QT Meaning

The QT meaning is "Cardiac Output". The QT abbreviation has 133 different full form.

QT Full Forms

  1. Cardiac Output Cardiac output is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a left or right ventricle in the time interval of one minute. CO may be measured in many ways, for example dm3/min . Medical, Medicine, Health, Heart, Nursing, Healthcare, Cardiology, Blood, Physical Therapy, Cardio, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  2. Culie Texting, Social, Wording
  3. Qualitt Testing
  4. Quality Team Technology, Military, Development
  5. Quart The quart is a unit of volume equal to a quarter of a gallon, two pints, or four cups. Since gallons of various sizes have historically been in use, quarts of various sizes have also existed; see gallon for further discussion. Three of these kinds of quarts remain in current use, all approximately equal to one litre. Its usual abbreviation is qt. Medical, Aviation, Architecture, Nursing, Units Of Measurement, Chemistry, Measurement, Construction, Architectural, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Cooking
  6. Quenched and Tempered Business, Science, Steel, Products
  7. Quarter Turn Business, Manufacturer, Valve, Actuator
  8. Qualifeing Test
  9. Quick Tan Medical, Skin, Tanning, Physiology
  10. Qiryat Tivon
  11. Quantum Touch Medical, Energy, Healing
  12. Quick Trigger
  13. Qmalifying Transaction Business, Company, Capital
  14. Quench Tempered
  15. Qurntization Table Technology, Coding, Compression
  16. Qui Tam
  17. Qhality Teaching Technology, Education, Teacher
  18. Query Tree Technology, Collision, Identification
  19. Quick Take
  20. Qaryah Thayyibah Technology, Indonesia, Orang, Salah
  21. Quantum Topology Technology, Mathematics, Theory
  22. Quick Travel
  23. Qualifying Tournament
  24. Quat Test
  25. Quantityqtime
  26. Quisumbing Torres
  27. Query Transaction
  28. Quick Tackle
  29. Quentik Tarantino Film, Movie, Story
  30. Quantum Theory Theory of how subatomic particles interact Science, Gaming, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  31. Quick Translations Software, Computing
  32. Quaqifying Time
  33. Quaternary Test Business, Paper, Roll, Sanitizer
  34. Quintessential Tarantino
  35. Qualityftarget Technology, Software, Audio
  36. Query Tracker
  37. Quench Tbwer Science
  38. Quantum Techniqves
  39. Quick Tables
  40. Quitting Time
  41. Quivk Tasks Technology, Android, Tool
  42. Quadro TéCnico
  43. Quasi Transverse
  44. Quilted Treasures
  45. Quality Test
  46. Query Tool Technology, Database, Software
  47. Quantumbtechnology Technology, Research, Sensor
  48. Quickvtable
  49. Quittin' Time
  50. Questioned Trade Business, Accounting, Finance
  51. Quicktap Telephone Business, Technology
  52. Quadra-Trac
  53. Quasi-Transverse
  54. Quick Twist Technology, Filter, Water
  55. Qcalitative Test
  56. Query Text
  57. Quantum Technologies Business, Technology, Research
  58. Quickon Terminal
  59. Quit That
  60. Question and Test
  61. Quick Tanning Product, Skin, Tanning
  62. Quaboag Transfer Incorporation Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  63. Quasar Toolkit Technology, Computing, Computer
  64. Quick Turn Business, Machine, Lathe
  65. Qualifying Transactions
  66. Quench Test
  67. Quantam Teaching Science, Learning, Model
  68. Queuing Tife Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  69. Quite Talented Development, Learning, Study
  70. Quality Tecnnology Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  71. Quester Tangent
  72. Quill Tip
  73. Quynh Trang Famous
  74. Quantitative Traits Medical, Science, Biology
  75. Quarantine Tank Medical, Physiology
  76. Quest Tech
  77. video/quicktime Mime types
  78. Quadruple Thermoplastic
  79. Quarry tile A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. New homewalls are usually insulated with 4" of batt insulation with an R value of R-13, and a ceiling insulation of R-30. The Finance and Administrative Services
  80. Queuing Theory The theory involving the use of mathematical models, theorems and algorithms in the analysis of systems in which some service is to be performed under conditions of randomly varying demand, and where waiting lines or queues may form due to lack of control over either the demand for service or the amount of service required, or both. Utilization of the theory extends to process, operation and work studies.
  81. Quiet Technology Transportation, Governmental & Military
  82. Quiet Medical, Internet Slang, Informal, Texting, Physiology, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  83. Quran Terjemah
  84. Quantification Theory
  85. Quick Therapy Medical, Physiology
  86. Question Time Government, Politics, Debate, Parliament
  87. Quacked Totally Funnies
  88. The Estimated Urr From A Hubbert Linearization Energy, Power, Intensity
  89. Apple Quicktime Movie Computing, File Extensions
  90. Queue Total Technology, Server, Connection
  91. Qualification Tournament
  92. Quick Trip Transportation, Governmental & Military
  93. Quench Time
  94. Qur'An Translation
  95. Quam Thu
  96. shunt fraction Medical, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical
  97. Question Thinking Technology, Book, Adams
  98. Quentin Tarantino Famous
  99. Tampa Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  100. Quantitative Tightening Business, Banking, China, Market
  101. Qualification Test A procedure applied to a selected set of Photovoltaic modules involving the application of defined electrical, mechanical, or thermal stress in a prescribed manner and amount. Test results are subject to a list of defined requirements. Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  102. Queue Time Technology, Analytics, Cycle
  103. Quick Template Software, Computing
  104. Quench Temperature
  105. Qvang Tri Locations, Tin, Thu, Nay
  106. Cutie A term of endearment, though better for describing girls than guys. Texting, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  107. Question Test
  108. Quiet Trader Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  109. Qwik Time
  110. Quantitative Technique Management, Education, Exam
  111. Quartz Thermometer Medical, Physiology
  112. Queue Threshold
  113. Quick Time Software, Computing
  114. Quantum-Touch Medical, Energy, Healing
  115. Quality Trades Business, Path, Trading, Exile
  116. Quintullian Terence Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  117. Quotient Theorem
  118. Quốc Thắng
  119. Quantitative Techniques Management, Education, Technique
  120. Quartz Tube Medical, Physiology
  121. Queue Tail
  122. Quick Table Software, Computing, IT Terminology
  123. Quantitative Trait Medical, Science, Biology
  124. Quality Threshold Technology, Analysis, Clustering
  125. Quincy Tallahassee Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  126. Quote Tweet Technology, Marketing, Social
  127. Quy Trinh Technology, Tin, Thu
  128. Quantitative Test
  129. Quantity Time Medical, Physiology
  130. Queue Tag Technology, Coding, Device, Command
  131. QuickTime movie (animation) Computing, File Extensions
  132. Quality Time Internet Slang, Music, Pet
  133. Quintario Talerius Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does QT stand for?

    QT stands for Quality Tecnnology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Query Tool?

    The short form of "Query Tool" is QT.


QT. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 22). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/qt-meaning/

Last updated