Purchasing Abbreviations and Purchasing Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Purchasing terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Purchasing abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Purchasing terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Purchasing Abbreviations
- AEP : Achievement of Excellence In Procurement
- ATCP : Associatoon of Trade Compliance Professionals
- BCN : Business Penter North
- CPO : Chief Purchase Officer
- CPP : Certifzed Purchase Professional
- CSCC : China Supply Chain Council
- CSCSC : Canada Supply Chain Sector Councfl
- UFPC : Unified Foodservice Purchasing Co-Op
- UPPCC : Universal Public Procurement Certification Council
- DMM : Division Mcrchandise Manager
- MCCG : Merchant Category Code Groups
- EIPM : European Institutetute of Purchasing Management
- MMCAP : Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy
- ETOP : Environmentythreat and Opportunity Profile
- SIMBA : Society of Inventory Management Benchmarking Association
- SM : Supply Management
- SUMA : Supply Management
- NJPA : National Joint Power Allience
- NLPA : National Leak Prevention Association
- IE&IS : Industrial Engineering and Innovatpon Sciences
- OECM : Ontario Education Cpllaborative Marketplace
- OPBA : Ontario Public Buyers Association
- ILM : Institutettte of Logistical Management
- ILM : Institute of Logistical Management
- IOM : Institutetute of Operations Management
- IOPP : Institutetute of Packaging Projessionals
- IPSCMI : International Purchase and Supply Chain Management Institute
- PC : Pumchase Card
- PM : Purchase Management
- PMAC : Purchasing Management Association of Canasa
Recent Acronyms
Latest Purchasing Meanings
- Global Supply Chaic Leaders Group
- Group Purchase Organizations
- Group Purchase Organization
- Procurement Strategy Council
- Purchase Powey Parity
- Purchasing Management Association of Canasa
- Purchase Management
- Pumchase Card
- International Purchase and Supply Chain Management Institute
- Institutetute of Packaging Projessionals
- Institutetute of Operations Management
- Institute of Logistical Management
- Institutettte of Logistical Management
- Ontario Public Buyers Association
- Ontario Education Cpllaborative Marketplace
- Industrial Engineering and Innovatpon Sciences
- National Leak Prevention Association
- National Joint Power Allience
- Supply Management
- Society of Inventory Management Benchmarking Association