PVP Meaning

The PVP meaning is "Party for The Victory of The Poor". The PVP abbreviation has 109 different full form.

PVP Full Forms

  1. Party for The Victory of The Poor
  2. Parallel Vector Processing Technology, Computing, Programming
  3. Plant Variety Protection Technology, Organizations, Farming, Botany, Scientific & Educational
  4. Packet Video Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Photoselective Vaporization of The Prostate Medical, Treatment, Laser
  6. Player Vs Player Gaming, Guide, Player, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  7. Petit VéHicule ProtéGé Military, France, Protege, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  8. Personal Video Player Forum, Technology, Electronics
  9. Party Vs Party Group, Organizations, Lineage
  10. Path Verification Protocol
  11. Port As if computer terms weren't hard enough to understand, there are three different meanings of the word "port." 1. An Internet port. This is a number that indicates what kind of protocol a server on the Internet is using. For example, Web servers typically are listed on port 80. Street Suffix, Aviation
  12. Process Validation Plan
  13. Personal Video Phone
  14. Precio De Venta Al P
  15. Peerless Value Proposition
  16. Portal Venous-Dominant Phase Medical
  17. Pacific Venture Partners
  18. Petit V
  19. Presentation Volunteer Programme
  20. Pre
  21. Path Vector Protocol
  22. Popular Vanguard Party
  23. Process Verification Program
  24. Personal Vacation Planners Business, Calling, Cruise, Carnival
  25. Pseudo Vector Processing
  26. Peace Valley Park
  27. Portal Venous Phase Medical, Medicine, Health
  28. Person Vs Person Forum, Technology, Gaming
  29. Premier Vehicle Products
  30. Past Vice President
  31. Plant Varieties Protection Technology, Patent, Intellectual
  32. Process Verified Programs
  33. Personal Vacation Planner Business, Cruise, Carnival
  34. Providence Vision Project
  35. Payment Vs Payment
  36. Portal Venous Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
  37. Person Versus Person Forum, Gaming, Player, Person
  38. Preferred Vendor Program Technology, Service, Dealer
  39. Party for The Victory of The People
  40. Plant Varietal Protection
  41. Process Verified Program Business, Product, Agriculture
  42. Protoss Versus Protoss Gaming, Star, Craft
  43. Payment Versus Payment Business, Finance, Settlement
  44. Portal Vein Pressure Medical
  45. Personal Visiting Physician
  46. Predictive Value of Positive Results Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  47. Packetized Voice Protocol
  48. Planned Value Profile Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  49. Processed Verified Program
  50. Protecting Vulnerable People Military, Crime, Police
  51. Payment-Versus-Payment Business, Banking, Settlement
  52. Portable Video Pixmap Technology
  53. Personal Video Players Forum, Technology, Media, Vault
  54. Predictive Value of Positive Test Medical
  55. Position-Vestibular-Pause Medical
  56. Package Versioning Policy Technology, Module, Cabal
  57. Pipelined Vision Processor Technology, Device, Analog
  58. Present Value of Payments
  59. Payload Verification Plan Space, Study, Cosmos
  60. Portable Video Players Technology, Gaming, Media
  61. Protected Video Playback Technology, Windows, Computing, Microsoft Windows
  62. Personal Video Phones
  63. Precio Venta Al PÚBlico
  64. PortéE Visuelle De Piste
  65. Pacrim Venture Partners
  66. Pipelined Vector Supercomputer Military
  67. Present Value of Profits Business
  68. Polyvinylpyrrolidone Medical, Architecture, Construction, Food Additives
  69. Pipelined Vector Processor
  70. Peripheral Venous Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
  71. Potentially Violent Person Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  72. Protected Video Path Windows, Computing, Drivers
  73. Public Value Programme
  74. Personal Value Proposition Business, Career, Skill
  75. Peribiliary Vascular Plexus Medical
  76. Post Valentine Party Group, War, Party
  77. PVP Ventures, LTD. Global Depository Shares Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  78. Precio De Venta Al PÚBlico Para, Con
  79. Pressure Vessels And Piping
  80. Purpose, Values, and Principles
  81. Performance Verification Plan
  82. Posteroventral Pallidotomy Medical
  83. Player Versus Player Forum, Computing, Texting, Roleplaying, Sms, Email, Game, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, WoWS (World of Warships)
  84. Pre-Volunteer Programme
  85. Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  86. Purpose, Values and Principles Business, Technology, Gamble
  87. Perforated Vent Panels
  88. Post Vasectomy Pain Medical, Forum, Medicine
  89. Present Value Profit
  90. Permanent Virtual Paths Technology, Networking, Network, Cisco, Connection
  91. Pre-Release Validation Program
  92. Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  93. Pulmonary Vein Potential Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  94. Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Medical
  95. Post-Vasectomy Pain Medical, Physiology
  96. Penicillin V Potassium Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  97. Predictive Value Positive Medical, Surveillance, Sensitivity
  98. Permanent Virtual Path Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Technical
  99. Powertrain Validation Program
  100. Packet Video Processor Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  101. Pulmonary Vascular Permeability Medical
  102. Perceived Virtual Presence
  103. Pulmonary Venous Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  104. Planned Vacation Program
  105. Peripheral Vein Plasma Medical, Medicine, Health
  106. Potter Valley Project
  107. Parallel Vector Processor Computing, Hardware
  108. Pulmonary Valvuloplasty Medical
  109. Penn Violence Prevention

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PVP stand for?

    PVP stands for Portal Venous Phase.

  2. What is the shortened form of Person Versus Person?

    The short form of "Person Versus Person" is PVP.


PVP. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pvp-meaning/

Last updated