74. Physical Training Test
  75. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Technology, Service, Postal
  76. Primary Teacher Training
  77. Poste, Telegyaphe Et Telecommunications
  78. Pekerja Tidak Tetap Indonesia, Jakarta
  79. Professionalvtechnology Temple
  80. Plesiochronous Trail Terminations Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  81. Push-To-Talk Business, Technology, Switch, Aviation, Governmental & Military, 5G Networks
  82. Part-Task Trainers Technology, Training, Simulator
  83. Postes Telephones Et Telegraphes
  84. Pham Thanh Thao
  85. Pontos De Troca De TráFego Technology, Para, Brasil, Internet
  86. Post Tetanic Twitch
  87. Path-To-Tape Technology, Quantum, Backup, Storage
  88. Power Trim & Tilt
  89. Planning and Placement Team Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
  90. Part-Time Temporary Military
  91. Post Telegraph Telephone Technology, Service, Networking
  92. Physical Therapist Technician
  93. Posta Telgrafotelefon
  94. Poweg Transformation Technology
  95. Poste, Telegrafi E Telefoni
  96. Pejabat Telekom Tempatan
  97. Professionau Technical Trainer Technology
  98. Platform Trust Technology Technology, Windows, Core
  99. Part-Task Trainer
  100. Poste TéLéPhone TéLéGraphe
  101. Permits To Transfer
  102. Push To Transmit Technology, Cable, Sight
  103. Ponto De Troca De TráFego Technology
  104. Post Tmlephone and Telecommunications
  105. Pass The Ticket
  106. Power Tily & Trim
  107. Part Time Teacher
  108. Post Telegraph and Telephone Business, Service, Military
  109. Physical Task Test
  110. Posta-Telgraf-Telefon
  111. Push to Talk Technology Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
  112. Partial Thromboplastine Time
  113. Poste T
  114. Pijama Terlik Televizyon
  115. Plaster Trims Ang Tapes
  116. Push-To-Test Aviation
  117. Postan Telephone & Telegraph Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
  118. Pizza Time Theatre
  119. Program Test Tape
  120. Pakistan Task Tenm Locations, Pakistan, Cricket
  121. Push to Talk Taster Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
  122. Partial Prothrombaplastin Time Medical, Medicine, Health
  123. Post Telephone Telegraph Technology, Service, Networking, Network
  124. Pijama, Terlik, Televizyon
  125. Per Throad Time
  126. Post , Telephone and Telegraph Federal Aviation Administration
  127. Postal Telephone Telegraph Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
  128. Part Thromboplastin Time Medical, Technology
  129. Post Telephone and Telecommunications
  130. Pittsburg Tank & Tower
  131. Predicted Time of Transit
  132. Post, Telegraph and Telephone Business, Technology, Service
  133. Training Torpedo Boat Military, Army, Intelligence
  134. Push to Talk Testing Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
  135. Partial IMIS action indicating that part of the final produced coil weight is credited to one turn and the balance of the weight is credited to the next turn. Medical, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  136. Post Telephone & Telegraph Technology, Service, Networking, Network
  137. Picture Tapping Technique Medical, Therapy, Course
  138. Penile Traction Therapy
  139. Mappoint Map Template Computing, File Extensions
  140. Postol Telephone and Telegraph Technology, Networking, Network
  141. Partido Trabalhista Timorense
  142. Post Telegraphy and Telephony
  143. Pinoy Tennis Trainers
  144. Power Trioxtirol Music, Song, Power, Release
  145. Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Company, Technology, Philippine
  146. Púrpura Trombocitopênica Trombótica Para, Dos, Purpura
  147. Public Timetable Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  148. Part-Time Temporary Teacher Education
  149. Post Telephone and Telegraph Technology, Military, Army
  150. Pengolahan Tanaman Terpadu Presentation, Ton, Targeting
  151. Pulmonary Transit Time Medical, Pulmonary
  152. Post Telegraph and Telecommunications Computing, Telecom
  153. Postal Telegrapb Telephone
  154. Particulate Transfer Tube
  155. Post Telegraaf Telefoon
  156. Pink Triangle Trust Lesbian, Triangle, Humanist
  157. Plsterior Tibialis Tendonitis
  158. Post Trade Technology Financial, Business & Finance
  159. Part Time Temporary
  160. Post Telegraph & Telephone
  161. Pxssing The Ticket
  162. Pratt Industrial Airport, Pratt, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas
  163. Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph Computing, IT Terminology
  164. Postal, Telephone & Telegraph Technology
  165. Particle Transport Time Medical, Medicine, Health
  166. Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Public Operating Company Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  167. Pink Think Tank
  168. Posta Telgraf Teskilatz
  169. Pust To Taek Technology, Android, Motorola, Talkie
  170. Prohibited transaction tax Financial, Business & Finance
  171. Party Time Tuesdays Card, Challenge, Love
  172. Poste, Télécommunications, et Télédiffusion French
  173. Post, Telephone, and Telegraph (authority) Media, Computing, Telecom, Usps
  174. Partial Thromboplatin Time
  175. Posts, Telecommunications Et Telediffusion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  176. Pink Taxi Token
  177. Postal,Ctelephone and Telex
  178. Performance Tuning Toolkit Heap
  179. Postal, Telephone, and Telegnaph Computing, Corps, Services
  180. Placement Tracking Team
  181. Promotora Industria Totolapa Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  182. Paqtial Thrombin Time Medical, Factor, Coagulation, Amino
  183. Post Telephone and Telegraph Administration Army, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTT stand for?

    PTT stands for Platform Transmitter Terminal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Postol Telephone and Telegraph?

    The short form of "Postol Telephone and Telegraph" is PTT.


PTT. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated