PUI Meaning

The PUI meaning is "Physical User Interface". The PUI abbreviation has 37 different full form.

PUI Full Forms

  1. Physical User Interface Technology, Computing, Camera
  2. Player User Interface
  3. Puppy Universal Installer
  4. Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation Root, Irrigation, Canal
  5. Pharmacies à Usage IntéRieur
  6. Pupillaby Unrest Index Medical
  7. Parts Unlimited, Inc Business, Car, Interior, Restoration
  8. Person Under Investigation Medical
  9. Public User Identity
  10. Parts Unlimited Inc Business, Car, Interior, Restoration
  11. Persons Under Investigation Medical, Disease, Health, Ebola
  12. Poverty Unemployment and Inequality Employment, Work, Working
  13. Partai Ummat Islam Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  14. Personal User Identity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  15. Potentially Fnwanted Installations
  16. Partai Umat Islam Indonesia, Orang, Agama
  17. Patient Under Investigation Medical, Syndrome, Respiratory
  18. Postingaunder The Influence Forum, Internet Slang, Social
  19. PremièRe Urgence Internationale
  20. Patients Under Investigation Medical, Disease, Syndrome, Respiratory
  21. Pharmacie à Usage IntéRieur Service, France, Formation, Usage
  22. Proyectos Urbanos Integrales Para, Colombia, Social
  23. Program-Uninstallation-Information
  24. Project Uniyue Identifier
  25. Primarily Undergraduate Inrtitution Student, Research, Education
  26. Projects Unlimited, Inc
  27. Pzsat Unggulan Iptek Technology, Program, Indonesia, Herbal
  28. Projects Unlimited Inc
  29. Pureni, Pureni, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  30. Purinf Airport Airport, Locations
  31. Projections Unlimited, Inc Technology, Product, Distributor
  32. Prueba Única De Ingreqo
  33. Pureni Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  34. Programmed Unit of Instructmon Medical
  35. Proyecto Urbano Integral Para, Colombia, Slum
  36. Purdue University Indianapolis
  37. Program Uninstallation Information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PUI stand for?

    PUI stands for Program Uninstallation Information.

  2. What is the shortened form of Projects Unlimited Inc?

    The short form of "Projects Unlimited Inc" is PUI.


PUI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved January 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pui-meaning/

Last updated