PWP Meaning

The PWP meaning is "Personal Web Pages". The PWP abbreviation has 82 different full form.

PWP Full Forms

  1. Personal Web Pages Technology
  2. Parents Without Partners Group, Organizations, Parenthood
  3. Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure The pressure obtained when a catheter is passed from the right side of the heart into the pulmonary artery as far as it will go and wedged into an end artery. PCWP is measured by letting pulmonary blood flow guide a balloon-flotation catheter into a small pulmonary end artery. The pressure distal to the wedged catheter is an approximation of left ventricular end diastolic pressure Medical, Technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Pulmonary, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  4. Powerpart Organizations
  5. Portuguese Water Partnership
  6. Portable Work Platform Science
  7. Power and Water Procurement
  8. Particles Per Wafer Pass Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  9. Pressure Wave Propagation
  10. Picture Window Pro
  11. Public Works Programme Business, Government, Malawi
  12. Porn Without Plot Story, Fiction, Plot
  13. Pro Wrestling Phoenix
  14. Plasticized White Phosphorus
  15. Potomac Watershed Partnership
  16. Particle Per Wafer Pass
  17. Prentice, Williams, and Peterson
  18. Picowatt, Psophometrically Weighted Technology, Telecom, Electonics
  19. Provisional Work Permit
  20. Provider Web Portal
  21. Plasticized White Phosphorous Military
  22. Potable Water Plant Technology
  23. Parents With Prospects
  24. Prentice, Williams, Peterson
  25. Personal Watercraft Partnership
  26. Proud Warrior Productions Australia, Fight, Production
  27. Proud Warriors Productions Australia, Fight, Warrior
  28. Plasticised White Phosphorus Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  29. Portraits With Pride
  30. Parenting With Purpose
  31. Public Works Project Technology, Animal, Crossing
  32. Prelaunch Wind Profile Technology
  33. Pee Wee Penguin Business
  34. Prosperity With A Purpose
  35. Plant With Purpose
  36. Portable Word Processor Technology, Corona, Typewriter
  37. Paradise Wildlife Park
  38. Psychological Wellbeing Practice
  39. Preferred Worker Program
  40. Pediatric Work Physiology
  41. Promise of World Peace
  42. Planning Work Program Transportation, Technology, Presentation
  43. Portable Water Processor Technology
  44. Purchase With Purchase Business, Product, Pin
  45. Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner Medical, Health, Psychology
  46. Plastic Waste Processor
  47. Powerhouse World Promotions War, Fight, Mainland
  48. Partnering With Parents
  49. Project Work Plans
  50. Pie Without Plot Count, Pie, Dean
  51. Pulmonary Wedge Pressure Medical, Medicine, Heart, Pulmonary, Common Medical
  52. Porn With Plot Technology, Sex, Tube
  53. Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners Medical, Health, Psychology
  54. Plastics Waste Processor
  55. Photoworks Image File Computing, File Extensions
  56. Published Way Point Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  57. Plymouth Writing Project
  58. Personal Web Page(s) Computing, Internet
  59. Patient Word Processing Medical, Pulmonary
  60. Public Works Program Business, Government, Social
  61. Plot What Plot Sex, Story, Character, Plot
  62. Porn Without Point Film censorship
  63. Programmable Weld Positioner
  64. Password Protected Security, Governmental & Military
  65. Public Works Plan
  66. Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pulmonary, Artery And Arteries, Common Medical
  67. Plot-What-Plot Book, Story, Fiction, Plot
  68. Pure Water Products
  69. Pythagorean Winning Percentage
  70. Power With the People Politics, Governmental & Military
  71. Plot, What Plot Internet Slang, Chat, Fiction
  72. Pure Water Process
  73. Porno Without Plot Slash, Plot, Angst
  74. Peasants & Workers Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  75. Powershares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust Technology, Organizations
  76. Platinum White Pearl
  77. Pulse Wave Profiler Medical, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Wellness
  78. Porewater Pressure Science, Environment, Nature
  79. Plastic Wall Phone Computing, Telecom
  80. Pulmonary Wedge Pressures Medical
  81. Pore Water Pressure
  82. Python Web Programming Computing, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PWP stand for?

    PWP stands for Plastic Wall Phone.

  2. What is the shortened form of Parenting With Purpose?

    The short form of "Parenting With Purpose" is PWP.


PWP. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated