QSO Meaning

The QSO meaning is "Conversation". The QSO abbreviation has 25 different full form.

QSO Full Forms

  1. Conversation A dialog between a terminal and a message processing program using IMS conversational processing facilities. Also, a dialog between an LU 6.2 program and an IMS application program. A conversation between a terminal and a message processing program is significant status that is kept in RM, if RM is used. Status for a held conversation is not kept in RM. Internet Slang, Slang, Internet, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Legal, Governmental & Military
  2. Queensland Symphony Orchestra Music, Symphony, Orchestra
  3. Quasi Steller Object Science
  4. Queens Service Order Service, Prince, Honour
  5. Quasistellar Objects Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  6. Queen'S Service Order Military, Queen, Honour
  7. Quasi Stellar Objects Technology, Science, Galaxy, Redshift, Quasar
  8. Qualified Sales Opportunity Business, Management, Marketing, Sale
  9. Quasi Stellar Object Sometimes also called quasi–stellar source, this is a star–like object with a large redshift that gives off a strong source of radio waves. They are highly luminous and presumed to be extragalactic. Science, Galaxy, Redshift, Quasar
  10. Qualifications and Standards Office
  11. Quasi-Stellar Objects Science, Galaxy, Redshift, Quasar
  12. Qanun-E-Shahadat Order Technology, Law, Android
  13. Queens Symphony Orchestra Education, City, Concert
  14. Quasi-Stellar Object Sometimes also called quasi-stellar source, this is a star-like object with a large redshift that gives off a strong source of radio waves. They are highly luminous and presumed to be extragalactic. Science, Space, Astronomy, Study, Celestial Object, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  15. Quasi Stellar Object, Quasar Space, Study, Cosmos
  16. Queen'S Service Order of New Zealand
  17. Quasar|Quasi-Stellar Object Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  18. Quincy Symphony Ojchestra
  19. Q-Signal International
  20. Quick Spicy Onn Nutrition, Food, Victual
  21. Queensland Symphony Orchestra Australia, Music
  22. Quick Shut-Off
  23. Quick Spicy One Food
  24. Queuld Service Observing
  25. Can you communicate with .... direct or by relay? Amateur radio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does QSO stand for?

    QSO stands for Quick Spicy Onn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Quasi Stellar Object?

    The short form of "Quasi Stellar Object" is QSO.


QSO. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/qso-meaning/

Last updated