PW Meaning

The PW meaning is "Placental Weight". The PW abbreviation has 357 different full form.

PW Full Forms

  1. Placental Weight Medical
  2. Pregnant Women Medical, Porn, Sex
  3. Park West
  4. Providence and Worcester Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad Company
  5. Pivot Window Technology, Construction, Architectural
  6. Prisoners of War America, Military, Army, Marine, Camp, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  7. Pregnant Woman
  8. Pallet Wide
  9. Providence & Worcester Business, Locations
  10. Pretty Woman Movie, Wallpaper, Subtitle
  11. Pitching Wedge Club, Golf, Wedge
  12. Prisoner of War Military, Army, Air Force, Navy, Military Jargon, Technology, Texting, United Nations, Armed Forces, Us Navy, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Military Slang, Us Army, Army & Military, Clinical
  13. Precipitable Water The colourless material comprising the living part of a cell, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles. Technology, Science, Atmosphere, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  14. Pieter Willem Government, Africa, President, Apartheid
  15. Project Worksheet Technology, Government, Disaster
  16. Pressure Well Science
  17. Psychological Warfare Medical, Military, Psychology
  18. Patrick Wolf Music, Wolf, Album, Drop
  19. Pratt & Whitney Technology, Science, Engine
  20. Per Week Business, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Architecture, Construction
  21. Project Witch
  22. Pressure Washer Business, Power, Yamaha
  23. Pseudo-Wires
  24. Pathetic Wanker Technology, Internet Slang, Movie, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  25. Prader-Willi Medical, Genetics, Syndrome, Snapshot
  26. Pseudo Wire Technology, Networking, Network
  27. Present Worth Business, Technology, Property, Real Estate, Discount, Aptitude, Mortgage, Business & Finance, Business Word
  28. Pass Word Technology, Information, Network
  29. Pseudo-Wire Technology, Networking, Network
  30. Plane Wave Science, Electronics, Density
  31. Presbyterian Women Organizations, Church, Mission, Religion
  32. Pass Window Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  33. Pro Wrestling
  34. Pharrell Williams Music, Style, Liquor
  35. Peace Walker
  36. Pseudo Wires Technology, Networking, Wire
  37. Permanent Way Business, Technology, Railways, Railway, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  38. Philadelphia Weekly Business
  39. Peter Walker
  40. Present Work
  41. Pariza Wacek
  42. Polished Wafer
  43. Proved Wrong
  44. Pennies Worth
  45. Power Wagon
  46. Practice Workbook
  47. Prisoner of War Pw Picowatt Army, War, Force
  48. Port Wine
  49. Public Work
  50. Perry White
  51. Page Width Forum, Technology, Printer, Linux
  52. Petition for Waiver
  53. Pastors Wife
  54. Penta-West
  55. Power Weapons
  56. Pratt and Whitney Technology, Canada, Engine
  57. Paper Wallet
  58. Pictured Within
  59. Plain Walker Gaming, Lineage, Walker, Plains
  60. Protected Write Technology, Management, Mode, Lock
  61. Portland Western
  62. Pulse-Width Technology, Signal, Modulation
  63. Progesterone Withdrawal Medical, Cardio
  64. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
  65. Providence and Worcester Railroad Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Regional Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  66. Payne-Whitham
  67. PrzyjĘCie WewnĘTrzne Program, Jest, Jak
  68. Permanent Wave A wave moving with no change in streamline pattern and which therefore is a stationary wave relative to a coordinate system moving with the wave.
  69. Performance Walker Business, Shoe, Minor
  70. Pete'S Wicked
  71. Present-Worth
  72. Paragraph Writing
  73. Police Woman
  74. Proton World
  75. Pengurus Wilayah Indonesia, Jakarta, Ulama
  76. Powerlogic Wide
  77. Price of Wool
  78. Print Width
  79. Peak Width Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  80. Port-Wine
  81. Publice Works
  82. Perpetual Wastelands
  83. Page Welcome
  84. Peter Wong
  85. Pastor'S Wife
  86. Political Warfare
  87. Pennywise Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  88. Power Weapon
  89. Pratt and Whittney Technology
  90. Papers of Woodrow
  91. Pico Watts Technology, Military
  92. Pipe Wall
  93. Protected Watershed
  94. Portland Waldorf
  95. Pulse Wave The progressive expansion of the arteries occurring with each contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. Medical, Technology, Ultrasound, Cardio
  96. Pair Work
  97. Pharmaceutical Waters
  98. Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll History, Chicago, Assyrian
  99. Prywatne WiadomośCi Forum, Jest, Jak
  100. Perdew and Wang Technology, Correlation, Density
  101. Public Works Buildings and structures constructed by the government for public use, such as roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, etc. Military, Finance, City
  102. Peta Wilson Technology, Sex, Celebrity, Femme
  103. Prep Washer
  104. Paraffin Wax A high-VI crystalline substance removed from paraffinic crudes after distillation, composed of unbranched straight chain hydrocarbons that are solid at room temperature. Waxes are primarily used for waterproofing and candles; in small quantities, they degrade the low-temperature properties of lubricants. Business, Product, Manufacturer
  105. Police Weekly
  106. Proto-World
  107. Pengembangan Wilayah
  108. Posterior Wall Medical, Medicine, Health, Heart, Physiology
  109. Previous Week Business, Gaming, Sale, Price
  110. Primary Weapon Gun, Gaming, Military
  111. Peak White Technology, Product, Manual
  112. Porn Whore
  113. Publication On The Web
  114. Permit Withdrawal
  115. Paeldryth'S Wrath
  116. Peter Weibel
  117. Partia WolnośCi
  118. Politechniki Warszawskiej Student, Technology, Jest
  119. Penny-Wise
  120. Power Watcher
  121. Pratt-Whitney Technology, Aviation
  122. Papa Westray
  123. Pipeline Weld
  124. Prosodic Word
  125. Portion of The Wheat
  126. Pulsed Waves Medical
  127. Pair-Weighed Medical
  128. Phantom Works Army, Force, Marine
  129. Pauly Wissowa Education, History, Leipzig, Volume
  130. Perdew-Wang Technology, Correlation, Density, Approximation
  131. Picowatt Architecture, Construction, Telecom
  132. Preparation for Work
  133. Parabola Width Technology, Semiconductor, Processor
  134. Polar Wind Technology, Power, Manual
  135. Protest Warriors
  136. Penalty Withholding
  137. Posted Within
  138. Pursuit Water-Cooled
  139. Preview Weekend
  140. Primary Water Business, Pump, Supplier
  141. Peak Wavelength Technology, Product, Light
  142. Porn Wax Porn, Music, Vinyl
  143. Pubilc Works
  144. Permitted Well
  145. Paddock Wood
  146. Peter Warrick Sport, Card, Football
  147. Pressure Wave Medical, Medicine, Health
  148. Partial Write
  149. Politechnika Wroclawska
  150. Penn Wood
  151. Power Walking
  152. Prairie Warrior Military, Army, War
  153. Pan World
  154. Pioneer Woman Episode, Recipe, Ree, Pioneer
  155. Progressive Wave Elevation of water, with its accompanying depression, that moves laterally along surface of sea Considered in tidal investigations
  156. Portable Worksite Technology
  157. Pulsed Wave Medical, Technology, Pulse
  158. Painted White Product, Paint, Rent
  159. Phantom Watch
  160. Pauly-Wissowa Theology
  161. Percy Weasley
  162. Piano Wire
  163. Premium Wireless
  164. Paper Wrapped Business, Product, Manufacturer
  165. Polar Water Ocean, Water, Area, Temperature
  166. Protest Warrior
  167. Peta Watts
  168. Postal Wizard postal service
  169. Pursuit, Watercooled
  170. Prevailing Westerlies Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  171. Pricing Well
  172. Palau Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Palau, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  173. Peak Wattage Technology, Power, Inverter
  174. Practice Worksheet Development, Learning, Study
  175. Psychological Wellbeing
  176. Permissions Wizard
  177. Paddle Wheel Circular skeleton framework that carries paddle–boards Is turned by an engine, and so propels vessel
  178. Peter Ward Radio, Earth, Ward, Extinction
  179. Pressure Washer-Hot
  180. Partial Wave
  181. Polish Warmblood
  182. Penn West
  183. Power Walker Technology, Product, Pedometer
  184. Prague Watchdog
  185. Pintail Wigeon Technology, Calling, Duck
  186. Product Weight
  187. Port-Wine Stain Medicine, Disease, Disorder
  188. Pulse-Wave
  189. Persekutuan Wanita Indonesia, Papua, Orang
  190. Power Wide
  191. Paintball Wholesalers
  192. Pewter Wedding
  193. Paul Walker Car, Star, Death, Walker
  194. Percy Warner
  195. Physicians World
  196. Premium Wine
  197. Paper Wizard
  198. Player Worn
  199. Protect Working
  200. Petal Width Technology, Analysis, Anatomy, Iris
  201. Post Workout Sports, Fitness
  202. Pursuit-Water
  203. Phenol-Water Medical
  204. Price Waterhouse
  205. Peace Work
  206. Practical Work
  207. Psychic Warrior
  208. Permanent Wetlands
  209. Politechnika Warszawska
  210. Peter Walter
  211. Pressure Washers
  212. Parking Wars
  213. Polished White Technology, Piano, Roland
  214. Pennine Way
  215. Power Wah Business, Pedal, Boss
  216. Practice Workflow
  217. Picture Walk Student, Education, Teaching, Reading
  218. Production Worker Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  219. Port Wing
  220. Public Waterfowl
  221. Persatuan Wanita Para, Indonesia, Orang
  222. Power Wheels
  223. Page Write Technology, Book, Language, Java
  224. Pet Warehouse
  225. Pastors' Wives
  226. Percussive Welder
  227. Premium Weight
  228. Paper Whimsy
  229. Picture Wah Technology, Guitar, Pedal
  230. Plain Washer
  231. Protector Wax Technology, Car, Nano
  232. Post-Workout
  233. Pursuit, Water
  234. Power Wizard
  235. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railroad (American Stock Exchange [AMEX]) Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  236. Paley-Wiener
  237. Pretty Worthless
  238. Pers
  239. Poorboy'S World
  240. Pre War Government, Education, Us, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  241. PAYMASTER'S WRITER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  242. Plasma Welding
  243. Pyrococcus Woesei Medical
  244. Pearl White Colors
  245. Panmure Wharf Technology, London, Auckland, Rent
  246. Phoenix Woman
  247. Place of Worship Locations, Church, Religion, Ordnance Survey
  248. Peak Windowing Business, Leicester, Glazing
  249. Process Waste Science
  250. Plan Washer
  251. Prestige Worldwide
  252. Political Watchdog
  253. Pro Watch
  254. Persistent World Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang, Computing, Texting, Internet, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  255. Professional Write Text document Computing, File Extensions
  256. Pee Wees
  257. Power Wing
  258. Pale White Girl, Teen, Dick
  259. Pretty Women
  260. Ponsness Warren
  261. Prevailing Wage Business, Employment, Labor
  262. Public write General, Governmental & Military
  263. Public Works Division (state Dags) Education
  264. Pussy Wipped
  265. Perfect Wear Clothes
  266. Panel Wiring
  267. Phoenix Wing
  268. Private Wire Technology, Networking, Network
  269. Pivoted Window
  270. Press Wash
  271. Provisional Wing
  272. Persistant World
  273. Pyrolyzing Wall Products
  274. Peene Werft
  275. Power Windows Technology, Car, Door
  276. Publishers' Weekly
  277. Pretty Wild
  278. Pond Works
  279. Pulse Width The length of time of an injection event, also known as duration or injector on time. Army, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  280. Palau (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  281. Pussy Whipped
  282. Portfolio Width Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  283. Pancake World
  284. Phil Wood
  285. Printed Wiring Technology
  286. Phantom Warriors Technology, Gaming, Magic
  287. Pressurized Water
  288. Providence and Worcester Locations, Railroad, Train
  289. Persimmon Woods
  290. Papa Whoot Funnies
  291. Physical World
  292. Pedal Wrench
  293. Power Winder
  294. Prime Wave Film, Technology, Movie, Internet
  295. Pretty Wife Porn, Sex, Amateur, Wife
  296. PomśCimy Wawer
  297. Prywatna Wiadomoc
  298. Password Protected/private string of letters, numbers, and special characters used to authenticate an identity or to authorize access to data. Computing, Telecom, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Unix, Unix commands, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Sms, Game, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  299. Plan of Windmoving Physics, Scientific & Educational
  300. Parallel Wing Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  301. Palm Water Business, Service, Dubai
  302. Philip Wilson
  303. Potable Water Treated water used for human consumption. Water suitable for drinking or cooking purposes from both health and aesthetic considerations. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  304. Prince William County, Locations, Virginia
  305. Panther Watch Movie, Rip, Audio, Panther
  306. Providence Worcester Locations, Railroad, Train
  307. Persian White Light, Quorum, Chandelier, Persian
  308. Passing Wind Funnies
  309. Physical Weathering A post-office box or Post Office box (commonly referred to as a PO box or a Postal Box) is a uniquely addressable lockable box located on the premises of a post office station. In many countries, particularly in Africa and the Middle East, there is no 'door to door' delivery of mail.
  310. Pedal Wah Technology, Guitar, Boss
  311. Power Wire
  312. Powstanie Warszawskie Jest, Ale, Jak
  313. Pretty White Color, Paint, Colors
  314. Polygon Wizards
  315. Prywatna WiadomośC Forum, Technology, Gaming, Jest
  316. pseudowire Computing, Technical
  317. pulmonary wedge Medical, Pulmonary
  318. Produced Water Water, ranging from fresh to salty, produced with the hydrocarbons as a result of pressure drawdown and flow through the formation. Manufacturing, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  319. Pallet Wrapper
  320. Philip Webb
  321. Price Watch
  322. Palette Wide
  323. Puncture Wound Medical
  324. Purified Water
  325. Providence & Worchester
  326. Paul Wolman Famous
  327. Panty Waist
  328. Photo of The Week
  329. Pecker Wood
  330. Project Window Technology
  331. Plate Washing Business, Washer, Wash
  332. Pres Women
  333. Polska Walczaca
  334. Proximity Wiegand Technology, Card, Supply
  335. Poetry Webring Computing, Internet
  336. Power Word
  337. Preserve Word Assembly, Business & Finance
  338. Paley Wiener Funnies
  339. Physics World Science, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Computing, Scientific & Educational
  340. Price-Waterhouse Government
  341. Whole-Cell Pertussis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  342. Pow Wow Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  343. Projection Welding
  344. Proven Winners
  345. Poured Wall Construction
  346. Panthic Weekly
  347. Photonics West
  348. Precision Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  349. Pear Wood
  350. Process Water Science
  351. Plate Wash
  352. Preston Wilson
  353. Politische Weltkunde German, Berlin, Gymnasium
  354. Pro White
  355. Persistent Worlds
  356. Personal Web Computing, Internet
  357. Peformance Wellness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PW stand for?

    PW stands for Pivoted Window.

  2. What is the shortened form of Persimmon Woods?

    The short form of "Persimmon Woods" is PW.


PW. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated