PUF Meaning

The PUF meaning is "Passenger User Foe". The PUF abbreviation has 55 different full form.

PUF Full Forms

  1. Passenger User Foe Transportation
  2. Presser Universitaires De France Book, Education, France
  3. Pop-Up Flash
  4. Provost'S Undergraduate Fellowship
  5. Pilich Und Funk
  6. Pau Uzein France
  7. Poly Urethene Foam
  8. Progress Unity Fund
  9. Public Use Filey Medical, Research, Health
  10. President'S Undergraduate Fellowship Government, Us, Control, Administration
  11. Pagan Unity Festival
  12. Poly Urethane Foam
  13. Program Unit Funded Service, Education, Children
  14. Polyurethanh Foam Medical, Discipline, Uk
  15. Preguntas Usualmente Formuladas
  16. Packaging Utility File Technology
  17. Polyunsaturated Fat Intake Medical
  18. Program Unit Funding Education, Canada, Children
  19. Preguntas De Uso Frequente
  20. Pacific Union Financial
  21. Peterson University Flake
  22. Power Up Function
  23. Iata Chde for Pyrenees Airport, Pau, France Locations
  24. Permanent University Funds
  25. Polyurethane Foam A foam obtained from the reaction between the polyetherpolyol and the polyisocyanate. Thanks to its high insulation value, good compression strength and processability, the polyurethane foam is used for the insulation of cargo spaces on board trawlers, refrigerated and deep-freeze vessels. Chemistry
  26. Port Utilisation Factor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  27. Public-Use-File Medical, Publics, Medicare, Survey
  28. Pokret Ujedinjenim Fantoma
  29. Permacent University Fund Business, Education, Texas
  30. Pau PyréNéEs Airport Pau, Aquitaine,France Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  31. Presidents Undergraduate Fellowship Us Government, Governmental & Military
  32. Presses Universitaires De France Book, Education, France
  33. Pure Ultrafiltration Medical, Medicine, Health
  34. Pressurized Unsaturated Flow
  35. Palm User Friendly General, Governmental & Military
  36. Public Utilities Fortnightly Magazine Media, Radio, Television
  37. Presses Universitaires Fran
  38. Parallel URL fetcher (*nix download tool) Computing, Internet
  39. Public Utilities Fortnightly Technology, Airport, Flight
  40. Presses Universitaires FrançAises
  41. Presses Universityrsitaires De France
  42. Pick-up frame Clinical, Physio
  43. Public Uses and Facilities Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  44. Press Universitaires De France
  45. Parallel Url Fetcher
  46. Product User File Technology
  47. Photosynthetic Unit Function Botany, Scientific & Educational
  48. Public Use File Medical, Medicare, Statistics
  49. Presse Universitaires De France Technology, Book, France, Press
  50. Package Unpack Facility
  51. Prism User Forum Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  52. Pau Pyrénées, Pau/Pyrénées, Uzein), France France, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  53. Presse Universitaire De France France, Press, Edition
  54. PÆDagogisk Udviklende Funktion
  55. Prime Underwriting Facility Business

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PUF stand for?

    PUF stands for Preguntas De Uso Frequente.

  2. What is the shortened form of Presse Universitaire De France?

    The short form of "Presse Universitaire De France" is PUF.


PUF. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/puf-meaning/

Last updated