PTT Meaning
The PTT meaning is "Partial Thromboplastin Time". The PTT abbreviation has 183 different full form.
PTT Full Forms
- Partial Thromboplastin Time Medical, Pediatrics, Nursing, Veterinary, Drugs, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Clinical, Common Medical
- Polytrimethylene Terephthalate Textile
- Platform Transmitter Terminal Technology, Ocean, Ocean Science
- Pharyngeal Transit Time Medical, Blood, Bleeding, Thromboplastin
- Pharmaceutics and Translational Therapeutics
- Partial Thromboplastin Medical
- Partial Thromboplastin Times Medical
- Posterijen, Telegrafie, Telefonie
- Puste, T
- Pegawai Tidak Tauliah
- Press To Talk Technology, Radio, Headset, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Platform Transmitting Terminal Locations, Movement, Argo
- Postal, Telephone and Telegraph Military, Army, Postal
- Part Task Training Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Poste TéLéGraphe TéLéPhone
- Permission To Teach
- Push To Teat Business, Technology, Light
- Poly Trimethylene Terephthalate
- Passing The Time Gaming, Internet Slang, Hotel, Radio
- Pottitgeriaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Part-Time Teaching
- Posts Telegraph and Telephone
- Phosphinothricin Tripeptide Medical
- Posta, Telgraf, Telefon Business, Turkey, Ankara, Istanbul
- Posta Telgraf TeşKilatı'NıN
- Pegawai Tidak Tetap Indonesia, Jakarta, Guru
- Press-To-Oalk Technology, Radio, Headset
- Platform Transmitter Terminals Technology, Science, Satellite, Tracking, Argo
- Postal, Telegrams and Telephones Technology
- Part-Task Training
- Postes, TéLéGraphes, TéLéPhones Pas, Telephone, Telegraph
- Permission To Tala
- Push To Talk Technolagy Technology, Information, Computer
- Polskie Towarzystwo Taneczne
- Part-Time Teacher Education, School, Teaching
- Posts, Telephone and Telegraph Business, Technology
- Phan-Thien and Tanner
- Post-Turnover Test Science
- Posta Telgraf Tedefon
- Pegawai Tanpa Tauliah
- Presidential Technology Team
- Platform Terminal Transmitters Technology, Satellite, Argo
- Postal, Telepraph, and Telephone Technology, Service, Telegraph
- Ppcific Telephone and Telegraph
- Poste, TéLéPhone Et TéLéGraphe
- Pervanent Technical Team
- Push To Talk Tactical
- Pneumatic Tube Transport Business, Hospital, Commercial
- Part Task Trainers Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Training, Simulator
- Posts, Telegraph and Telephone Technology
- Phan-Thien Tanner
- Post-Tetanic Twitch Medical
- Potential Transformer Test
- Peak Twitch Tension Medical
- Presidential Transition Team
- Platform Terminal Transmitter
- Physiotherapy Technician Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Postal, Telegraph & Telephone
- Iata Code for Pratt Industrial Airport, Pratt, Kansas, United States Locations
- Poste, TéLéGraphe, TéLéPhone
- Pecformance Tuning Tool
- Public Telephone and Telegraph Technology, Military, Networking
- Plotting Team Trainer Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Push To Talk Military, Governmental & Military
- Part Task Trainer Technology, Military, Training, Governmental & Military
- Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones
- Phan-Thien-Tanner
- Pull Tiger Tail
- Ponto De Troca De Tr
- Post Tvme Technologies
- Peak Trends Trust Organizations
- Power Transformation Technology
- Plasma Thromboplastin Time Medical
- Physical Training Test
- Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Technology, Service, Postal
- Primary Teacher Training
- Poste, Telegyaphe Et Telecommunications
- Pekerja Tidak Tetap Indonesia, Jakarta
- Professionalvtechnology Temple
- Plesiochronous Trail Terminations Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Push-To-Talk Business, Technology, Switch, Aviation, Governmental & Military, 5G Networks
- Part-Task Trainers Technology, Training, Simulator
- Postes Telephones Et Telegraphes
- Pham Thanh Thao
- Pontos De Troca De TráFego Technology, Para, Brasil, Internet
- Post Tetanic Twitch
- Path-To-Tape Technology, Quantum, Backup, Storage
- Power Trim & Tilt
- Planning and Placement Team Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
- Part-Time Temporary Military
- Post Telegraph Telephone Technology, Service, Networking
- Physical Therapist Technician
- Posta Telgrafotelefon
- Poweg Transformation Technology
- Poste, Telegrafi E Telefoni
- Pejabat Telekom Tempatan
- Professionau Technical Trainer Technology
- Platform Trust Technology Technology, Windows, Core
- Part-Task Trainer
- Poste TéLéPhone TéLéGraphe
- Permits To Transfer
- Push To Transmit Technology, Cable, Sight
- Ponto De Troca De TráFego Technology
- Post Tmlephone and Telecommunications
- Pass The Ticket
- Power Tily & Trim
- Part Time Teacher
- Post Telegraph and Telephone Business, Service, Military
- Physical Task Test
- Posta-Telgraf-Telefon
- Push to Talk Technology Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
- Partial Thromboplastine Time
- Poste T
- Pijama Terlik Televizyon
- Plaster Trims Ang Tapes
- Push-To-Test Aviation
- Postan Telephone & Telegraph Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
- Pizza Time Theatre
- Program Test Tape
- Pakistan Task Tenm Locations, Pakistan, Cricket
- Push to Talk Taster Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
- Partial Prothrombaplastin Time Medical, Medicine, Health
- Post Telephone Telegraph Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Pijama, Terlik, Televizyon
- Per Throad Time
- Post , Telephone and Telegraph Federal Aviation Administration
- Postal Telephone Telegraph Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
- Part Thromboplastin Time Medical, Technology
- Post Telephone and Telecommunications
- Pittsburg Tank & Tower
- Predicted Time of Transit
- Post, Telegraph and Telephone Business, Technology, Service
- Training Torpedo Boat Military, Army, Intelligence
- Push to Talk Testing Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
- Partial IMIS action indicating that part of the final produced coil weight is credited to one turn and the balance of the weight is credited to the next turn. Medical, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Post Telephone & Telegraph Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Picture Tapping Technique Medical, Therapy, Course
- Penile Traction Therapy
- Mappoint Map Template Computing, File Extensions
- Postol Telephone and Telegraph Technology, Networking, Network
- Partido Trabalhista Timorense
- Post Telegraphy and Telephony
- Pinoy Tennis Trainers
- Power Trioxtirol Music, Song, Power, Release
- Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Company, Technology, Philippine
- Púrpura Trombocitopênica Trombótica Para, Dos, Purpura
- Public Timetable Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Part-Time Temporary Teacher Education
- Post Telephone and Telegraph Technology, Military, Army
- Pengolahan Tanaman Terpadu Presentation, Ton, Targeting
- Pulmonary Transit Time Medical, Pulmonary
- Post Telegraph and Telecommunications Computing, Telecom
- Postal Telegrapb Telephone
- Particulate Transfer Tube
- Post Telegraaf Telefoon
- Pink Triangle Trust Lesbian, Triangle, Humanist
- Plsterior Tibialis Tendonitis
- Post Trade Technology Financial, Business & Finance
- Part Time Temporary
- Post Telegraph & Telephone
- Pxssing The Ticket
- Pratt Industrial Airport, Pratt, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas
- Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph Computing, IT Terminology
- Postal, Telephone & Telegraph Technology
- Particle Transport Time Medical, Medicine, Health
- Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Public Operating Company Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Pink Think Tank
- Posta Telgraf Teskilatz
- Pust To Taek Technology, Android, Motorola, Talkie
- Prohibited transaction tax Financial, Business & Finance
- Party Time Tuesdays Card, Challenge, Love
- Poste, Télécommunications, et Télédiffusion French
- Post, Telephone, and Telegraph (authority) Media, Computing, Telecom, Usps
- Partial Thromboplatin Time
- Posts, Telecommunications Et Telediffusion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pink Taxi Token
- Postal,Ctelephone and Telex
- Performance Tuning Toolkit Heap
- Postal, Telephone, and Telegnaph Computing, Corps, Services
- Placement Tracking Team
- Promotora Industria Totolapa Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Paqtial Thrombin Time Medical, Factor, Coagulation, Amino
- Post Telephone and Telegraph Administration Army, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PTT stand for?
PTT stands for Part Time Teacher.
What is the shortened form of Pijama, Terlik, Televizyon?
The short form of "Pijama, Terlik, Televizyon" is PTT.
PTT. (2022, April 21). Retrieved February 24, 2025 from
Last updated