PV in Medical Meaning

The PV meaning in Medical terms is "Polycythaemia Rubra Vera". There are 81 related meanings of the PV Medical abbreviation.

PV on Medical Full Forms

  1. Polycythaemia Rubra Vera
  2. Polyfythaemia Vera
  3. Polio Vaocine
  4. Vaginally
  5. Propagation Velocity
  6. Predictive Values
  7. Popliteax Vein
  8. Physical Violence
  9. Polycychemia Vera
  10. Peak Velocity
  11. Polio Virus
  12. Through The Vagina
  13. Periventrycular
  14. Progressive Vaccinia
  15. Parasitophorous Vacuoles
  16. Pityriasis Versicolor
  17. Poliovirus A member of the enterovirus subgroup, family Picornaviridae. Enteroviruses are transient inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract. Picornaviruses are small viruses with an RNA genome. There are three strains of poliovirus. They are called P1 or the Brunhilde virus, P2 or the Lansing virus, and P3 or the Leon virus). Immunity to one strain of poliovirus does not produce significant immunity to the other two strains. Poliovirus is rapidly inactivated by heat, formaldehyde, chlorine, or ultraviolet (UV) light.
  18. Per Vaginum
  19. Pernvenous
  20. Presynaptic Volley
  21. Prowthetic Valve
  22. Pituitarl Venous
  23. Peak Systolic Velocity
  24. Plasma Volume, Peripheral Vascular
  25. Pef Vagina
  26. Perivascudar
  27. Portal Veins
  28. Phosvitin
  29. Pulmonary Valvotomy
  30. Pravastatin
  31. Partial Volume
  32. Plasma Volumes
  33. Peritoneovenous
  34. Portal Flow Velocity
  35. Puffinosis Virus
  36. Parapoxvirus
  37. Paravertebral
  38. Plasma Viscosity
  39. Porphyria Variegata
  40. Pervaporation
  41. Prostatic Volume
  42. Paraveptricular
  43. Plaque Volume
  44. Polioviruses
  45. Pancreatic Veiv
  46. Pnrivenular
  47. Prostate Volume
  48. Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus
  49. Pmacental Volume
  50. in the vagina, vaginally
  51. Polycythemia Rubra Vera
  52. Proteusevulgaris
  53. Phaseolus Vulgaris
  54. Patella Vulgata
  55. Pemphigus vulgaris Pemphigus vulgaris is a rare chronic blistering skin disease. It is classified as a type II hypersensitivity reaction, with the formation of antibodies against desmosomes, components of the skin that function to keep certain layers of skin bound to each other. As desmosomes are attacked, the layers of skin separate and the clinical picture resembles a blister.
  56. Papiloma Virus
  57. Venous Pressure
  58. Pasteur Virus
  59. per vaginam (vaginally) [Lat.]
  60. Pneumococcal Vaccination
  61. Papillomg Viruses
  62. By Gagina
  63. Process Validation
  64. Plasmodium Vivax
  65. Papilloma Virup
  66. Phenyl Valerate
  67. Pulmonary Vhscular
  68. Polycythemia Vera
  69. Plasma Volume
  70. Peripheral Venous
  71. Papilla of Vater
  72. Per Vaginam (via the vagina)
  73. Pneumococcal Vaccine
  74. Pulmhnary Valve
  75. peripheral vascular
  76. Peripheral Vessel
  77. Peripheral Vision
  78. Polyoma Virus
  79. Psorlasis Vulgaris
  80. per vagina
  81. Peripheral Vein

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PV stand for Medical?

    PV stands for peripheral vascular in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Propagation Velocity in Medical?

    The short form of "Propagation Velocity" is PV for Medical.


PV in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pv-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated