PVC Meaning

The PVC meaning is "Poly Vinyl Chloridt". The PVC abbreviation has 156 different full form.

PVC Full Forms

  1. Poly Vinyl Chloridt Business, Material, Pipe
  2. Premature Ventrmcular Contraction Medical, Veterinary, Cardiology
  3. Parama Veerafchakra
  4. Provincetown Municipll Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  5. Permanjnt Virtual Circuits Technology, Networking, Network
  6. Permanent Virtual Circuit A permanent virtual circuit (PVC) is a software-defined logical connection in a network such as a frame relay network. A feature of frame relay that makes it a highly flexible network technology is that users can define logical connections and required bandwidth between end points and let the frame relay network technology worry about how the physical network is used to achieve the defined connections and manage the traffic. In frame relay, the end points and a stated bandwidth called a Committed Information Rate (CIR) constitute a PVC, which is defined to the frame relay network devices. The bandwidth may not exceed the possible physical bandwidth. Technology, Army, Text Messaging, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  7. Potential Volume Change Technology, Soil, Laterite
  8. Private Voluntary Cooperation Government
  9. Permanent Visual Circuit Medical, Medicine, Health
  10. Poly Vinyl Carbonate
  11. Penn Virginia Corp
  12. Powerful Vacuum Cleaner
  13. Pacific Vapeur Club
  14. Progressive Volleyball Center
  15. Perpetual Virtue Coytribution Management, Marketing, Trade
  16. Presi
  17. Pulmonary Venous Confluence Medical, Medicine, Health
  18. Polly Vinyl Chloride Business, Company, Leads
  19. Present Value Costs
  20. Partido Vefde Canario
  21. Potentially Violent Claimant Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  22. Private and Voluntary Cooperation Technology, Program, Government
  23. Permanent Virtual Circuit Or Channel Information, Network, Computer
  24. Poly Vinyl Chlorine
  25. Penggemar Vespa Club
  26. Power and Video Cable
  27. Permanent Virtual Connections Technology, Networking, Network
  28. Programme Validation Committee
  29. Permanent Voter'S Card
  30. Plastic and Vinyl Clothing Plastic, Shopping, Fetish
  31. Present Value of Costs Business, Analysis, Benefit
  32. Partial Volume Correction Medical, Technology, Imaging
  33. Propane Vehicle Challenge
  34. Prime Vendor Contract
  35. Poly-Vinyl-Chloride Business, Material, Pipe
  36. Prism Video Converter
  37. Permanent Virtual Channels Technology, Networking, Network
  38. Poly Vinyl Chioride Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  39. Penaltylversus Corruption Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System
  40. Potomac Velo Club Club, Race, Wakefield
  41. Programa De Volta Para Casa Para, Dos, Social
  42. Permanent Voters Cabds Government, Nigeria, Voting
  43. Planvista Corp. Organizations
  44. Present Value Cost
  45. Palm Valley Church
  46. Propane Vehicle Council
  47. Primary Visual Cortex Medical, Presentation, Brain
  48. Printer Video Controller
  49. Poly Viny1 Chloride
  50. Paulo Vinicius Coelho Para, Sport, Tube
  51. Potomac Valley Conference
  52. Professional Vehicle Corporation
  53. Permanent Voter Card Government, Nigeria, Election, Regional
  54. Pumps Valves & Compressors Business, Trading, Valve
  55. Plano De Voo Completo
  56. Present Value of Cost
  57. Packed Cell Volume The volume of the blood cells in a sample of blood after it has been centrifuged in the hematocrit; normally, it amounts to 45% of the blood sample. Medical, Governmental & Military, Clinical
  58. Prolonged Vaginal Cornification Medical
  59. Press A machine tool having a stationary bed and a slide or ram that has reciprocating motion at right angles to the bed surface, the slide being guided in the frame of the machine. also hydraulic press, mechanical press and slide. Technology, Internet Slang, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  60. Princeton Varsity Club
  61. Polymers Vinyl Chloride Business, Composition, Resin
  62. Pressione Venosa Centrale
  63. Passive Velume Control Media, Radio, Television
  64. Potomac Valley Chapter
  65. Professional Virtual Communities Technology, Education, Networking, Community
  66. Permanent Voters Card Government, Nigeria, Voting
  67. Pre-Valid Card
  68. Pacific Voice Conference
  69. Proliant Virtual Console Technology, Server, Virtualization
  70. Planctomycetes-Verrucfmicrobia-Chlamydiae
  71. Primitives Volumes and Collections Libraries, Reading, Books
  72. Poly-Vinyle Cloride Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Presión Venosa Central Medical, Para, Con, Cat
  74. Passive Voltage Contrasx Technology, Analysis, Material
  75. Potential Voltage Change
  76. Private Virtual Circuits Technology, Networking, Network, Frame
  77. Pwrmanent Vitual Circuit Technology
  78. Polyvinylchlorid Medical
  79. Pre-Vacuole Compartment Science, Botany, Phytology
  80. Patific View Charter Education
  81. Project On Violent Conflict Technology, Networking, Terrorism
  82. Pipe Very Crowded Funnies
  83. Polyvinyl Chloride Polyvinyl Chloride. PVC, a thermoplastic compound, is a commonly used Wire and Cable insulation and jacketing material. A synthetic resin used in the binders of coatings. Tends to discolor under exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Business, Chemistry, Technology, Product, Design, Drawing, Construction, Supplier, Medical, Science, Media, Architecture, Energy, Computing, Industry, Environment, Architectural, Rail Transport, Mechanics, Plastics, Electrical, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Clothes, IT Terminology, Fda
  84. Pump, Valves, Compressors Business, India, Exhibition, Valve
  85. Poly-Vinyl Chloride Business, Science, Pipe
  86. Present Value Calculation
  87. Parts Valze Covers
  88. Prime Venezuelan Calf Farming & agriculture
  89. Polyvinyl chloride (plastic) The Finance and Administrative Services
  90. Pressure Vacuum Chamber
  91. Publications De La Vie Catholique
  92. Provincetown Municipal Airport, Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States Massachusetts, United States
  93. Portable Video Camera
  94. Peripheral Venous Catheterization Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  95. Purple Velvet Cape
  96. Pigment Volume Concentration Medical, Physiology
  97. Protocol Variant Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  98. Photovoltaic Cell A photovoltaic cell is a specialized semiconductor diode that converts visible light into direct current (DC). Some PV cells can also convert infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation into DC electricity. Energy, Electrical
  99. Parallels Desktop Copied Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
  100. Pressure Control Valve Industry, Oil, Gas, Chemistry, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant
  101. Psychic Vampire Codex
  102. Permanent Virtual Connection Computing, Telecom
  103. Portable Vehicle Class Government
  104. Price Validation Code Management, Military, Marketing
  105. Peripheral Vascular Catheter
  106. Purity and Volume Control Science
  107. Premature Ventricular Complex Medical, Physiology
  108. Permanent Virtual Circuit (ATM) Forum, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Military, Aviation, Army, Computing, Chat, Climatology, Telecom, Hardware, Technical, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Organization, IT Terminology
  109. Panasonic Vm1 Voice File Computing, File Extensions
  110. Pression Veineuse Centrale Business, English, Product, Pipe
  111. Psychedelic Variable Consciousness Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  112. Primary Version Control Software, Computing
  113. Popular Video Coder
  114. Prevacuolar/Endosomal Compartment Medical
  115. Performance Value Chain
  116. Pumps, Valves and Compressors
  117. Personalised Ventilation Center Medical, Physiology
  118. Penn Virginia Corporation Technology, Organizations
  119. Permanent Virtual Circuit/Connection Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  120. Pulse Voltage Converter
  121. Plasticized Vitreous Compound Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  122. Pressão Venosa Central Para, Card, Press
  123. Pro Video Coalition
  124. Pedal Volume Control Music
  125. Poorly Valued Customer Technology
  126. Pressure Volume Compensator
  127. Perfect Venture Conference
  128. permature ventricular contraction Medical, Nursing
  129. Port Virtual Channel
  130. Permanent Virtual Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  131. Pressure-Volume Compensated
  132. Porous Vent Coaxative Physics, Scientific & Educational
  133. Pro Vice Chancellor Technology, Science, Government, Education
  134. Passive Volume Control Media
  135. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Design, Drawing, Building, Engineering, Construction
  136. Pressure Vessel Code
  137. Perfectly Hersatile Campsite
  138. Pulmonary Venous Congestion Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  139. Premature Ventricular Contraction Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical
  140. Portland Volleyball Club
  141. Prefix Part of a word added at the beginning of a word to alter the meaning. Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Media
  142. Permanent Vehicle Checkpoint
  143. Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Medical
  144. Ploy Vinyl Chloride Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  145. Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Education, University
  146. Plastic and Very Cheap Funnies
  147. Poly Vinyl Chloride
  148. Pressure Velocity Correction Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  149. Pepsi Eolume Controller
  150. Pulmonary Valve Closure
  151. Postal Vending Console Postal, Us Post
  152. Portland Velo Club
  153. Permanant Virtual Circuit
  154. Pvdf Chemistry, Science, Biology
  155. Partial Volume Concentration Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  156. Protocol Version Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PVC stand for?

    PVC stands for Premature Ventricular Complex.

  2. What is the shortened form of Popular Video Coder?

    The short form of "Popular Video Coder" is PVC.


PVC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pvc-meaning/

Last updated