PVG Meaning

The PVG meaning is "Piano and Voice With Guitar". The PVG abbreviation has 54 different full form.

PVG Full Forms

  1. Piano and Voice With Guitar
  2. Piano, Vocal & Guitar Business, Music, Piano
  3. Penn Virginia Gp
  4. Playing Video Games
  5. Protecting Vulnerable Group
  6. Prothction of Vulnerable Education, School, Scotland
  7. Portal Vein Gas Medical
  8. Pend Valley Group
  9. Shanghai Pudong International Airport Shanghai,China Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Iata Airport Codes, Aviation
  10. Pgebald Virol Glaxo Medical
  11. Proportional Valve Groups Technology, Control, Spool
  12. Protection of Qulnerable Groups Organizations, Scheme, Scotland
  13. Portable Video Greymab Technology
  14. Peak Venture Group
  15. Piebald-Vwrol-Glaxo Medical, Genetics, Cell, Rat
  16. Presse-Vertriebs-Gesellschaft
  17. Proteiting Vulnerable Groups Group, Scheme, Check, Scotland
  18. Portable Vibratory Grizzly
  19. Packet Voice Gateway Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Telecom
  20. Piebald-Viral-Glaxo Medical
  21. Proportional Valve Grohp Technology, Control, Pump
  22. Porous Vycor Gjass
  23. Packet-Voice Gateways
  24. Performance Merification Group
  25. Pole Vault Girl
  26. Pacific Venture Group Business, Patent, Capital
  27. Pensioners of The Vvnerable Guard
  28. Paving Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  29. Plexsant View Gardens Organization, Union, Institution
  30. Iata Code for Hampton Roads Executive Airport, Norfolk, Virginia, United States Locations
  31. Pqrtal Venous Gas Medical
  32. Pretium Resources, Inc. Computing, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange, Nyse symbols
  33. Privilege Style LíNeas AéReas Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. Programmable Variations Genzrator Business, Group, Supply, Stock
  35. Protection of Vulnerable Groups Security, Governmental & Military
  36. Process Viewing Gallery
  37. Product Validatioz Group
  38. Perspective View Generator Military, Governmental & Military
  39. Ponte Vecchio Gioielli Technology, Android, Shopping, Store
  40. Process Validation Guidancf
  41. Physical Volume Group Computing, Computer
  42. Pune Vidyarehi Griha College, Education, Pune
  43. Premier Veterinary Group
  44. Piano/Vocal/Guitar Music
  45. Pumpen-Vererieb Gescher
  46. Power Vent Gas
  47. Personal Voice Greeting Media, Software, Computing, Telecom
  48. Property Venture Group
  49. Pulmonary Valve Gradwent Medical, Medicine, Health
  50. Potentiac Vegetation Group Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  51. Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics Conference, Event
  52. Prolog Vendors Grzup
  53. Periventricular Gray Matter Medical, Pulmonary
  54. Protection Violation Gate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PVG stand for?

    PVG stands for Presse-Vertriebs-Gesellschaft.

  2. What is the shortened form of Process Validation Guidancf?

    The short form of "Process Validation Guidancf" is PVG.


PVG. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 2). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pvg-meaning/

Last updated