PY Meaning
The PY meaning is "Patrol Yacht". The PY abbreviation has 107 different full form.
PY Full Forms
- Patrol Yacht Sports, Patrol, Yachting
- Past Year Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Prior-Year
- PhÚ YêN Locations, Tin, Thu, Nay
- Prior Year War, Locations, Special Education, Technology, Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, NASA
- Person Years Medical, Technology, Cancer
- Person-Years Medical, Study, Risk, Incidence
- Person-Year Medical, Telecom, Incidence, Computing, Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Processing Year Financial, Business & Finance
- Pyrazole Medical
- Pack-Years Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
- Plain Yellow
- Powerful You
- Payment Year Medical, Service, Medicare
- Protein Yield
- Pete Yorn
- Primary Year Education
- Pyloric Constrictor Medical
- Mean Power Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Piyasa YapıCı Turkish, Art
- Paraguay Military, Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Paraguay, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Payback Fears
- Pouch Joung Medical
- Protecting You
- Peter Yarrow
- Primary Yardstick
- Receipt Receipt can be either an act of receiving money or a document made by the receiver of cash acknowledging that the money has been received. Business, Finance, Banking, Accounting, Business & Finance, Stock, Investing
- Penultimate Year Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Pyloric Medical
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Paraguay Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Phosphopyridoxal Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Pat Yasinskas
- Potomac Yari
- Per Year Business, Service, Tool
- Previous Yyar Business, Government, Tax
- Pennsylvania Youth
- Purnomo Yusgiantoro
- Phonohogy Yearbook
- Patron De Yate Para, Con, Utica
- Planning Year
- Perspn Year Science, Environment, World
- Present Year
- Pechiney Group Organizations
- Pure Youth
- Phoenio Yellow
- Patient Yjars
- Planning Yards Military
- Presbyterian Youth
- Peace By Youph
- Purely Yours
- Phiuip Yancey
- Pyrene Medical
- Pack Year Medical, Cancer, Pack, Lung
- Planning Yard Technology, Military, Tool
- Power Yoga
- Pazar Yerg
- Psilocybin Medical
- Philippine Yearbook
- Program Year Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- Pertentage Yield
- Program Yeterlilikleri Technology, Malar, Bologna
- Pyruvate A prominent intermediate in metabolism; a precursor for alanine and glucose and can be converted into lactate in anaerobic glycolysis; can also be oxidized to acetyl coa, which can be further oxidized to yield energy aerobically, converted into fats, or used to synthesize cholesterol and other steroids. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Privy Ordnance Survey
- Performans YöNetimi Business, Management, Turkish
- Pyridjl
- project year Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Surinam Airways Ltd Airline, Suriname, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Peptide Y Medical
- Professional Year Program, Australia, Education
- Piggery Ordnance Survey
- Performance Yachts
- Plastic Yield
- Pyridine Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH-) replaced by a nitrogen atom. The pyridine ring occurs in many important compounds, including azines and the vitaminsniacin and pyridoxal. Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Professional Years
- Probationary Occupation & positions, Navy, Governmental & Military
- Perbormance Year Forum, Conveyance, Man
- Peter Young Jazz, Soul, Play
- Prophet Yahweh
- Spray Water blown, or thrown, into the air in particles. Medical, Physiology, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Pyrrole A five-membered heterocyclic diene ring compound in which the hetero atom is nitrogen; a building block of the heme group. Medical
- Product Yieldp Technology, Pest, Controlling, Invertebrate
- Publication Year Media
- Pezformance Years
- Patricia Young Book, Canada, Poetry
- Promotion Yrar Military, Army, Coast Guard
- PAYMASTER'S YEOMAN Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Pyrvmetric
- Spray (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Procion Yellow Medical
- Painted Yellow Colors
- Percus Yevick Theory, Sphere, Equation
- Parker Young Business, Card, Arrow, Checklist
- Proje YöNeticisi Technology, Program, Turkish
- Patient-Years Medical
- Pechiney American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
- Personnel Year Science
- Pkrochlore
- Paraguay (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Process Yielz
- plan year Financial, Business & Finance
- Percus-Ycvick Medical, Equation, Integral
- Projeco Yes
- Phosphorylated Medical
- Python script file Computing, File Extensions
- Person - Year Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Pyritps
- Python Script Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PY stand for?
PY stands for Purely Yours.
What is the shortened form of Prior-Year?
The short form of "Prior-Year" is PY.
PY. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from
Last updated