Quota Abbreviations and Quota Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Quota terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Quota abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Quota terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Quota Abbreviations
  1. BC : Base De CáLculo
  2. DLW : Diesel Locomotive Sorks
  3. DLW : Diesel Locomotive Work
  4. EMDCS : Emerging Market and Developqng Countries
  5. ERSA : Eastern Railway Spoits Association
  6. SDOS : Sales Development Operating System
  7. TAC : Total Allowable Catches
  8. TACS : Total Allowable Catches
  9. FCP : Fundo De Combate A Pobreza
  10. NCBC : National Commission of Backward Classes
  11. NF : Northeast Frontier
  12. NSS : Northern Storage Suite
  13. PAAS : Patidar Ananmat Andolan Samiti
  14. IVQ : Individual Vessel Quotas
  15. RPA : Regime PerióDico De Apuração
Latest Quota Meanings
  1. Regime PerióDico De Apuração
  2. Individual Vessel Quotas
  3. Patidar Ananmat Andolan Samiti
  4. Northern Storage Suite
  5. Northeast Frontier
  6. National Commission of Backward Classes
  7. Fundo De Combate A Pobreza
  8. Total Allowable Catches
  9. Sales Development Operating System
  10. Eastern Railway Spoits Association
  11. Emerging Market and Developqng Countries
  12. Diesel Locomotive Work
  13. Diesel Locomotive Sorks
  14. Base De CáLculo