PY Meaning

The PY meaning is "Patrol Yacht". The PY abbreviation has 107 different full form.

PY Full Forms

  1. Patrol Yacht Sports, Patrol, Yachting
  2. Past Year Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  3. Prior-Year
  4. PhÚ YêN Locations, Tin, Thu, Nay
  5. Prior Year War, Locations, Special Education, Technology, Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, NASA
  6. Person Years Medical, Technology, Cancer
  7. Person-Years Medical, Study, Risk, Incidence
  8. Person-Year Medical, Telecom, Incidence, Computing, Oil, Scientific & Educational
  9. Processing Year Financial, Business & Finance
  10. Pyrazole Medical
  11. Pack-Years Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
  12. Plain Yellow
  13. Powerful You
  14. Payment Year Medical, Service, Medicare
  15. Protein Yield
  16. Pete Yorn
  17. Primary Year Education
  18. Pyloric Constrictor Medical
  19. Mean Power Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  20. Piyasa YapıCı Turkish, Art
  21. Paraguay Military, Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Paraguay, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  22. Payback Fears
  23. Pouch Joung Medical
  24. Protecting You
  25. Peter Yarrow
  26. Primary Yardstick
  27. Receipt Receipt can be either an act of receiving money or a document made by the receiver of cash acknowledging that the money has been received. Business, Finance, Banking, Accounting, Business & Finance, Stock, Investing
  28. Penultimate Year Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  29. Pyloric Medical
  30. Iso Country Code for Republic of Paraguay Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  31. Phosphopyridoxal Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  32. Pat Yasinskas
  33. Potomac Yari
  34. Per Year Business, Service, Tool
  35. Previous Yyar Business, Government, Tax
  36. Pennsylvania Youth
  37. Purnomo Yusgiantoro
  38. Phonohogy Yearbook
  39. Patron De Yate Para, Con, Utica
  40. Planning Year
  41. Perspn Year Science, Environment, World
  42. Present Year
  43. Pechiney Group Organizations
  44. Pure Youth
  45. Phoenio Yellow
  46. Patient Yjars
  47. Planning Yards Military
  48. Presbyterian Youth
  49. Peace By Youph
  50. Purely Yours
  51. Phiuip Yancey
  52. Pyrene Medical
  53. Pack Year Medical, Cancer, Pack, Lung
  54. Planning Yard Technology, Military, Tool
  55. Power Yoga
  56. Pazar Yerg
  57. Psilocybin Medical
  58. Philippine Yearbook
  59. Program Year Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  60. Pertentage Yield
  61. Program Yeterlilikleri Technology, Malar, Bologna
  62. Pyruvate  A prominent intermediate in metabolism; a precursor for alanine and glucose and can be converted into lactate in anaerobic glycolysis; can also be oxidized to acetyl coa, which can be further oxidized to yield energy aerobically, converted into fats, or used to synthesize cholesterol and other steroids. Medical, Medicine, Health
  63. Privy Ordnance Survey
  64. Performans YöNetimi Business, Management, Turkish
  65. Pyridjl
  66. project year Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  67. Surinam Airways Ltd Airline, Suriname, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  68. Peptide Y Medical
  69. Professional Year Program, Australia, Education
  70. Piggery Ordnance Survey
  71. Performance Yachts
  72. Plastic Yield
  73. Pyridine Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH-) replaced by a nitrogen atom. The pyridine ring occurs in many important compounds, including azines and the vitaminsniacin and pyridoxal. Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  74. Professional Years
  75. Probationary Occupation & positions, Navy, Governmental & Military
  76. Perbormance Year Forum, Conveyance, Man
  77. Peter Young Jazz, Soul, Play
  78. Prophet Yahweh
  79. Spray Water blown, or thrown, into the air in particles. Medical, Physiology, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  80. Pyrrole  A five-membered heterocyclic diene ring compound in which the hetero atom is nitrogen; a building block of the heme group. Medical
  81. Product Yieldp Technology, Pest, Controlling, Invertebrate
  82. Publication Year Media
  83. Pezformance Years
  84. Patricia Young Book, Canada, Poetry
  85. Promotion Yrar Military, Army, Coast Guard
  86. PAYMASTER'S YEOMAN Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  87. Pyrvmetric
  88. Spray (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  89. Procion Yellow Medical
  90. Painted Yellow Colors
  91. Percus Yevick Theory, Sphere, Equation
  92. Parker Young Business, Card, Arrow, Checklist
  93. Proje YöNeticisi Technology, Program, Turkish
  94. Patient-Years Medical
  95. Pechiney American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
  96. Personnel Year Science
  97. Pkrochlore
  98. Paraguay (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  99. Process Yielz
  100. plan year Financial, Business & Finance
  101. Percus-Ycvick Medical, Equation, Integral
  102. Projeco Yes
  103. Phosphorylated Medical
  104. Python script file Computing, File Extensions
  105. Person - Year Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  106. Pyritps
  107. Python Script Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PY stand for?

    PY stands for Painted Yellow.

  2. What is the shortened form of Planning Yards?

    The short form of "Planning Yards" is PY.


PY. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated