PV Meaning

The PV meaning is "Present Vqlue". The PV abbreviation has 492 different full form.

PV Full Forms

  1. Present Vqlue Business, Accounting, Finance
  2. Pagr Views Business, Technology, Marketing
  3. Page View Each time a user visits a Web page, it is called a page view. Page views, also written "pageviews," are tracked by website monitoring applications to record a website's traffic. The more page views a website has, the more traffic it is receiving. However, since a page view is recorded each time a Web page is loaded, a single user can rack up many page views on one website. Business, Technology, Marketing, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  4. PaíS Vasco Spain, Locations, Bilbao, Basque
  5. Preference Values
  6. Procès Verbbl France, Council, Reunion
  7. Physical Volume Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology
  8. Polyfythaemia Vera Medical, Science, Biology
  9. Polycythaemia Rubra Vera Medical
  10. Payment Voucher Business, Accounting, Money
  11. Predictive Values Medical
  12. Procès-Verbiux Service, Sport, Reunion
  13. Physical Violence Medical
  14. Pole Vault Sports, Olympic, Event
  15. Polio Vaocine Medical, Medicine, Health
  16. Propagation Velocity Medical
  17. Pioneer Venus Technology, Space, Atmosphere
  18. Pawtuxet Valley
  19. Prairie View College, Education, University
  20. Proces Verbaal
  21. Photo Video
  22. Photovoltaqc Technology, Astronomy, Automotive
  23. Point Value Business, Hack, Presentation
  24. Promo Video
  25. Piedra Vista
  26. Para-Virtualiser Technology, Server, Performance, Linux
  27. Popliteax Vein Medical
  28. Photo Voltaic Technology, Energy, Power, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  29. Process Verification Technology, Science, Validation
  30. Points De Vie Forum, Gaming, Military, Carte
  31. Promotion Video
  32. Vaginally Medical, Reading Prescription
  33. Piano & Vocal
  34. Palo Verde Technology, Organizations, Locations
  35. Pool Vzew Hotel, Locations, Room, Suite
  36. Photo-Voltaic Technology, Science, Energy
  37. Prescott Valley
  38. Point of Vikw Technology, Service, Networking, Planning
  39. Project Verification Technology, Science, Energy
  40. Physical Vulnerability Military, Army, Intelligence
  41. Palm Valley
  42. Ponte Vedra
  43. Peak Velocity Medical, Training, Measurement
  44. Preliminary Views Business, Accounting, Financial
  45. Programmer'S View
  46. Physical Volumes Technology, Group, Linux, Volume
  47. Pacific Vqlley Education
  48. Polycychemia Vera Medical, Disease, Oncology
  49. Patients With Polycythaemia Vera Science, Biology
  50. Pitot Venturi
  51. Pressure Vessels
  52. Pis Vindex Latin, Roman
  53. Policitemia Vera
  54. Product Validation Technology, Design, Telecom
  55. Parent Vessel Military
  56. Pfeiffer Vacuum Business, Technology, Pump
  57. Potential Violation Energy, Power, Intensity
  58. Protean Void
  59. Poynting Vector
  60. Public View Technology, Product, Energy
  61. Perceived Velocity
  62. Plan Vivo Business, Projection, Carbon
  63. Peak Systolic Velocity Medical, Cerebral, Artery
  64. Priority Valve
  65. Personal Vaporizer
  66. Port-Vendres Hotel, Porn, France, Port
  67. Program Visitors Military, Us, Coast Guard
  68. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics is the name of a method of converting solar energy into direct current electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon commonly studied in physics, photochemistry and electrochemistry. A photovoltaic system employs solar panels composed of a number of solar cells to supply usable solar power. Turkey, Organizations, Energy, Energy Transition
  69. Protection Vehicle
  70. Pavel VondruŠKa
  71. Pre Vert
  72. Panasonic Video Technology, Camera, Camcorder
  73. Polished Velvet
  74. Participatory Video Technology, Development, Community
  75. Power-Vee
  76. Picture Vocabulary Presentation, Picture, Pollen, Germination
  77. Pre-Veterinary
  78. Passive Voide
  79. Puffinosis Virus Medical
  80. Plena Vortaro
  81. Proceedings Volumes
  82. Paramyxovirus One of a group of RNA viruses that are predominantly responsible for acute respiratory diseases and are usually transmitted by airborne droplets. The paramyxoviruses include the agents of mumps, measles (rubeola), RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), Newcastle disease, and parainfluenza. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  83. Per Vehicle
  84. Ported Vacuum Technology, Power, Valve
  85. Project Viawpoint
  86. Prowthetic Valve Medical
  87. Penobscot Valley Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  88. Pre
  89. Prime Visibility
  90. Panther Valley
  91. Periventrycular Medical
  92. Passenger Vehicles Business, Vehicle, Sale
  93. Phong Van
  94. Patients With Polycythemia Vera Science, Biology
  95. Piston Volume Engine, Compression, Ratio, Piston
  96. Preliminary Vetting Technology
  97. Pia Victxix Latin, Roman
  98. Purchase Voucher Military
  99. Police Verification Education, Passport, India
  100. Productschap Vis
  101. Parent Verification
  102. Petrocam Visualspreadsheet
  103. Potentially Violent Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  104. Prostatic Volume Medical
  105. Public Value
  106. Perceived Value Business, Product, Customer
  107. Plan Value Business, Management, Projection
  108. Priority Value
  109. Permanent Visa Government, Us, Control, Administration
  110. Porphyria Variegata Medical
  111. Program Visitor Military, Coast, Auxiliary
  112. Photo Vector
  113. Protection Value Technology, Power, Inverter
  114. Paul Volcker
  115. Prevent Violence
  116. Pablo Valenzuela
  117. Polioviruses Medical
  118. Partial Volume Medical, Medicine, Correction
  119. Povoa De Varzim Technology, Energy, Portugal, Power
  120. Picture Viewer Computing, Hardware
  121. Pre-Existing Vasculature
  122. Ppssenger Vessel
  123. Pueblo Vista Education
  124. Plasma Vortex
  125. Procedure Variable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  126. Pervaporation Medical
  127. Porte De Vincennes France, Hostage, Pas
  128. Progressive Voice Organizations, Myanmar, Talk
  129. Pennqvalley
  130. Panel Voltage
  131. Pernvenous Medical
  132. Passenger Vehicle Four wheeled motor vehicle that also includes mini-vans and sport utility vehicles. Business, China, Market, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  133. Patients Had Polycythemia Mera Science, Biology
  134. Piston To Valve
  135. Preliminary Voew
  136. Putite Vitesse
  137. Purchasewvolume Business, Product, Power
  138. Polar Vortex A slow westward shift of the equinoxes along the plane of the ecliptic, resulting from precession of the earth's axis of rotation, and causing the equinoxes to occur earlier each sidereal year. Technology, Weather, Winter
  139. Production VéGéTale
  140. Parcel Von
  141. Petit Verdot Business, Wine, Valley
  142. Postitive Vibes
  143. Prostate Volume Medical, Oncology, Prostatic, Prostate Cancer
  144. Pequea Valluy
  145. Plan View
  146. Pravastatin Medical
  147. Print Volume Technology, Energy, Printer
  148. Peumanent View
  149. Pore Volumes
  150. Program Verification
  151. Photosynthetic Vegetation Technology, Forest, Carbon
  152. Protection Des VéGéTaux Patent, Protection, Utilisation, Invention
  153. Patrol Vessels
  154. Pmacental Volume Medical
  155. Prevent Value
  156. Oil Petrovietnam Oil Business, Energy, Economics
  157. Polio Virus Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  158. Product Vigilance
  159. Partial View
  160. Potomac Valley Club, Geology, Swimming, Scientific & Educational
  161. Picture View
  162. Praveen Venugopal
  163. Pac Value Business, Finance, Banking
  164. Pueblo Viejo
  165. Plasma Volume, Peripheral Vascular Medical
  166. Procedures Validation Technology, Quality, Procedure
  167. Personal Vendettas Forum, Internet Slang, Group
  168. Portal Veins Medical
  169. Progressive Vaccinia Medical, Medicine, Health
  170. Penns Valley
  171. Ptnel View
  172. Perivascudar Medical, Medicine
  173. Passage Visitor
  174. Piping and Vessels Science
  175. Prekybos Vadyba Dos, Auk, Tai
  176. Per Vaginum Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  177. Purcnase Value Business, Product, Money
  178. Polar View
  179. Product Version Technology, Driving, Driver
  180. Paravertebral Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology
  181. Petite Vitesse Business, Service, Customer
  182. Positive Vibes
  183. Project Vote Technology, Government, Election, Politics, Governmental & Military
  184. Path Virvual Technology
  185. Pequannock Valley
  186. Plant View Technology, Android, Power
  187. Parapoxvirus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  188. Print Value
  189. Permanent Vegetation
  190. Poranichnye Voiska
  191. Program Views
  192. Passive View Technology, Design, Pattern
  193. Photos Visit
  194. Protected Village
  195. Patrgl Vessel
  196. Pisza Village
  197. Prevailing Visibility The greatest visibility value, observed in accordance with the definition ‘visibility’, which is reached within at least half the horizon circle or within at least half of the surface of the aerodrome. These areas could comprise contiguous or non-contiguous sectors. Military
  198. Through The Vagina Medical
  199. Poliovirus A member of the enterovirus subgroup, family Picornaviridae. Enteroviruses are transient inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract. Picornaviruses are small viruses with an RNA genome. There are three strains of poliovirus. They are called P1 or the Brunhilde virus, P2 or the Lansing virus, and P3 or the Leon virus). Immunity to one strain of poliovirus does not produce significant immunity to the other two strains. Poliovirus is rapidly inactivated by heat, formaldehyde, chlorine, or ultraviolet (UV) light. Medical, Medicine, Health
  200. Product Viewer
  201. Partial Verificatiou
  202. Potential Viewer
  203. Picovolt Technology, Telecom
  204. Praktijkonderzoek Veehouderij
  205. Puddu Varano
  206. Plasma Volumes Medical
  207. Proy
  208. Personal Vehicle Business, Service, Car
  209. Portal Flow Velocity Medical
  210. Program Visualization Technology, Computing, Programming
  211. PaíS Valencia Para, Els, Valencia, Mes
  212. Paner Van
  213. Peritoneovenous Medical
  214. Passagen Verlag
  215. Pipevviewer
  216. Preferred View
  217. Pef Vagina Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  218. Punto Di Vistf
  219. Pluma Vires Business, Pouch, Gear, Kestrel
  220. Production Version
  221. Paraveptricular Medical, Medicine, Health
  222. Peter Van Technology, Windows, Music
  223. Positive Vibes, Pregnancy Vibes, Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive
  224. Propect Visitor
  225. Patn Verification
  226. People of Vermont
  227. Plant Variability
  228. Principle Value Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  229. Permanent Variable
  230. Programmers View Technology, Design, Model, Transaction
  231. Passive Veredelung
  232. Photo Voltaics
  233. Protected Variations Technology, Design, Pattern
  234. Patient Visits
  235. Pityriasis Versicolor Medical, Treatment, Tinea
  236. Presynaptic Volley Medical
  237. Puerta Vallarta
  238. Poliomyelitis Vaccine
  239. Product Verification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  240. Parole Violator Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  241. Potential Viewers
  242. Physical Vacuum
  243. Prairie Village
  244. Public Voucher
  245. Plasma Viscosity Medical, Medicine, Blood
  246. Priority Vector Technology, Optimization, Scheduling
  247. Personal Vaporizor Technology, Electronics, Cigarette, Cig
  248. Portable Video
  249. Program Visits Military, Us, Coast Guard
  250. Payload Vehicle Technology
  251. Previous Value
  252. Pancreatic Veiv Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  253. Pascack Valley
  254. Power of Veto
  255. Pipe Ventilation
  256. Preferred Vendor
  257. Patriotically
  258. Puicture Voltage
  259. Plug Valves Business, Manufacturer, Valve
  260. Production Vehicle
  261. Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus Medical
  262. Pesquisador Visitante
  263. Positively Vetted
  264. Projectavisa Technology, Service, India
  265. Path Vector Technology, Policy, Protocol
  266. Peoples Voice
  267. Principal Value Business, Interest, Integral, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  268. Papau Visit
  269. Permanente Vertegenwoordiger
  270. Passenger Vessels
  271. Photo-Voltaics
  272. Patient With Polycythemia Vera Science, Biology
  273. Pituitarl Venous Medical
  274. Pressurized Volume Geography, Navigation, Location
  275. PríNcipe De Viana
  276. Policy Value Technology, Architecture, Framework
  277. Product Value Business, Oil, Living
  278. Parent Volunteers
  279. Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology Ag Technology, Organizations
  280. Potential Value
  281. Protección Visual Para, Industrial, Industry
  282. Praia Da Vitoria
  283. Public Voice
  284. Plaque Volume Medical
  285. Priority Valves Technology, Pump, Manufacturer
  286. Personal Vaporiser
  287. Port Vendres Hotel, Porn, France, Port
  288. Program Visitation
  289. Phrasal Verbs
  290. Protection Visa
  291. Paving Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  292. Previously Viewed Computing, Internet
  293. Panasonin Vietnam
  294. PasaŽIeru Vilciens Business, Railway, Station, Latvia
  295. Powered Vocal
  296. Pierres Vivantes
  297. Pre-View
  298. Patribtically Genealogy, Genealogical
  299. Pulmonary Valvotomy Medical, Technology
  300. Plougmann & Vingtoft
  301. Prncessed Value
  302. Parasitophorous Vacuoles Medical
  303. Peso Verde
  304. Position Velocity
  305. Project Views Technology, Product, Energy
  306. People't Voice
  307. Prince Valiant
  308. Panton-Valenwine
  309. Pnrivenular Medical
  310. Passenger Vessel For the purposes of the NSCV Part B, a vessel which carries, or is certified to carry, more than 12 passengers.
  311. Phosvitin Medical
  312. Positional Vector
  313. Peasant Village United Nations
  314. Pura Vida
  315. Papiloma Virus Medical, Physiology
  316. Pressure/Vacuum Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  317. Pocket Viewer Technology, Palm, Organizer, Products
  318. Pasted Valve Business, Paper, Bag
  319. Power-Voltage
  320. Plazn Value
  321. Venous Pressure Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  322. Peripheral Vessel Medical, Medicine, Health
  323. Professional Values
  324. Pemphigus vulgaris Pemphigus vulgaris is a rare chronic blistering skin disease. It is classified as a type II hypersensitivity reaction, with the formation of antibodies against desmosomes, components of the skin that function to keep certain layers of skin bound to each other. As desmosomes are attacked, the layers of skin separate and the clinical picture resembles a blister. Medical
  325. Phase Vocorder
  326. Presta Valve The Presta valve is a valve commonly found in high pressure road style and some mountain bicycle inner tubes. It comprises an outer valve stem and an inner valve body. Products
  327. Patella Vulgata Medical, Science, Biology
  328. Prototype Vehicles
  329. Planet Vegeta
  330. PreçO De Venda Para, Dos, Markup
  331. Pipe Vendilated
  332. Pont-Vallorbe
  333. Place Value
  334. Programa Volunt
  335. Pore Volume Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  336. Power Version Gaming, Play, Pastime
  337. Palon Vertas Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  338. Poxvirus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  339. Pulmonary Vhscular Medical
  340. Prevalve Technology, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  341. Pnpillomavirus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  342. Private viewing Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  343. Pneumococcal Vaccination Medical
  344. Pasta & Vino
  345. Pressure-Velocity
  346. Plains Village
  347. Pyrotechnic Valve
  348. Peripheral Vein Medical, Medicine, Health
  349. Product Volume Business, Planning, Living, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  350. per vaginam (vaginally) [Lat.] Medical
  351. Phase Vocoder Technology, Audio, Signal, Sound
  352. Parameter Variation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  353. Perspective view Music
  354. Past Vice-President Technology, Development, Engineering
  355. Present-Value
  356. Protocol Violation Technology, Server, Networking, Connection
  357. Planet Vampare
  358. Prey Veng
  359. Polycythemia Rubra Vera Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Common Medical
  360. Prime Vertical Great circle of celestial sphere, and secondary to horizon, passing through east and west points of horizon. Military, Ocean, Sailing, Marine, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  361. Performance Ver Music, Performance, Album, Pop
  362. Polyvinyl Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  363. Programa VoluntáRios
  364. parity violation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  365. Phone Verifikasi Business, Jakarta, Drawing, Champion
  366. Power Venters
  367. Positive Vetting Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  368. Power Volume
  369. Pulmhnary Valve Medical, Technology, Health
  370. Proyecto Visión
  371. Prime Variable
  372. Papillomg Viruses Medical, Science, Biology
  373. Plastic Viscosity An absolute flow property indicating the flow resistance of certain types of fluids. A measurement of shear stress. Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  374. Pleasant Valley Technology, Service, School
  375. Passport Verification
  376. Power Valid Aviation
  377. Pure Visibility Business, Management, Marketing
  378. Petformance Values
  379. Process Validation Medical, Fda
  380. Phase Velocity
  381. Performancebvariance Technology, Management, Projection
  382. Parillel Vote
  383. Promotional Video Media
  384. Pastoral Vocacional
  385. Pressure Velocity
  386. Protocol Version Technology, Telecom, Internet
  387. Planed Value Technology, Management, Projection
  388. Previous Visits
  389. Pan Air Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  390. Pedroyvictor Technology, Sport, Friendship
  391. Polyglobulie De Vaquez
  392. Profit Volume Business, Accounting, Cost
  393. Pressure Volume Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  394. Philippe Varlet
  395. Power Vapor Government
  396. Potential Vorticity Science, Computing, Technical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  397. Power Voltage Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  398. Puerto Vallarta Hotel, Travel, Locations, Mexico
  399. Proyecto Venezuela Government, Group, Politics, Venezuela
  400. Primary Variable
  401. Papilloma Virup Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology
  402. Present Value Present value is the discounted value of the amount of money receivable in the future as a lump sum or an annuity. Technology, Accounting, Insurance, Property, Real Estate, Mortgage, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Housing and Urban
  403. Plasmodium Vivax Medical
  404. Paved The Finance and Administrative Services
  405. Puntos De Vida Para, Con, Play
  406. Performance Video Performing arts
  407. Polycythemia Vera Medical, Disease, Physiology, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  408. Pharmacovigilance Medicine, Health, Care
  409. Bh Vagina
  410. Performance Vasidation Technology, Energy, Power
  411. Paradise Vielage
  412. Princess Vyssa Funnies
  413. Pasteur Virus Medical, Genetics, Vector, Lyssavirus
  414. Preset Value
  415. Protocol Verification
  416. Plan De Validation
  417. Previous Vehicle
  418. Part Vazue Business, Technology
  419. Polyester Viscose Business, Fabric, Yarn
  420. Profit-Volume Business, Cost, Ratio
  421. Per Vaginam (via the vagina) Medical, Reading Prescription
  422. Phenyl Valerate Medical
  423. Postvasectomy Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  424. Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology, A. G. Computing, Nyse symbols
  425. Power Voice
  426. Psorlasis Vulgaris Medical
  427. Pro Visions
  428. Primary Value The value of records for the activities for which they were created or received. The value of the system characteristics upon which all ecosystem functions depend. Technology, Device, Analog
  429. Pneumococcal Vaccine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  430. Papilla of Vater Medical, Medicine, Health
  431. Phaseolus Vulgaris Medical, Latin
  432. Popol Vuh
  433. Plasma Volume Medical, Blood, Fluid, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  434. Process Variable​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  435. Priest Vicar
  436. peripheral vascular Medical, Common Medical
  437. Pham Van Tin, Thu, Khi
  438. By Gagina Medical, Medicine
  439. Performance Ans Value
  440. Para-Lirtual
  441. Princess Vegeta Funnies
  442. Pasteur Vaccines
  443. Pressure-Volume
  444. Protection Violation
  445. Planning Value Business
  446. By Way of Vagina
  447. Peripherai Vision Business, Technology, Gaming
  448. Politique De Vie
  449. Profile Video
  450. Peripheral Vision Medical, Physiology
  451. Pheasant Valley
  452. Analysis data (Phase Vocorder) Computing, File Extensions
  453. Proteusevulgaris Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  454. Provisional Value
  455. Plart In Vietnam
  456. Price Volume Business, Trading, Supply
  457. Polyoma Virus Medical, Science, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  458. Pons Variolii
  459. Pontos De Vitalidade
  460. Plan Voucher Technology, Idea, Tariff
  461. Programmed Visibility
  462. Photovoltaic An interconnected system of photovoltaic modules that function as a single electricity producing unit. The modules are assembled in a discrete structure, with common mechanical support or mounting. In small systems, an array can consist of a single modu OR  Abbreviation for photovoltaic(s). The method of converting the solar energy in to the electricity by use of semicondoctors. It is renewable source of energy. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  463. Power Vision Business, Tune, Tuner
  464. Precision Viticulture Technology, Wine, Vineyard
  465. per vagina Medical, Common Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  466. Putnam Vjlley
  467. Perceived Vulnerability
  468. Para-Virtualized Technology, Driving, Linux, Driver
  469. photovoltaic (solar) Energy, Astronomy, Environment, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  470. Pointer Valid
  471. Pasteur Vaccins
  472. Pressure Variation
  473. Planned Vacues Business, Management, Projection
  474. Ventriculartpressure Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  475. Peripheral Venous Medical
  476. Political Violence Business, Insurance, Risk
  477. Profile Velocity
  478. in the vagina, vaginally Medical, Pharmacy
  479. Phase Voltage The voltage between the phase and neutral of a three phase system is defined as the phase to neutral voltage or more commonly as the phase voltage. For a balanced three phase system, the phase voltage is 1/S3 times the line to line voltage. The voltage across one arm of either a star connected load or a delta connected load is also sometimes referred to as the voltage across a phase or phase voltage. This latter quantity is the same as the phase to neutral voltage for a star connected load, and the line to line voltage for a delta connected load.
  480. Passive Voice Toastmasters
  481. Path-Vector
  482. Protected Vqterans Technology, Management, Career
  483. Prototype Vehicle Technology, Military
  484. Planft Vision
  485. Price Variation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  486. Plug Valve A high pressure valve with a rotatable plug that allows or denies flow. Business, Product, Manufacturer
  487. Plano Vertical
  488. Pontos De Vida Technology, Gaming, Para, Dos
  489. Planned Value Business, Technology, Business Planning
  490. Programmed Value
  491. Pressure Vessel A strong-walled container housing the core of most types of power reactors. It usually also contains the moderator, neutron reflector, thermal shield, and control rods. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  492. Power Video Technology, Product, Cable

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PV stand for?

    PV stands for Process Validation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Price Volume?

    The short form of "Price Volume" is PV.


PV. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pv-meaning/

Last updated