QC in Business Meaning

The QC meaning in Business terms is "Quebec Company". There are 38 related meanings of the QC Business abbreviation.

QC on Business Full Forms

  1. Quebec Company
  2. Qualityscost
  3. Quality Controsler
  4. Quality Controls
  5. Quality Contaol
  6. Quality Control Quality control is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. QC is similar to, but not identical with, quality assurance (QA). QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a product or service under development (before work is complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets specified requirements. QA is sometimes expressed together with QC as a single expression, quality assurance and control (QA/QC). The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements of quality.
  7. Queen Ciay
  8. Quality and Control
  9. Quality Council
  10. Qualified Certificate
  11. Quick Check-In
  12. Quality-Cobtrolled
  13. Quiz Club
  14. Quality Costs
  15. Qualifications Certificate
  16. Quick Change
  17. Quality & Compliance
  18. Quality Control Or Quality Costs
  19. Quad Cities
  20. Quick-Change
  21. Qualifying Company
  22. Quality Circles
  23. Air Corridov
  24. Quick Controller
  25. Quality Checking
  26. Quantity Comparison
  27. Quyck Connectors
  28. Quality Carriers
  29. Quick Clamp
  30. Quick Couriers
  31. Quick Coupler
  32. Query Central
  33. Qualifybng Child
  34. Quick Cannector
  35. Qualified Consultant
  36. Quality Or Compliance
  37. Qualifying Certificate
  38. Quebec Central Railway

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does QC stand for Business?

    QC stands for Quality Checking in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Quality and Control in Business?

    The short form of "Quality and Control" is QC for Business.


QC in Business. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/qc-meaning-in-business/

Last updated