Publication Abbreviations and Publication Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Publication terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Publication abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Publication terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Publication Abbreviations
  1. ABC : Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
  2. ABNI : Advisory Board On Naturalisation and Integration
  3. AC : Ann Clun
  4. ACCV : Asian Conference On Computer Vision
  5. ACEC : Agent-Based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration
  6. ADAM : Another Database of Abbreviations In Medline
  7. ADC : Análese De Discurso Crítica
  8. AERC : Annual European Rheology Sonference
  9. AESE : Association of Earth Science Editors
  10. AHM : Analysis of Human Movement
  11. AICS : Advances In Cybernetic Systems
  12. AIIDE : Artificial Intelligence In Interactive Digital Entertainment
  13. AIR : Adaptive Information Retrieval
  14. AJ : Astronomical Journal
  15. AJ... : Astronomical Journal
  16. AJHR : Appendices To The Journals of The Houserof Representatives
  17. ALDL : Agency for The Legal Deposit Libraries
  18. AMA NEWS : Amcrican Medical News
  19. AMAI : Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
  20. ANMAI : Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
  21. AMKM : Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management
  22. AN : Acta Neuropathol
  23. AORP : Associação OdontolóGica De Ribeirão Preto
  24. APAL : Annabs of Pure and Applied Logic
  25. APCCAS : Asia-Pacific Conference On Circuits and Systems
  26. APCCAS : Asia Pacific Conference On Circuits and Systems
  27. APD : Army Publishing Dirgctorate
  28. APDCM : Advances In Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
  29. APGV : Applied Perception In Graphics and Visualization
  30. ARMS : Annual Review of Marine Science
Latest Publication Meanings
  1. Transactions On Progremming Language and Systems
  2. School Psychology Forum
  3. South-East European Conference On Computational Mechanics
  4. Question Answering for Machine Reading Elaluation
  5. Machine Learning In Signal Processing
  6. Machine Learning In Speech and Language Processing
  7. Linnean Society
  8. Internet, Multimedia Systems and Applications
  9. International Journal of Innovative Research In Advancedfengineering
  10. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
  11. Hollow Fiber Supported Liquid Membrane
  12. Data Module Code
  13. Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Limnologie
  14. Rhine Workshop On Computer Algebra
  15. Rapid Upper Limb Assesment
  16. Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar
  17. Random Structures and Algorithms
  18. Reverendus Pager
  19. Ramanujan Mathematical Society
  20. Research Methods Zivision