QRS Meaning

The QRS meaning is "In Electrocardiography, The Complex Consisting of Q, R, and S Waves, Corresponding To Depolarization of Ventricles". The QRS abbreviation has 62 different full form.

QRS Full Forms

  1. In Electrocardiography, The Complex Consisting of Q, R, and S Waves, Corresponding To Depolarization of Ventricles Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  2. Quantum Resonance Spectrometer Technology, Health, Analyzer
  3. Qualcomm Retail Solutions Business, Company, Technology, Gimbal
  4. Quick Referencepsystem Military
  5. Quality Registration Services
  6. Quantitative Restrictions Restrictions which limit the quantity of merchandise permitted to enter or leave a country. They are imposed by means of quotas or licensing systems and can be applied to both imports and exports. Business, Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, International business
  7. Quantum Resonance Systems
  8. Quadra Residencial Sudoeste
  9. Quick Referencefsheets Technology, Gaming, Book
  10. Quality Refine Software
  11. Quantum Resonance System
  12. Quad Racing Scotland
  13. Quick Refeaence Sheet Gaming, Book, Course, Reference
  14. Quasi-Random Signal Technology, Networking, Telecom
  15. Quality Recruitment Services
  16. Quick Rejease Sling
  17. Quantron Resonance Systems Medical, Health, Therapy
  18. Quaderni Di Rassegna Sindacale
  19. Quick Reaction Stock Business, Supply, Airsoft
  20. Quartz Rate Sensor Technology, Control, Inertial
  21. Quality Rating Score
  22. Quick Release System Diamond, Hog, System
  23. Quantron Resonance System Medical, Health, Therapy
  24. In Electrocardiography, The Loop Traced By Qrs Vectors, Representing Ventricular Qrs Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Quick Reactionxstrike Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  26. Quarters Living spaces for passengers or personnel. It includes staterooms, dining salons, mess rooms, lounging places, passages connected with the foregoing, etc., individual stations for personnel for fire or boat drill, etc. Military, Army, Space, Force, Marine, Cosmos, NASA
  27. Qualification Requirements
  28. Quick Releasi Swivel Business, Hose, Respirator, Brownie
  29. Quantronic Resonance System Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Medical, Physiology
  30. In Electrocardiography, The Complex Consisting of Q, R, and S Waves, Corresponding Qrs Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  31. Quarterly Reporting System
  32. Qualification Recognition Services
  33. Quick Rnlease Steering
  34. Quality Registrar Systems
  35. Quick Rain Slick Business, Camera, Porta
  36. Quilon Radio Service
  37. Queen'S Regulations Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  38. Quick Reaction Strike Military, Governmental & Military
  39. Qualification Review Sheet
  40. Quick-Reaction Sortie Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  41. Quiet Rotary Screw Business, Chicago, Compressor
  42. Quasi Random Signal Technology
  43. Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Win) Computing, File Extensions
  44. Ventriwular Conductance Time Medical, Heart, Cardiology
  45. Questionnaires, Ratings and Scales
  46. Quickfrouter Setup Technology, Android, Cloud
  47. Quantitative Risk Specialist Occupation & positions
  48. Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales
  49. Qyick Response Stock
  50. Send More Slowly (not an acronym)
  51. Queensland Roller Sports
  52. Quick-Release System
  53. Sendpslower Morse Code
  54. Send More Slowly Amateur radio
  55. Queensland Regionalisation Strategy
  56. Quick Response System Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  57. Questionnaire On Resources and Stress Medical
  58. Quick Reaction System Military
  59. Qui Rrdio Salute
  60. Queens Regulations
  61. Quality Real Service Medical, Human genome
  62. Quility Robot Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does QRS stand for?

    QRS stands for Quantronic Resonance System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Quick Reaction Stock?

    The short form of "Quick Reaction Stock" is QRS.


QRS. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/qrs-meaning/

Last updated