QUAD Meaning
The QUAD meaning is "Quadrangle". The QUAD abbreviation has 25 different full form.
QUAD Full Forms
- Quadrangle Rectangular or square figure, or four-sided courtyard. Technology, The Finance and Administrative Services
- One Quadrillion British Thermal Units Energy, Power, Intensity
- Quandrangle Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Canada, Ec, Japan & Us Business, Cargo Shipping
- Quality Unit Amplifier Domestic Product, Audio, Amplifier, Sound
- 1015 Btu Energy, Power, Intensity
- Quadrex Corp. Organizations
- Quadratic Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Quadrature A point in the orbit of a superior planet where it appears at right angles to the Sun as seem from Earth. Relative position of a heavenly body when 90" from another. Position of Moon when she is halfway between conjunction and opposition, thus being quadrate with Sun Technology, Computing, Telecom, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Quadrant A quarter of a circle. The name is also used for various things in this shape, such as a timber moulding, a corner kerbstone, or a historic navigational instrument. Medical, Medicine, Weather, Technology, Aviation, Dental, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Quadrangle Map America, Environment
- Quantitative Usage Analysis of Data
- Quadrangle, Quadrant, Quadrature Science
- Quantitative Uniform Authorship Declaration
- Quinnipiac Universityrsity After Dark
- Quadraplegia Clinical
- Typographic Quadding Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- To Quad Kite Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Quorum Associate Distributor Technology, Telecom
- QUADraphonic Media
- Quinnipiac University After Dark
- 1015 Btu (a quadrillion in the short scale) Electrical
- Quick Uniform Attack On Drugs
- Quadrillion Btus Electrical
- Quality Unit Amplified Domestic
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does QUAD stand for?
QUAD stands for Quality Unit Amplified Domestic.
What is the shortened form of Quantitative Uniform Authorship Declaration?
The short form of "Quantitative Uniform Authorship Declaration" is QUAD.
QUAD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/quad-meaning/
Last updated