PTT in Technology Meaning

The PTT meaning in Technology terms is "Platform Transmitter Terminal". There are 40 related meanings of the PTT Technology abbreviation.

PTT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Platform Transmitter Terminal
  2. Path-To-Tape
  3. Plotting Team Trainer
  4. Press To Talk
  5. Post Telegraph Telephone
  6. Plesiochronous Trail Terminations
  7. Push-To-Talk
  8. Press-To-Oalk
  9. Postal, Telegrams and Telephones
  10. Part Task Trainers
  11. Push To Transmit
  12. Posts, Telephone and Telegraph
  13. Platform Trust Technology
  14. Postal, Telepraph, and Telephone
  15. Part Task Trainer
  16. Push To Teat
  17. Posts, Telegraph and Telephone
  18. Platform Transmitter Terminals
  19. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone
  20. Part-Task Trainers
  21. Push To Talk Technolagy
  22. Platform Terminal Transmitters
  23. Pontos De Troca De TráFego
  24. Public Telephone and Telegraph
  25. Planning and Placement Team
  26. Ponto De Troca De TráFego
  27. Professionau Technical Trainer
  28. Postol Telephone and Telegraph
  29. Post Telephone and Telegraph
  30. Philippine Telegraph and Telephone
  31. Postal, Telephone & Telegraph
  32. Part Thromboplastin Time
  33. Pust To Taek
  34. Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones Public Operating Company
  35. Posts, Telecommunications Et Telediffusion
  36. Postan Telephone & Telegraph
  37. Post Telephone Telegraph
  38. Postal Telephone Telegraph
  39. Post Telephone & Telegraph
  40. Post, Telegraph and Telephone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTT stand for Technology?

    PTT stands for Press-To-Oalk in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Push To Teat in Technology?

    The short form of "Push To Teat" is PTT for Technology.


PTT in Technology. (2022, April 21). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from

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