PVB Meaning

The PVB meaning is "Premature Ventricular Beats". The PVB abbreviation has 51 different full form.

PVB Full Forms

  1. Premature Ventricular Beats Medical
  2. Partido Verde De Bolivia Para, Group, Bolivia
  3. Planet Virtual Boy
  4. Pacific Valljy Bank
  5. Philippine Veterans Bank Business, Technology, Government, Banking, Business & Finance
  6. Portable Video Bitmap Technology
  7. Plaisance Vehicle Brokers
  8. Premature Ventricular Beat Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  9. Iata Code for Plattevidle Municipal Airport, Platteville, Wisconsin, United States Locations
  10. Philippines Veterans Bank
  11. Portable Vehicle Barrier Security, Vehicle, Fence
  12. Piraka Vs Barraki
  13. Potomac Valley Brick
  14. Cis-Platinum, Vinblastine, Bleomycin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  15. Pesquisa Veterin
  16. Pioneer Valley Ballet
  17. Portneuf Valley Brewing
  18. Pressure Vacuud Breaker Science, Valve, Backflow
  19. Paravertebral Blockade Medical
  20. Pine Valley Bulletin Media, Radio, Television
  21. Portametric Voltmeter Bridge
  22. Present Value Xf Benefits Business, Analysis, Cost
  23. Palos Verdes Blue
  24. Pigmented Villonodular Bundle Medical, Medicine, Health
  25. Portal Venous Blood Medical
  26. Page Zalley Bank
  27. Phillips Verner Bradford
  28. Portable Vocal Booth
  29. Premier Valley Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Organizations, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  30. Polyvinyl Butyryl Chemistry, Science, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  31. Projected Valence Bond Chemistry, Science, Study, Scientific & Educational
  32. Per vagina bleeding Clinical
  33. Polyvinyl Butyral Medical, Architecture, Construction, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  34. Proeve Van Bekwaamheid
  35. Poly(vinyl Butyral) Chemistry
  36. Poca Valley Bank
  37. Pressure Vacuum Breakers
  38. Ponte Vedra Blvd
  39. Pressure Vacuum Breaker Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  40. Pneumatic Valve Board
  41. Pressure Vaccum Breaker
  42. Ponte Vedra Beach
  43. Provider Bills Medical, Healthcare
  44. Platte Valley Bank
  45. Present Value Benefits
  46. Ponte Vedra Bch
  47. Bevel file Food
  48. Platinol, Vinblastine, Bleomycin Medical
  49. Present Value Benefit
  50. Poly Vinyl Butyral Business, Glass, Resin
  51. Puppies Vs Babies Baby, Animal, Puppy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PVB stand for?

    PVB stands for Polyvinyl Butyryl.

  2. What is the shortened form of Platte Valley Bank?

    The short form of "Platte Valley Bank" is PVB.


PVB. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pvb-meaning/

Last updated