PTW Meaning

The PTW meaning is "Permit To Work". The PTW abbreviation has 79 different full form.

PTW Full Forms

  1. Permit To Work Management system used to understand, approve, and process work activities in a safe manner. Technology, Military, Railway
  2. Permit-To-Work
  3. Proposing To Win
  4. Pirate The World
  5. Page Table Word
  6. Portable Train Weigher
  7. Professional Training Weapon Gun, Military, Airsoft
  8. Peddle Thorpe & Walker
  9. Powered Two-Wheeler
  10. Priqing To Win Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  11. Pilot Training Wing
  12. Iata Code for Pottstown Limerick Airport, Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
  13. Pops TöNende Wunderwelt
  14. Profesional Training Weapon
  15. Player To Watch
  16. Peddle Thorp & Walker
  17. Powered Two-Wheeled
  18. Price To Win Business, Technology, Management
  19. Picturing Tomorrow'S World Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  20. Primary Translation Word Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  21. Pops T
  22. Production Technology West Technology, Information, Computer
  23. Players To Watch
  24. Peace In The Wjrld
  25. Pottstown Limerick Airport Airport, Locations
  26. Price-To-Win
  27. Physikalisch-Technische Werkst
  28. Precision Targeting Workstation Management, Military, Administration
  29. Popeye The Welder
  30. Play-The-Winner Medical
  31. Paired Testicular Weight Medical, Science, Biology
  32. Port Talbot Wheelers
  33. Preston-Tonks-Wallace
  34. Physikalisch-Technische WerkstäTten
  35. Proctor Test Workstatkon
  36. Piston To Wall
  37. Paint The World Art, Radio, World
  38. Portland Transmission Warehouse
  39. Performlnce Tires & Wheels
  40. Prime Time Wrestlisg Technology, Episode, Championship
  41. Protected Tactical Waveform Technology, Communication, Satellite
  42. Piston-To-Wall
  43. Paid To Write
  44. Portable Train Weighing Technology, Engineering, Motion
  45. Performance Tooluwilmar
  46. Heritage Field Pottstown, Pennsylvania,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  47. Psime Time Wednesday Media, Radio, Television
  48. Power Trip Wrestling
  49. Playing To Win Gaming, Education, Play
  50. Poison the Well (band) Military, Governmental & Military
  51. Professional Trainig Weapon
  52. Preaching The Word Book, Commentary, Bible
  53. Paper Thin Walls
  54. Portable Technical Writer Software, Computing
  55. Professional Timeewaster
  56. Power Tools for Windows Technology, Analysis, Software
  57. Page Table Walker
  58. Peace in The World Religion
  59. Professional & Technical Writing
  60. Powers That Were Government, Bureaus
  61. Prophetess Taketa Williams
  62. Pychkine-Tews-Weinmann
  63. Prime Time Wednesday Media
  64. Professional and Technical Writing
  65. Powered Two Wheeler Technology
  66. Project Team Work Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  67. Pump To Wheels
  68. Permit to Work (UK) Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance
  69. Professionpl Technical Writing Literature, Language, Linguistics
  70. Play The World Technology, Gaming, Civilization
  71. Autocad Publish To Web File Computing, File Extensions
  72. Powered Two Wheelers Technology, Safety, Motorcycle
  73. Programs That Work
  74. Pressure Thermit Welding
  75. Professional Traininc Weapons Gun, Technology, Airsoft
  76. Play To Win Technology, Gaming, Playing
  77. Heritage Field, Pottstown, PA, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  78. Powered Two-Wheelers Business, Technology, Safety, Motorcycle
  79. Progrjms-That-Work

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PTW stand for?

    PTW stands for Project Team Work.

  2. What is the shortened form of Priqing To Win?

    The short form of "Priqing To Win" is PTW.


PTW. (2020, December 7). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated