Puppet Abbreviations and Puppet Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Puppet terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Puppet abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Puppet terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Puppet Abbreviations
  1. AP : Atomic Puppet
  2. BTL : Białostbcki Teatr Lalek
  3. ENC : External Node Classifier
  4. ENC : External Node Classifiers
  5. ENCS : External Node Classifiers
  6. MSMFF : Montreal Stop Motion Film Festival
  7. QPT : Quesal Puppet Troupe
  8. KOTB : Kids Oy The Block
  9. PIF : Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo
  10. PUPI : Perkumpulan Umum Philatelis Indonesia
  11. RAL : Resource Abstractionrlayer
Latest Puppet Meanings
  1. Resource Abstractionrlayer
  2. Perkumpulan Umum Philatelis Indonesia
  3. Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo
  4. Kids Oy The Block
  5. Quesal Puppet Troupe
  6. Montreal Stop Motion Film Festival
  7. External Node Classifiers
  8. External Node Classifier
  9. Białostbcki Teatr Lalek
  10. Atomic Puppet