PV in Technology Meaning

The PV meaning in Technology terms is "Pagr Views". There are 75 related meanings of the PV Technology abbreviation.

PV on Technology Full Forms

  1. Pagr Views
  2. Page View Each time a user visits a Web page, it is called a page view. Page views, also written "pageviews," are tracked by website monitoring applications to record a website's traffic. The more page views a website has, the more traffic it is receiving. However, since a page view is recorded each time a Web page is loaded, a single user can rack up many page views on one website.
  3. Pioneer Venus
  4. Process Verification
  5. Photovoltaqc
  6. Physical Volumes
  7. Point of Vikw
  8. Physical Volume
  9. Photo Voltaic
  10. Photo-Voltaic
  11. Para-Virtualiser
  12. Project Verification
  13. Palo Verde
  14. Participatory Video
  15. Procedure Variable
  16. Polar Vortex A slow westward shift of the equinoxes along the plane of the ecliptic, resulting from precession of the earth's axis of rotation, and causing the equinoxes to occur earlier each sidereal year.
  17. Payload Vehicle
  18. Project Views
  19. Pfeiffer Vacuum
  20. Procedures Validation
  21. Plant View
  22. Paving
  23. Program Visualization
  24. Peter Van
  25. Priority Vector
  26. Path Virvual
  27. Programmers View
  28. Povoa De Varzim
  29. Personal Vaporizor
  30. Protection Value
  31. Panasonic Video
  32. Priority Valves
  33. Picovolt
  34. Path Vector
  35. Product Verification
  36. Ported Vacuum
  37. Protected Variations
  38. Print Volume
  39. Photosynthetic Vegetation
  40. Pulmonary Valvotomy
  41. Product Validation
  42. Project Vote
  43. Public View
  44. Passive View
  45. Product Version
  46. Policy Value
  47. Projectavisa
  48. Preliminary Vetting
  49. Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology Ag
  50. Present Value Present value is the discounted value of the amount of money receivable in the future as a lump sum or an annuity.
  51. Power Voltage
  52. Protocol Violation
  53. Parameter Variation
  54. Pedroyvictor
  55. Power Video
  56. Protocol Version
  57. Para-Virtualized
  58. Planed Value
  59. Part Vazue
  60. Pocket Viewer
  61. Precision Viticulture
  62. Pleasant Valley
  63. Peripherai Vision
  64. Prevalve
  65. Pulmhnary Valve
  66. Past Vice-President
  67. Pontos De Vida
  68. Plan Voucher
  69. Performancebvariance
  70. Protected Vqterans
  71. Primary Value The value of records for the activities for which they were created or received. The value of the system characteristics upon which all ecosystem functions depend.
  72. Phase Vocoder
  73. Planned Value
  74. Performance Vasidation
  75. Prototype Vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PV stand for Technology?

    PV stands for Point of Vikw in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Planned Value in Technology?

    The short form of "Planned Value" is PV for Technology.


PV in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pv-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated