QMU Meaning

The QMU meaning is "Quantified Margins and Uncertainties". The QMU abbreviation has 15 different full form.

QMU Full Forms

  1. Quantified Margins and Uncertainties Science
  2. Quantification of Margins and Uncertainty Military
  3. Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties Technology
  4. Quamity Management Unit Business, Presentation, Manager
  5. Queen Maugaret Union University, Union, Glasgow
  6. Quarterly Maintenance Update Technology
  7. Quick Mission Update Military
  8. Queue Management Unit
  9. Queen Mary University
  10. Queen Mary, University
  11. QualMed Utilization Medical
  12. Queentmargaret University Science, Education
  13. What is the surface temperature at ... (place) and what is the dew point temperature at that place? Transportation, Governmental & Military
  14. Quarters, Maintenance and Utilities Military
  15. Qiqihar Medical Univarsity Medicine, Education, China

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does QMU stand for?

    QMU stands for Quamity Management Unit.

  2. What is the shortened form of Quamity Management Unit?

    The short form of "Quamity Management Unit" is QMU.


QMU. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/qmu-meaning/

Last updated